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Conner Frankamp is a Shocker

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  • Originally posted by Kung Wu View Post
    While it's true that 80%+ of the schedule for the following year is already laid out, there are always additions and changes being made. Regardless of that ... why aren't we on the schedule for 2016?
    It's fairly simple of course. KU doesn't give a **** about the city of a Wichita or the SCKansas KU alums.
    They've earned the right to play as many home games as they can and only venture to KC to assuage the KC alums because Self is a pu$$y---an underachieving Oklahoma toupee wearing pu$$y. More Greyback than Silverback.
    I hope KU never lands another Wichita area basketball player.

    Additionally, Ellis would have been a better player at WSU under Marshall than he'll ever be under Self.


    • Guess he left. He's probably fact checking all of these claims that KU was beaten by MVC cupcakes and that their title was against a C-USA school because all of this happened before he was 10 and we are supposed to be only using recent facts.


      • Hehe -- KU fans complaining that WSU fans are arrogant. They're jealous of the new flagship!
        ShockerNet is a rat infested cess pool.


        • Is that HC3GM's book Bill Self is holding?

          Here, you can purchase a copy of it here and get it autographed at the end of the season, @WSUkoolaid:.
          Kung Wu say, man who read woman like book, prefer braille!


          • He gone. Ban hammer.


            • Van Vleet's like, "I don't know if we should be doin' this to Bill Self, Coach."
              Baker's like, "Bitches better play us next season."

              Kung Wu say, man who read woman like book, prefer braille!


              • Originally posted by DJ06Shocker View Post
                Guess he left.
                He went to Walmart because UCONN was in the wash. Problem is when he got there it is FULL of WSU gear. It's a sad day to be a Gayhawk.


                • Originally posted by RoyalShock View Post
                  He gone. Ban hammer.
                  Kung Wu say, man who read woman like book, prefer braille!


                  • Can I just say that I think it's asinine anytime a fan of another school calls someone else's fans arrogant? ALL fans are going to be proud of their school. It's like the go-to jab whenever a stalemate is reached. It turns the whole debate into a personal attack when there's not enough meat on the actual bone. "Oh yeah? Well you guys are ARROGANT. So there."

                    Heck yes we are arrogant. Our team is preseason ranked to contend for a national title.


                    • Originally posted by RoyalShock View Post
                      He gone. Ban hammer.
                      Damn you Royal, I was hoping SF would get a body shot or two in before the referee stopped it.


                      • Can an Admin change koolaide's profile pic to this since he is banned?
                        People who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do. -Isaac Asimov

                        Originally posted by C0|dB|00ded
                        Who else posts fake **** all day in order to maintain the acrimony? Wingnuts, that's who.


                        • Do you think KoolAid was a Bluejay fan masquerading as a Jayhawk fan?
                          ShockerNet is a rat infested cess pool.


                          • Originally posted by RoyalShock View Post
                            He gone. Ban hammer.
                            I actually found his presence rather illuminating. He pretty much removed any doubts or questions I had about why Conner Frankamp really wanted to leave KU.


                            • Originally posted by SHOXMVC View Post
                              Damn you Royal, I was hoping SF would get a body shot or two in before the referee stopped it.
                              Where was he when we needed him...


                              • Originally posted by SHOXMVC View Post
                                I don't understand the timing of this move. I can't believe he is willing to throw away a semester of eligibility instead of playing this semester out and see how it goes...and then transfer out if it isn't going well. I got the impression, from some early comments, that he thought he couldn't compete well enough to get playing time. Just odd timing.

                                And to WSUKoolaid...put your Bill Self costume back on and head back out.
                                I bet Bill Self brought up the idea of redshirting and it came as a surprise to CF. The timing is so weird it must have been something like an angry realization of what was happening. If you thought all summer that you were starting and got blindsided by finding out you weren't even playing at all, you might walk.

