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Any news on Orukpe?

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  • I wonder who josh watkins is going to play for next season? He is a pretty good point guard for Howard.


    • 81-77 TRCC is down with 23 seconds left
      1/16/2010 on the "Screw at the Q" HCGM... " Ive never seen a foul parade like that...If you would of let me know it was going to be a foul parade I would of brought a different team" .... "dont talk to me about fouls....Ive got to go back and look at some tape... I have some thoughts but I need to look at the tape and then I will have something very strong to say"


      • radio feed from TRCC
        1/16/2010 on the "Screw at the Q" HCGM... " Ive never seen a foul parade like that...If you would of let me know it was going to be a foul parade I would of brought a different team" .... "dont talk to me about fouls....Ive got to go back and look at some tape... I have some thoughts but I need to look at the tape and then I will have something very strong to say"


        • 82-78 20 seconds left...Henry missed gettting the rebound from a missed free throw....then fouls looks like its over with a couple of made free throws..missed free throw....
          1/16/2010 on the "Screw at the Q" HCGM... " Ive never seen a foul parade like that...If you would of let me know it was going to be a foul parade I would of brought a different team" .... "dont talk to me about fouls....Ive got to go back and look at some tape... I have some thoughts but I need to look at the tape and then I will have something very strong to say"


          • carter gets it and is fouled shooting a 3 ...3 free throws 82-78 13 seconds
            1/16/2010 on the "Screw at the Q" HCGM... " Ive never seen a foul parade like that...If you would of let me know it was going to be a foul parade I would of brought a different team" .... "dont talk to me about fouls....Ive got to go back and look at some tape... I have some thoughts but I need to look at the tape and then I will have something very strong to say"


            • 82-80 14.4 sec
              1/16/2010 on the "Screw at the Q" HCGM... " Ive never seen a foul parade like that...If you would of let me know it was going to be a foul parade I would of brought a different team" .... "dont talk to me about fouls....Ive got to go back and look at some tape... I have some thoughts but I need to look at the tape and then I will have something very strong to say"


              • 83-80 ..trcc with the ball
                1/16/2010 on the "Screw at the Q" HCGM... " Ive never seen a foul parade like that...If you would of let me know it was going to be a foul parade I would of brought a different team" .... "dont talk to me about fouls....Ive got to go back and look at some tape... I have some thoughts but I need to look at the tape and then I will have something very strong to say"


                • carter airballs one...3 seconds left
                  1/16/2010 on the "Screw at the Q" HCGM... " Ive never seen a foul parade like that...If you would of let me know it was going to be a foul parade I would of brought a different team" .... "dont talk to me about fouls....Ive got to go back and look at some tape... I have some thoughts but I need to look at the tape and then I will have something very strong to say"


                  • Just got home from the game. Great game to watch, unfortunate ending. TRCC couldn't seem to stop Howard or get a shot to go in the last five minutes. EO's first half was pretty dang good, except for the fouls. At least two of his five were pretty iffy calls.

                    Saw Marty Gross and Dana Altman in the house. Not together, obviously.


                    • RoyalShock--Can you tell us specifics on both EO and Carter?
                      Shocker basketball will forever be my favorite team in all of sports.


                      • Ok, I'll try.

                        EO looked more comfortable with the ball in his hands, though it wasn't much. Made a very nice pass from the high post for an assist. Rebounded well when he had the opportunity. Was pretty bummed when he fouled out. Two very nice blocks and you could tell that Howard wasn't eager to go inside as much when EO was in.

                        As for Carter, he's a gamer. A nice one-handed runner when he penetrates across the lane. Average defensively but can get after it when he needs to. Serviceable outside shot. Clearly prefers to go to his right. When his number is called he goes to the left side so he can make his move to the right. That's one area he needs to improve on. But he would look real good sharing the PG duties with DWill.

                        Another player that impressed me was Jay Crowder for Howard. That guy can shoot and isn't afraid to mix it up under the basket. Not sure how tall he is, but looked a legit 6'4", maybe 6'5".


                        • Thanks RS. At one time, I really thought we were in the lead for Mr. Carter's services. Now, I am not sure what to think. We will indeed sign a good point guard and there will be plenty of playing time for him.
                          Shocker basketball will forever be my favorite team in all of sports.


                          • Nice column on EO

                            “The rebellion on the populist right against the results of the 2020 election was partly a cynical, knowing effort by political operators and their hype men in the media to steal an election or at least get rich trying. But it was also the tragic consequence of the informational malnourishment so badly afflicting the nation. ... Americans gorge themselves daily on empty informational calories, indulging their sugar fixes of self-affirming half-truths and even outright lies.'

                            ― Chris Stirewalt


                            • Originally posted by Wuzee
                              Orukpe was aware that Marshall was in Hutchinson this week - even if the two never actually spoke.

                              "I don't know if I can talk to (Marshall)," he said. "There are so many (NCAA) rules and I don't know what any of them mean.

                              "When I see him, I walk the other way."
                              Such is life when you are recruiting "at this level".
                              "Don't measure yourself by what you have accomplished, but by what you should accomplish with your ability."
                              -John Wooden


                              • Originally posted by Wuzee

                                What would a redshirt accomplish. He's already had his redshirt year at TRCC. He has three years left to play three. Redshirting would mean he would then have two years to play two. At least get 4-5 fouls a games out of him next season.
                                "I not sure that I've ever been around a more competitive player or young man than Fred VanVleet. I like to win more than 99.9% of the people in this world, but he may top me." -- Gregg Marshall 12/23/13 :peaceful:
                                Remember when Nancy Pelosi said about Obamacare:
                                "We have to pass it, to find out what's in it".

                                A physician called into a radio show and said:
                                "That's the definition of a stool sample."

