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Any news on Orukpe?

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  • Crap ... I went for it. Nice one Aargh.


    • Re: Aargh's comments

      So does this mean that EO's two brothers, who are 6 foot 9 and 6 foot 10, cat quick point guards, with excellent ball handling skills, possessing mastery of Tyrone's patented, ankle snapping, crossover dribble moves, in addition to superb shooting touchs, are not going to be coming to Wichita State as walk ons this next year after all?

      Darn. I was hoping.

      He does have brothers, doesn't he?


      • Here's the deal on Aargh's post on EO. I used to believe every solitary thing Aargh said right here on SN. Now let me say this about that. Yikes!!!!!!! FSF was nibbling(hooking) on that trickery like a large mouth bass. :D
        Shocker basketball will forever be my favorite team in all of sports.


        • Originally posted by Aargh
          Marshall has released Orukpe from his scholarship and told him he's free to pursue opportunities at other schools.

          Marshall said, in a statement..
          Orukpe didn't have the kind of year we were hoping for or needed from him. If he had been enrolled at WSU and been evaluated this spring, it's very doubtful he would come back for next year. This way, it's a lot easier for all concerned. Ehimen can re-open his recruiting and explore other possibilities. We're real deep in the front court and I really need to sign a wing. I wish nothing but the best for Ehimen and am confident he will find a great opportunity and fit at another school.
          I know we were hoping for a better year from Orukpe, but this is just shocking. No pun intended. I'm stunned.
          Who is this Orukpe fellow?


          • Comment

            • So, who knows when classes end at TRCC?
              Infinity Art Glass - Fantastic local artist and Shocker fan
              RIP Guy Always A Shocker
              Carpenter Place - A blessing to many young girls/women
              ICT S.O.S - Great local cause fighting against human trafficking
              Wartick Insurance Agency - Saved me money with more coverage.
              Save Shocker Sports - A rallying cry


              • Semester ends May 21


                • Originally posted by Snapshot9
                  I don't think this is the Big Man's Camp we would like to see EO attending. This one is for grade & high schoolers,...and oh they will also take you if you pay and are college bound.

                  The Pete Newell Big Man Camp is August 1-6, in Hawaii.


                  • This video is what I dream we could turn EO into by the time he graduates. In any event, our coaches should work with him using this and other videos of Bill Russell. Even if they have to use Lanny Van Eman's relationship with the Celtics to obtain old film. This one piece hs at least TWO very instructional tidbits.

                    "I not sure that I've ever been around a more competitive player or young man than Fred VanVleet. I like to win more than 99.9% of the people in this world, but he may top me." -- Gregg Marshall 12/23/13 :peaceful:
                    Remember when Nancy Pelosi said about Obamacare:
                    "We have to pass it, to find out what's in it".

                    A physician called into a radio show and said:
                    "That's the definition of a stool sample."


                    • Maybe I'm slow to connect the dots, but I just realized that it only took about one year for the staff to work with Stutz and take him from "slow to react" (to put it politely), and getting pushed all over the court to the All-Tournament team at Arch Madness.

                      Orukpe brings a different set of challenges for the staff to work with, but if the staff can get the type of progress out of Orukpe that they are getting out of Stutz, then we're likely to be VERY happy with Orukpe's Jr and Sr seasons.

                      So will the NBA scouts requesting tickets to a sold-out CKA.
                      The future's so bright - I gotta wear shades.
                      We like to cut down nets and get sized for championship rings.


                      • Originally posted by im4wsu
                        This video is what I dream we could turn EO into by the time he graduates. In any event, our coaches should work with him using this and other videos of Bill Russell. Even if they have to use Lanny Van Eman's relationship with the Celtics to obtain old film. This one piece hs at least TWO very instructional tidbits.

                        To my untrained eye, as I watched several of the games in which EO played, I saw glimpses of the intimidation that he brought to the opponents. You could tell by watching the opposing players react that they were looking to find EO on the floor. Frequently, by his presence, he was able to force players to adjust their shot or intimidate them to not shoot at all, which was to Three River's advantage.

                        Yes, he is a raw talent, but like Aargh says, with the additional coaching that is available at Wichita State, I think people will be very happy in the near future as EO progresses. There are going to be some growing pains, but... in the long term, the good will outweigh the bad.


                        • I used to love the matchups with Bill Russell and Wilt the Stilt. The Celtics thrived on Bill's defensive prowess'. Bob Pettit said it the best in the clip. " I went around my man twice for a layup and Bill blocked it. Then on my next layup, I missed the shot while looking for him." Yikes!!! Now THAT is way cool.

                          EO is going to eventually be in his element "poetry in motion" in due time, but that will take time. Mr Stutz and EO can assist each other to improve areas that need shored up. I hope the summer brings us some more "Miller Time" which would be help them both to improve. When I observed EO play several times, I knew that our Coaching Staff can teach him to better position himself to be a monster rebounder and a solid shotblocker without fouling too much. He has some serious ups and I also witnessed him rebounding and making good outlet passes.

                          Bill Russell would not try to block shots into the cheap seats. Instead, Bill would block shots in a way that he or his teammates could retrieve the ball. That approach is more effective than allowing the opposing team to play the blocked shot inbounds due to cramming it into la la land.

                          Here is the bottom line. Blocked shots, altered shots, and rebounds=more Shocker possessions=more scoring opportunities which begets more Shocker wins. Thus, EO can develop into a player in due time that can really help us be successful.

                          Reply # 2576-----WOW
                          Shocker basketball will forever be my favorite team in all of sports.


                          • Originally posted by shockall
                            Originally posted by Snapshot9
                            I don't think this is the Big Man's Camp we would like to see EO attending. This one is for grade & high schoolers,...and oh they will also take you if you pay and are college bound.

                            The Pete Newell Big Man Camp is August 1-6, in Hawaii.
                            If the coaching staff would want to send Orukpe to this camp, would WSU pay for it? And Stutz too, BTW. And I mean the Pete Newell Big Man Camp.


                            • Originally posted by Snapshot9
                              Originally posted by shockall
                              Originally posted by Snapshot9
                              I don't think this is the Big Man's Camp we would like to see EO attending. This one is for grade & high schoolers,...and oh they will also take you if you pay and are college bound.

                              The Pete Newell Big Man Camp is August 1-6, in Hawaii.
                              If the coaching staff would want to send Orukpe to this camp, would WSU pay for it? And Stutz too, BTW. And I mean the Pete Newell Big Man Camp.
                              The players have to pay for camps themselves. Even if they borrow money to go, the terms of the loan have to be the same as anyone else in the same age/education circumstance could get, so they can't even get any sweetheart loans that don't have to be repaid until after graduation.

                              The players pretty much have to get their hands on cash, and that's tough to do since they don't work summer jobs.
                              The future's so bright - I gotta wear shades.
                              We like to cut down nets and get sized for championship rings.


                              • BUMP!
                                Let's hope he can hit a D-1 Curve ball!

                                "God gave us the ability to reason, not religion"

