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Any news on Orukpe?

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  • Hmmm...

    So what's the problem, Doc?


    • Re: Hmmm...

      Originally posted by WSUwatcher
      So what's the problem, Doc?
      Do we even want to know?


      • Maybe

        Who knows, Royal? Doc may be just playing one of his cryptic oracle games, or there may be something there. Either way, though, it should be good for at least another page or two.


        • Originally posted by WuDrWu
          Look at me...look at me...oh please bow down to me. Your constant craving of attention is annoying.


          • Yes, he always seems to get your attention, ShockCity.



            • Originally posted by ShockCity
              Originally posted by WuDrWu
              Look at me...look at me...oh please bow down to me. Your constant craving of attention is annoying.
              As is your obsession of posting useless and pitiful attacks on him every time he posts.

              If you have something personal, or thoughts about his post that have nothing to do with the topic at hand, PM him and tell him about it.

              Other wise your "hey hey look at me" approach is no different than what you accuse him of doing.


              Wait a minute......did you guys just get to read what I just read????????


              • So, when does the Three Rivers season start? I'm interested to see how he does.
                Infinity Art Glass - Fantastic local artist and Shocker fan
                RIP Guy Always A Shocker
                Carpenter Place - A blessing to many young girls/women
                ICT S.O.S - Great local cause fighting against human trafficking
                Wartick Insurance Agency - Saved me money with more coverage.
                Save Shocker Sports - A rallying cry


                • Did anybody go to Springfield for the exhibition games today? I understand he is still bothered by tendonitis that has limited his playing time.


                  • Originally posted by shockball
                    Did anybody go to Springfield for the exhibition games today? I understand he is still bothered by tendonitis that has limited his playing time.

                    I saw the second and third games. They reportedly played okay in the first game. They were atrocious the first half against CBC, but came back and smothered them 36-11 in the second half. In the finale against CofO, they were outplayed and outhustled pretty badly. It's the worst effort I've seen from TRCC at this jamboree.

                    As for EO, he is clearly bothered by his knee(s). He gets up and down the floor at a reasonable pace, but it's obvious from his gait that he is hurting. I think his practice has been limited and he looked pretty out of sync at both ends. He had a few blocks, but the smaller opposition didn't seem afraid to take it at him. He tended to leave his feet sometimes when he shouldn't. He didn't commit a lot of fouls doing this, but often left himself in a more submissive position. He had a few nice buckets, but also a handful of clangers. He had some "opportunity" rebounds below head level, but I don't recall him going high to sweep too many at all.....

                    I should really reserve a general judgement because he is hobbled and because it was one of those contagious poor efforts that I know(hope?) is an anomaly. I understand he did have 12 points and 8 boards last weekend against one of these opponents...


                    • He has a lot of rust to shake off, it will take some time!


                      • Thank you for the report Marcus.


                        • I hope he can get himself healthy and give us a little taste of things to come.

                          I also appreciate all the info Marcus sends our way. :good:
                          Infinity Art Glass - Fantastic local artist and Shocker fan
                          RIP Guy Always A Shocker
                          Carpenter Place - A blessing to many young girls/women
                          ICT S.O.S - Great local cause fighting against human trafficking
                          Wartick Insurance Agency - Saved me money with more coverage.
                          Save Shocker Sports - A rallying cry


                          • Originally posted by marcus aurelius
                            Originally posted by shockball
                            Did anybody go to Springfield for the exhibition games today? I understand he is still bothered by tendonitis that has limited his playing time.

                            I saw the second and third games. They reportedly played okay in the first game. They were atrocious the first half against CBC, but came back and smothered them 36-11 in the second half. In the finale against CofO, they were outplayed and outhustled pretty badly. It's the worst effort I've seen from TRCC at this jamboree.

                            As for EO, he is clearly bothered by his knee(s). He gets up and down the floor at a reasonable pace, but it's obvious from his gait that he is hurting. I think his practice has been limited and he looked pretty out of sync at both ends. He had a few blocks, but the smaller opposition didn't seem afraid to take it at him. He tended to leave his feet sometimes when he shouldn't. He didn't commit a lot of fouls doing this, but often left himself in a more submissive position. He had a few nice buckets, but also a handful of clangers. He had some "opportunity" rebounds below head level, but I don't recall him going high to sweep too many at all.....

                            I should really reserve a general judgement because he is hobbled and because it was one of those contagious poor efforts that I know(hope?) is an anomaly. I understand he did have 12 points and 8 boards last weekend against one of these opponents...
                            How did Marquise Carter play?


                            • Originally posted by shocks02

                              How did Marquise Carter play?

                              Marquise was pretty passive the two games I saw. They were exploring their other options at guard, so he wasn't at the forefront of the action the way he usually is. I hear he played a lot better in the early scrimmage, as pretty much the entire team did.

                              I would like to see him play it a little less "cool" though. There was a lot of that going on Saturday and it's pretty disheartening. He's probably the only guy on the team with enough talent to do that and be effective, but as the soph point guard, I'd like to see him show the rest of the boys how to get a little dirt under his nails....


                              • my prediction: EO will not live up to expectations, just like GS! Not because they are not good players, we just overhype them on here! It is fun though!!

