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Conner Frankamp is a Shocker

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  • Mulder's offer was accepted less than a week ago, I think. Definitely after CF started his transfer tour. I am terrible at reading between the lines, but I will give it a go. If Marshall was truly interested in CF, would he have another player (Mulder) verbal (I know there is still some confusion about that)? We would now be 3 over the limit without CF. I wonder on a scale from 1-10 how seriously Marshall is recruiting CF? I know CF and family attended the exhibition and came to the locker room. A PR move on WSU at a minimum. But does that constitute a serious attempt at recruiting him? Has anybody heard from a former friend of a friend's friend's third cousin twice removed that there is any substance besides those on this fine forum? Inquiring minds want to know.


    • Originally posted by SHOXMVC View Post
      ... I wonder on a scale from 1-10 how seriously Marshall is recruiting CF? I know CF and family attended the exhibition and came to the locker room. A PR move on WSU at a minimum....
      I think that visit probably went like this:

      Marshall: "Conner, you're a great player. I love your game and I'd love to see you in a Shocker uniform. I'm confident that if you worked the way we require our players to work that you have the potential to be an All-American. We'd love to have you here".

      "We don't have any scholarships. While we'd love to have you, I'm afraid you'd have to pay your own way through the 2015-'16 season. After that we may have a scholarship, but I can't guarantee that".

      "If you need a scholarship, I'm certain there are any number of schools that would love to have you. If that's what you want, I'd be happy to reommend you as an outstanding addition to their roster."

      "I'm thrilled that you are considering our program and I'm delighted you gave us the opportunity to see a Shocker game and join us in our locker room after the game. That's a real compliment from a player of your caliber."

      "We'd love to have you on our roster, but I can't give you a scholarship. You could get national attention as a walk-on in our program. You would get the minutes you earn and deserve - no more, no less. If you want to be the best walk-on in the nation and playing for a top-10 program, we'd love to have you".
      Last edited by Aargh; November 17, 2014, 12:06 AM.
      The future's so bright - I gotta wear shades.
      We like to cut down nets and get sized for championship rings.


      • I feel that we can trust HCGM to decide if CF is a good fit for the program. :) I didn't see that get said for a while.


        • Maybe so. Maybe not. I have no idea and we're totally in the realm of speculation. It's a lot of fun to discuss on a cold night before leaving for the Memphis game in SD which is going to be frigid cold!
          ShockerNet is a rat infested cess pool.


          • Originally posted by Tyrone Shoelace View Post
            HCGM can coach circles around Bill Self and he would turn CF into a legit all around player.
            Might even teach him an explosive cross-over dribble (which I invented back in the early 70's).
            These are no small points. Neither part... Whether it be the cross over dribble or the part about HCGM and Self.

            Marshall would take CF and make an extremely legitimate player out of him just like he does with everyone who sticks. We don't need to worry about CF being a playa once Coach gets ahold of him.

            You may have invented the cross over dribble, but I think some posters here on SN are masters of cross over drivel :)


            • Originally posted by SHOXMVC View Post
              Mulder's offer was accepted less than a week ago, I think. Definitely after CF started his transfer tour. I am terrible at reading between the lines, but I will give it a go. If Marshall was truly interested in CF, would he have another player (Mulder) verbal (I know there is still some confusion about that)? We would now be 3 over the limit without CF. I wonder on a scale from 1-10 how seriously Marshall is recruiting CF? I know CF and family attended the exhibition and came to the locker room. A PR move on WSU at a minimum. But does that constitute a serious attempt at recruiting him? Has anybody heard from a former friend of a friend's friend's third cousin twice removed that there is any substance besides those on this fine forum? Inquiring minds want to know.
              BTW and FWIW - It was reported that WSU offered the scholarship to Mulder on Oct. 28th which I believe was before the announcement of CF leaving KU.

              @JucoRecruiting: Wichita State has offered Mychal Mulder (6'4/G/2015) of Vincennes.
              ShockerNet is a rat infested cess pool.


              • I've tried to mostly stay out of this but I'm going to make this one post and then leave it alone until Conner decides where he wants to continue his career.

                1. It seems to me likely that this staff is going to park a kid at Sunrise whenever possible/needed. So much so, I'm counting on it. No idea who, but somebody.
                2. There's a chance Baker goes pro. So is it responsible for Gregg to wait until next summer and scramble to fill his spot or sign someone good early?
                3. Someone will decide they want more time. With 13 players, that's almost a given each season.
                4. Quick numbers: 2 graduate, 1 pro, 1 Sunrise, 1 leaves. That's 5 open. We're fine.
                5. When future plans were discussed in the off season, it's possible that Coach Self led Conner to believe he was going to be the guy, or at least a large cog in order to keep him around in case his beloved burger boys didn't make grades, got lost, smoked dope, couldn't pass the NCAA clearinghouse, didn't think Doug Compton paid them enough, committed multiple felonies etc etc. Then when Self hit the lottery and none of that happened, the writing was on the wall. "Oh, everyone's here? Yeah, you're not going to play that much Conner." Certainly a possibility.
                6. Conner may really WANT to play for his home town team, realizing the potential, opportunity and chance to win. He might walk on in that case.

                That's my .02 I think Conner is considering WSU and I think WSU is considering Conner. Personally, I think he'd be a great fit, and I'd love a home town kid deciding to play at WSU, the fact that he went to KU be damned. Win a National Championship here.

                That's all, until he decides and declares. Good luck to you Conner. This fan hopes you choose WSU, and vice versa.


                • I agree with a lot of what has been said regarding CF coming here if that is what coach feels is best. The kid has talent if he was ranked in the top 50 coming out of high school. I do not want a current player or current commit to not be back in order to get Conner though. Marshall knows best and can count to 13 we know. One other thing I will say is that Koch Arena holds 10500+ fans. There are 420 active members on this board. To say that a majority of the fan base is bashing CF is not entirely accurate.
                  Shocker fan since December 28th, 2005!


                  • Originally posted by RussDaBus View Post
                    I agree with a lot of what has been said regarding CF coming here if that is what coach feels is best. The kid has talent if he was ranked in the top 50 coming out of high school. I do not want a current player or current commit to not be back in order to get Conner though. Marshall knows best and can count to 13 we know. One other thing I will say is that Koch Arena holds 10500+ fans. There are 420 active members on this board. To say that a majority of the fan base is bashing CF is not entirely accurate.
                    I agree. I think the vast majority of Shocker fans would be excited to have Conner on the team.
                    ShockerNet is a rat infested cess pool.


                    • Originally posted by kochHead View Post
                      No matter what I would hope that no decision is ever made by a recruit based off of what someone posts on a message board.
                      Me too, kochHead, because the number of posters on here by comparison to the total population of the WSU fanbase is minuscule, and there are drunken idiots in every crowd (some of whom don't need a sip to act that way). If Frankamp came to WSU, he'd no doubt be wildly popular, especially if he lived up to the hopes and expectations of his supporters here.

                      Nevertheless, fanmas is surely right: the Frankamp bashers on here can't possibly be helping the cause, and there's little doubt in my mind that Marshall, to the extent he cares, would prefer that they shut up and disappear rather than continuing their flow. And I have even less doubt that he's a far better coach and judge of talent than any of our glorious posters / critics are. So that's really the plain, simple bottom-line truth: if 3G, for whatever reasons, wants Frankamp here, that's all anyone with a brain and Shocker blood in his veins should need to know.


                      • Having been following this thread from the beginning...I honestly don't read too much "negativity" here regarding the possibility of adding a "transfer". Most of the talk has been about how can Wichita St. add a transfer next year when Wichita St. is over the scholarship limit. Good discussion in my book simply because it involves our Shocker basketball program.

                        Chips will fall where the may....
                        FINAL FOURS:
                        1965, 2013

                        NCAA Tournament:
                        1964, 1965, 1976, 1981, 1985, 1987, 1988, 2006, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2021

                        NIT Champs - 1 (2011)

                        AP Poll History of Wichita St:
                        Number of Times Ranked: 157
                        Number of Times Ranked #1: 1
                        Number of Times Top 5: 32 (Most Recent - 2017)
                        Number of Times Top 10: 73 (Most Recent - 2013, 2014, 2015, 2017)

                        Highest Recent AP Ranking:
                        #3 - Dec. 2017
                        #2 ~ March 2014

                        Highest Recent Coaches Poll Ranking:
                        #2 ~ March 2014
                        Finished 2013 Season #4


                        • Originally posted by Aargh View Post
                          The nearest comparison I can find for a WSU player compared to Frankamp's D1 3 point stats:

                          Frankamp - 15/41 - 31.3%
                          Stutz - 10/33 - 30.3%

                          I'm not anti-Frankamp. I'm anti cutting a player to sign another player who has unimpressive D1 stats.

                          Bill Self has won a NC. Thinking he is stupid is probably not a good foundation for basing an argument.
                          If only the seniors leave, then that means that two players get cut in order to bring in the four freshmen.

                          IF Conner comes here, he's walking on.


                          • I will be interested to hear how his other trips go. I too would like to see the home town kid come here and be successful. There is nothing but good that comes from that.


                            • I think the caution from some of us (me included) is Marshall has never over recruited this much. It is hard not to ask the question, what if RB stays...what if this year nobody leaves due to lack of playing time? I think it was doc that commented about the benefit of having the great relationship with Sunrise and the ability to send a recruit there for a year. This year's class presents 2 opportunities (Shamet and McDuffie). Taylor and Hamilton are already going the prep-school route. As I have said before, I am neutral about CF either way, but the walk-on scenario is basically saying "we have 14 scholly-worthy players." That is still trying to keep too many bodies happy I would think. Oh we'll...stay tuned boys and girls!!!


                              • Frankamp left KU because something opened his eyes. He was having the time of his life at the school of his dreams (or maybe his parents dreams?) while the team from home was tearing it up. He busts his butt, plays well at point, and has a shot at being the man this year. Then maybe he is told that higher touted "NBA-caliber" freshmen will get the nod over him because they have more potential. So he gets frustrated because the grass wasn't greener on the other side, and he starts to realized what he is missing out on back home.

                                Fast forward to the Northwood game- CF goes into the locker room with the guys and everyone accepts him with open arms because to them, he is just another guy. He isn't competition for a starting role, he isn't a threat, and nobody look at another in that way. CF notices that this is more than a team, this is 16 brothers. He realizes that not all locker rooms are spoiled by players that are struggling for the first time in their lives and don't know how to cope. This is what he wants to be a part of. No conflicting ego's, just a drive to win.

                                So when Conner walks on until he earns a scholarship, whenever that is, we can all point to KU and be like

                                People who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do. -Isaac Asimov

                                Originally posted by C0|dB|00ded
                                Who else posts fake **** all day in order to maintain the acrimony? Wingnuts, that's who.

