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Conner Frankamp is a Shocker

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  • Originally posted by Kung Wu View Post
    Because he wants a potential starting role for a team that is going to win a ring.
    I'm telling you. UNI or Missouri State. WAY better choices than CU if you want to win games. UNI is obvious, but SWD2MoSTCC has sleeper potential WITH him on the team. Picked third in the MVC already. Close to home. Tolerably racist...just a little bit. BETTER FOOTBALL PROGRAM THAN KU :) I could go on. He should be somewhat familiar with good old Gavin Thurman.


    • Originally posted by AZ Shocker View Post
      That was indeed "quick". To the point of kind of being a bit pissed off that he is leaving KU for Wichita St. That's how I read it. I mean in the KU fans minds...there is NO WAY a former Top-50 kid who signs with KU would want to transfer to Wichita St. Gawd if he does come to Wichita....the Lawerence folks are gonna be left scratching their heads wondering if hell really did in fact freeze over. LOL
      I kind of hope it's true, just to piss off those KU fans who pretend we don't exist.


      • I truly hope that Conner has given where he wants to transfer to a lot of thought and is not just being pushed into something by his Dad, not that his Dad doesn't have Conner's best interest at heart. But sometimes parents are more focused on what will make them happy than what the young man really wants.

        Does Conner really need to make a decision now on where he will transfer? He has what a couple of months to think about this and investigate all of his options? Maybe he should take as much time as he can to make sure he can satisfy what he really wants in terms of basketball and in terms of education. If that proves to be WSU then go for it. But at this point why hurry? Although even if he said he was walking on at WSU he could always change his mind I suppose.


        • Why all these Creighton mentions? There is a perfectly legitimate D1 program in Omaha that actually has a player with NCAA post-1st weekend experience.


          • The first article sure doesn't make Bill Self sound very smart.
            "Hank Iba decided he wouldn't play my team anymore. He told me that if he tried to get his team ready to play me, it would upset his team the rest of the season." Gene Johnson, WU Basketball coach, 1928-1933.


            • If he has pro aspirations (and you know he does), he has to get stronger. This is the place for that.


              • Originally posted by pinstripers View Post
                If he has pro aspirations (and you know he does), he has to get stronger. This is the place for that.
                David Kyles proved that you can come off the bench for your entire career under Marshall and still have a solid euro professional career.


                • Originally posted by OregonShocker View Post
                  I don't see him coming here for a number of reasons: I don't think Marshall wants ANYTHING resembling a "we take KU hand-me-downs" status; if Marshall recruited him out of HS and got shafted, Marshall doesn't strike me as the type to look kindly on that sorta behavior; he's leaving for a specific reason (lack of PT, I'm assuming) and there's no guarantee he'd be better off here in that regard. Having said all that, if Marshall wanted him, I'd trust his instincts.
                  May be so. If the stories here on ShockerNet were to be believed, that's how Misery State got Gavin Thurman. The story goes; HC3G made Thurman an offer, but Thurman didn't take it because he felt he might be good enough to get a better offer, but by the time he found out that was not the case, it was to late. HC3G was no longer interested, and Thurman had to settle for Misery State. HC3G doesn't play second fiddle to anybody.
                  "Hank Iba decided he wouldn't play my team anymore. He told me that if he tried to get his team ready to play me, it would upset his team the rest of the season." Gene Johnson, WU Basketball coach, 1928-1933.


                  • [QUOTE=CBB_Fan;509461]
                    Originally posted by Rhatigan View Post

                    It isn't just an issue of talent. It's an issue with recruiting. In terms of talent, we have the better backcourt in any way you define the term. But the difference is the way we approach the future. Frankamp is competing at KU against every burger boy that has yet to sign, and a guy in his own class. If he doesn't start this year, he never will. He'll always be behind Mason in the "experienced" PG department, and each year will dump another crop of NBA aspirants onto the bench. He'll jump in front of Mason in terms of experience, and he'll never jump in front of the burger boys in terms of talent.

                    At Wichita State, he wouldn't start year one. Same as KU. In fact he'd probably get more minutes with the Jayhawks. But years 2+ he'll have a chance of starting. We don't have to worry about appeasing the egos of freshmen that just want to make the jump to the next level. We'll bring in talent every year, but we don't feel any pressure to start our freshmen just to let recruits know talent comes before experience. Honestly he'd probably begin his career pretty far down on the list as far as the starting job goes, but the difference is that he at least has the opportunity to earn the role. We've shown we'll start the best player for the spot, regardless of any other factor.

                    I think he is a lot better than people on this board are giving him credit. Again, I think he was KU's best option at the end of last year. But I am highly skeptical that our program's modus operandi would mesh with Frankamp and his father. If he's willing to work, he has a better chance of starting here than KU, but he is good enough that another college with offer a much easier route. Why walk-on at Wichita State for the chance to start if he can go to Creighton and get 15 shots a day from the moment he steps foot in the Library?

                    If he ends up coming here, it will say a lot about his personality and goals and I'd be happy he is on the team. If he doesn't, well it probably is best for both parties.
                    Agree on most points. He probably could start eventually at KU if he had the grit but he doesn't want to wait until his junior Caor even senior year to do so. And not to talk **** on either Connor or his father, but I don't think their egos will let him walk-on anywhere. He wants immediate minutes and he'll go wherever that will be available to him. Can't really blame him.


                    • Originally posted by AZ Shocker View Post
                      That was indeed "quick". To the point of kind of being a bit pissed off that he is leaving KU for Wichita St. That's how I read it. I mean in the KU fans minds...there is NO WAY a former Top-50 kid who signs with KU would want to transfer to Wichita St. Gawd if he does come to Wichita....the Lawerence folks are gonna be left scratching their heads wondering if hell really did in fact freeze over. LOL
                      All of the KU fans I know are saying he's going to WSU.


                      • Originally posted by Rhatigan View Post
                        All of the KU fans I know are saying he's going to WSU.
                        But KU fans are morons by definition.


                        • Originally posted by pinstripers View Post
                          But KU fans are morons by definition.
                          Just goes to show you that it's never too late to submit a candidate for post of the year.


                          • Honestly I just want to have our "We told ya so, Conner" moment that will last for like 1 day, and then watch Marshall make him great and have a whole lot of fun cheering for this team for the next 4 years.
                            Kung Wu say, man who read woman like book, prefer braille!


                            • Originally posted by shockerfan View Post
                              Still say Colorado
                              The Buffs lose Booker this year, and need a shooter. I'd put my money on Colorado. Also, there is a pretty nice Beaker of a coach over there in Boulder, Tad Boyle.
                     - A Wichita State Basketball Blog


                              • I bet the kid's phone has been blowing up since the announcement. He's gonna have so many offers he can just sit back and choose. It just finally occurred to me that he is going to get heavily pursued... Not just by the petrified program in Omaha.

