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Conner Frankamp is a Shocker

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  • Originally posted by MoValley John View Post
    On a similar note, happy Thanksgiving everyone!
    Same to you and everyone else.


    • I've always thought KCshox was and is fabulous.

      You can call me Bill


      • Originally posted by KC Shox View Post
        LMAO! The resident SN curmudgeon rears his ugly face as usual. I hate to break the news to ya fella, but I've been absolutely, positively and most assuredly fine and dandy these past 8 months. Do you honestly think I lost one second of sleep not being able to post a thought or comment on SN? Do you really feel that SN is that important in my life where I'd suffer withdrawal symptoms if I don't get my fix? Despite your simple thinking, I'm not soliciting any sympathy and the thought of doing is absolutely ludicrous and absurd. In my best Cris Carter voice, "cuuuuh'mon man"!

        Listen up hommie, I could go another 8 months without SN, or effective yesterday, resume reading and posting on SN. It doesn't make a damn bit a difference to me.

        On a side note, if anyone on SN needs some intervention and help, it'd be you. I'm not the one who has over 10K posts. I'm not the one who posts comments from all hours of the day. In fact, based on the number of posts and times, who's the one that appears to have an addiction here? I'm beginning to wonder if you have a Mrs. Fever or a family based on the amount of time you spend on here? Based on your SN behavior, you strike me to be 'that guy'. Stop being 'that guy'.

        Happy Thanksgiving....peace!
        Doing my best Miley Cyrus imitation..

        And he can't stopppp, and he won't stopppp...

        Welp, I'm not dumb enough to bet myself a year-long ban on Shockernet. You, unfortunately are and have come back, hoping people will just forget about your cute you little bet against WSU like it was nothing and everything can be hunky-dory. Well, it appears your will power isn't that strong at all, with yet another post (this time a 3-paragrapher) that dishonors your own bet yet again and also undermines your need to post on this site, not less than 24 hours after you told everybody you "promised you would be out for a few months."

        Yep. Totally impractical to be on a computer for an hour a day and manage a normal functioning life.

        I'm kinda wondering how you were able to impregnate somebody to begin with. Did you make some kind of "for sure, antagonistic" bet with this person and lucked out and actually won it?
        Deuces Valley.
        ... No really, deuces.
        "Enjoy the ride."

        - a smart man


        • So.... I wonder if Frankamp liked what HCGM had to show him.
          The Assman


          • I've heard of a woman scorned, but my word.......

            You can call me Bill


            • Originally posted by SHURTZtheHERTZ View Post
              So.... I wonder if Frankamp liked what HCGM had to show him.
              He likes this program.
              Livin the dream


              • Originally posted by wufan View Post
                He likes this program.
                I know. I was just attempting to get the conversation back on track; if only for a few posts! ;)
                The Assman


                • Originally posted by ShockerFever View Post
                  Doing my best Miley Cyrus imitation..

                  And he can't stopppp, and he won't stopppp...

                  Welp, I'm not dumb enough to bet myself a year-long ban on Shockernet. You, unfortunately are and have come back, hoping people will just forget about your cute you little bet against WSU like it was nothing and everything can be hunky-dory. Well, it appears your will power isn't that strong at all, with yet another post (this time a 3-paragrapher) that dishonors your own bet yet again and also undermines your need to post on this site, not less than 24 hours after you told everybody you "promised you would be out for a few months."

                  Yep. Totally impractical to be on a computer for an hour a day and manage a normal functioning life.

                  I'm kinda wondering how you were able to impregnate somebody to begin with. Did you make some kind of "for sure, antagonistic" bet with this person and lucked out and actually won it?
                  My eyes are hurting reading this rubbish. Fev, I'm sure I have made "in the moment" quips out of emotion that could have buried me on this fine forum. To take things so literal is quite narrow minded in my opinion. You're a great Shocker fan and I appreciate that more than you know. Don't cheapen it with such toxic behavior to Shocker fans that love this institution as you do. Save your venom for the real enemies that occasional come to our board.

                  KC...for crying out laud come back and post when and where you feel moved to do so. I don't know where you come up with the takes you do, but you have the freedom to do so. You can be very entertaining, if nothing else. Don't let any one poster shame you into an "in the moment" emotional, not meant to be literal, action. Shame on you. Take it like a man (or woman) in the moment and move forward.

                  Oh, by the way, CF can shoot the rock!!!


                  • Get a room.
                    The truth will set you free. But first, it will piss you off.


                    • niece is a former volleyball player at WSU. It is her feeling, based on many levels of "I heard this" from several student-athletes, that it's as good as done CF will be a Shocker.


                      • Originally posted by rjl View Post
                        Get a room.
                        My bathroom is full of sh!t.


                        • For what it's worth (and I may have said this earlier in this thread, but don't care to look over it again) CF was the best player KU had on the floor in their loss to Stanford right before our UK game.

                          Yeah, he really fits the Creighton mold, but we can use 1 or 2 players like that too.
                          The truth will set you free. But first, it will piss you off.


                          • Originally posted by rjl View Post
                            For what it's worth (and I may have said this earlier in this thread, but don't care to look over it again) CF was the best player KU had on the floor in their loss to Stanford right before our UK game.

                            Yeah, he really fits the Creighton mold, but we can use 1 or 2 players like that too.
                            It was the only time all year he was the best player for KU. He only has to be a team-first oriented player here at WSU. If not, it won't work out for him, or us.


                            • Originally posted by SHOXMVC View Post
                              He only has to be a team-first oriented player here at WSU. If not, it won't work out for him, or us.
                              No ****.
                              The truth will set you free. But first, it will piss you off.


                              • Originally posted by SHOXMVC View Post
                       niece is a former volleyball player at WSU. It is her feeling, based on many levels of "I heard this" from several student-athletes, that it's as good as done CF will be a Shocker.

