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American Athletic Conference

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  • Originally posted by SHOCKvalue View Post
    Pro tip: Saying "corn fed" ain't so much a thing in Kansas, as I alluded to earlier. Kansas is not a corn state. Need to up your troll game with more geographic research.
    Actually there is a helluva lotta corn grown in this state. Lots around Andale


    • Originally posted by Heinro View Post
      I'd bet if you traveled 4,000 to 5,000 miles, you'd probably find some already. Sports popularity does change, has changed and will continue to change. I think it is incredibly naive to believe that football will be king forever. It might take a couple more decades than I hope, but I am certain that it will not be king forever.
      I will say this: when college football dies, college athletics as we know it will be dead. No way will anything ever replace the money/exposure that football least not in my lifetime of hopefully 50 more years.


      • Originally posted by Shocker-maniac View Post
        At first I thought Uncle Mike was a UConn fan that was poking fun at us. However, he appears to have some knowledge of this area so that rules out the UConn fans since they think that Wichita is in South Dakota. Most likely Uncle Mike is a KU fan's attempt to make us look silly to our new conference mates.
        Never, Ill never be a fan of the chicken hawks.Happiest day of my life was when we beat those bastards in 15. Cried my eyes out cause i was so *** **** proud to be a shocker. Hurts me to be accused of not being a fan when all i have done is cheer my heart out for the shockers. You guys really know how to ale someone feel unwelcome

        -Uncle Mike


        • Originally posted by 1972Shocker View Post
          I think it is. He is either Dofo's uncle or he is just having some fun on the old interweb. Is Mulvane on the dry side of the turnpike?
          Uncle Mike may be st the Star Casino!
          SHOCKERS & AWE

          "Go Ahead, Try To Jinx Us" ~ The Monsters Of The Midwest

          "Wichita State fans bring the noise to another level. The roar
          gets into your skull, giving you a mild case of vertigo."


          • Originally posted by WuShock16 View Post
            I will say this: when college football dies, college athletics as we know it will be dead. No way will anything ever replace the money/exposure that football least not in my lifetime of hopefully 50 more years.

            "You Just Want to Slap The #### Outta Some People"


            • Originally posted by WstateU View Post

              My daughter moved to Ann Arbor after she graduated from Wichita State. She had a job lined up but no place to live. She was planning on going to grad school in violin performance at Michigan. So we drove to Ann Arbor to find her a place to live. Found a house about two blocks from the stadium. You generally didn't rent an apartment. You rented a bedroom in big house with shared bathroom, living room, kitchen, etc. I think there were 5 or 6 bedrooms in this two story house. Anyways the lease on this particular location said that the driveway and parking areas had to be cleared of all vehicles by 9:00 am on football game days so they could sell it for parking. Also we were told if you had somewhere to go and didn't want to get stuck at the house all day you better get out by 9:00 in the morning and plan on being gone all day. She decided she would look for something else.

              Michigan Stadium and the South Campus sits about a half mile or so south of downtown Ann Arbor. The Main Campus sits right on the East side of downtown. Needless to say Ann Arbor has a very vibrant downtown. I was never there on a football game day but it must be something. Crisler Center, Michigan's basketball arena, is the oval building with the black roof next to the stadium.

              Michigan also had a North Campus to the Northeast of downtown on the other side of the Huron River. That stadium is pretty breathtaking.

              Always enjoyed my trips to Michigan. Explored a lot of places between Wichita and Ann Arbor and explored a good part of Michigan while my daughter lived there.
              Last edited by 1972Shocker; April 6, 2017, 09:54 PM.


              • Originally posted by RoyalShock View Post
                Someone should break the news to those UConn fans that South Dakota isn't even in the US. It's in southern Canada.
                I've been trying to tell them that Witchita is in Mexico 🙄


                • Originally posted by Uncle Mike View Post
                  NO commie ball should ever be played at wsu. Nobody wants to watch a bunch of girly men running around kicking a ball and crying if they get bumped. How about a real sport like wrestling. Would love to see some boys out there in some tight singlets taking each other down

                  -Uncle Mike
                  Laugh all you want-- I've always thought it was a damn shame that no Kansas schools have a DI wrestling team. The amount of talent coming out of this state is un-freaking-fathomable. This mass exodus to Oklahoma and Iowa could have been / can be avoided by a Kansas school spending- honestly- probably next to nothing, realizing the embarrassment of riches Kansas wrestling has, and forming a program.


                  • Originally posted by pony94 View Post
                    I love the Wichita, SD Chamber of Commerce Twitter feed
                    If you have anything you'd like to tell the Wichita, SD CVB prez let me know. I'll pass it on.


                    • Mark Adams says farewell to WSU/MVC.


                      • Originally posted by wheathead View Post
                        If you have anything you'd like to tell the Wichita, SD CVB prez let me know. I'll pass it on.
                        It's you!

                        Nice work.
                        "It's amazing to watch Ron slide into that open area, Fred will find him and it's straight cash homie."--HCGM


                        • Originally posted by WichitaStateGuy View Post
                          Laugh all you want-- I've always thought it was a damn shame that no Kansas schools have a DI wrestling team. The amount of talent coming out of this state is un-freaking-fathomable. This mass exodus to Oklahoma and Iowa could have been / can be avoided by a Kansas school spending- honestly- probably next to nothing, realizing the embarrassment of riches Kansas wrestling has, and forming a program.
                          I always enjoyed supporting my high school classmates at their wrestling matches. Thought it was very entertaining. If WSU adds a wrestling program with its 9.9 equivalent scholarships you would need to add a women's sport. Most likely women's soccer. Of course, it always comes back to the economics and costs vs perceived benefits. I don't know if any of the AAC members have wrestling programs but the AAC itself does not sponsor wrestling. So my guess is wrestling is unlikely to happen despite it being a good sport and despite their being a good talent pool in the area. It is possible to spread yourself too thin.
                          Last edited by 1972Shocker; April 7, 2017, 01:02 AM.


                          • Due to the impending invite, I would like to invite you to the party in My Pants. Main course is provided, please bring sides of gifs and memes.
                            People who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do. -Isaac Asimov

                            Originally posted by C0|dB|00ded
                            Who else posts fake **** all day in order to maintain the acrimony? Wingnuts, that's who.


                            • Its time to give WU shock and our university logos a little upgrade or touch up


                              • USA College Rugby.

                                We could join the Heart of America Conference:

                                Arkansas Heart of America Men's Division I-AA
                                Benedictine Heart of America Men's NSCRO
                                Emporia State University Heart of America Men's NSCRO
                                Iowa State Heart of America Men's Division I-AA
                                John Brown Heart of America Men's NSCRO
                                John Brown University Heart of America Men's NSCRO
                                Kansas Heart of America Men's Division I-AA
                                Kansas State Heart of America Men's Division I-AA
                                Missouri Heart of America Men's Division I-AA
                                Northwest Missouri State Heart of America Men's NSCRO
                                Oklahoma State Heart of America Men's Division I-AA
                                Truman State Heart of America Men's Division I-AA

                                Benedictine Heart of America Women's Division II
                                Central Missouri State Heart of America Women's Division II
                                Nebraska Heart of America Women's Division II
                                Oklahoma State Heart of America Women's Division II
                                Truman State Heart of America Women's Division II
                                "Hank Iba decided he wouldn't play my team anymore. He told me that if he tried to get his team ready to play me, it would upset his team the rest of the season." Gene Johnson, WU Basketball coach, 1928-1933.

