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Coronavirus 2019-nCoV

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  • Originally posted by WuDrWu View Post
    Anyone see the "promoted" tweets from KDHE stating that "we're seeing mommies and babies DYING from Covid".

    Will they ever learn and accept that fear porn, out and out lying, shaming and dividing is a failed strategy?

    (FYI, happily vaccinated for 6 months after discussing with my doctor and encouraging anyone I know to do the same, ie get with your doctor and do what's best for you).
    We got the bubble-headed-bleach-blond
    Who comes on at five
    She can tell you 'bout the plane crash with a gleam in her eye
    It's interesting when people die
    Give us dirty laundry


    • Originally posted by WuDrWu View Post
      Anyone see the "promoted" tweets from KDHE stating that "we're seeing mommies and babies DYING from Covid".

      Will they ever learn and accept that fear porn, out and out lying, shaming and dividing is a failed strategy?

      (FYI, happily vaccinated for 6 months after discussing with my doctor and encouraging anyone I know to do the same, ie get with your doctor and do what's best for you).
      I've been binging a show through Hulu this week and during the few, brief commercial breaks I get, there's almost always the KDHE ad with the same message. I haven't looked it up, but I'm guessing new born deaths in Kansas because of Covid is nearly nonexistent, if it exists at all. Same with the new mothers.

      In what world does such blatant false and misleading rhetoric become so painfully obvious to the attempted propogandists that they stop with such silliness.

      The government has done more harm in convincing people to get vaccinated that any other person or entity out there, conspiracy theorist or otherwise. When you have people on the fence about getting vaxxed, blatant lying, coercion or threat of force only pushes them further away and emboldens to more whackadoodle types and makes them sound more legit. But as per usual, government gets in governments way, and everyone elses, and wastes millions of taxpayer dollars in the process.

      Had they just been honest and upfront the whole time, I'm pretty certain more people would be vaxxed and there would be much less resistance. But as most of us I believe know, our government sucks.
      Infinity Art Glass - Fantastic local artist and Shocker fan
      RIP Guy Always A Shocker
      Carpenter Place - A blessing to many young girls/women
      ICT S.O.S - Great local cause fighting against human trafficking
      Wartick Insurance Agency - Saved me money with more coverage.
      Save Shocker Sports - A rallying cry


      • Dr. Steven Quay, a Scientist said today that, no doubt that the Wuhan lab produced Covid in their lab. He went on to say that the Wuhan lab is currently working on a form of the virus (he witnessed it in 2019) that is 80% lethal, and that research needs to be stopped. This is an article based partially on that research.


        • This certainly hasn't aged well.

          This you Biden?

          "I'm gonna shut down the virus!"


          • Well Clod,
            There we’re thousands of COVID 19 terrorists at football games today. Thousands of TAMU fans went onto the field afterwards too without masks or social distancing. While all of the protesters (who failed these Fauci approved COVID requirements) failed to care about passing around the disease this year and even though Fauci considers these protests legitimate, he has condemned excited football fans.
            So you need to have your Secret Police (FBI) pick up these football fans too along with the parents who disagree with you in CRT and mask wearing in schools.


            • Where all these surges with all of these super spreader events?
              Deuces Valley.
              ... No really, deuces.
              "Enjoy the ride."

              - a smart man


              • Originally posted by ShockerFever View Post
                Where all these surges with all of these super spreader events?
                You wouldn't be suggesting that the virus is going to virus would you?

                Because that would be very unscientific/Covidiot/anit-Fauci/MuRiCa/rightwingconspiracy/FauxNews of you. And we all know how that ends.

                It is AMAZING to me, that even with the evidence that continues to unfold that this thing was created by China, that there is a continuing all in effort by a very large segment of the populous, and the vast majority of the media, to blame a certain political party for all the bad that has happened.

                And even if you agree with that blame, I might be able to give a pass by arguing that hey, control the controlables and blame ourselves and take responsibility for our own actions before we blame others....EXCEPT THAT'S NEVER WHAT THAT GROUP DOES! They cannot wait to play the blame game. Why not blame China? Why not at least be interested in seeing if China is to blame?

                Seriously, has any member of the Democratic party in DC even SUGGESTED interest in China's role in this thing?

                Has President Biden ever said anything about it? Or does he just say how he's tired of stupid Republicans not getting jabbed and he's had enough of being patient?


                • 'Not Supposed To Happen': US State With Highest Vaxx Rate Sees Record Surge In COVID Cases

                  Vermont’s RINO Governor has been hailed as having “saved” the state from the scourge of COVID by “leading the nation” in high vaccination rates, but now the boondoggle of bunk COVID science is home to roost in the Green ...


                  • Good for the air traffic controllers for fighting this. Total BS.


                    • Just in case anyone forgot about all the bullshit last year. Take from it what you will. Just think for yourself. Think about who has come out smelling like a rose, think about what our society looks like now vs before all this crap and who prefers it like it is now vs then. Think about who was livid at how great the country was doing and who was not so happy about all of it then. And who has more power now and continues to garner more power under the cloak of safety. Think about the people who want to control the flow of informatiom and why that may be.

                      Just think about it.

                      Whatever you think about Alex Jones, he doesn't want anything from you or want to control you. Ok l, maybe he wants you to buy his supplements. :) But you don't have to. If his ideology won the day, you would not be under his control. Compare that to the people who are out to silence him.

                      Anyway. Thought the video was interesting.
                      "When life hands you lemons, make lemonade." Better have some sugar and water too, or else your lemonade will suck!


                      • Whoa. As of two weeks ago, Sweden lifted ALL restrictions completely.
                        Kung Wu say, man who read woman like book, prefer braille!


                        • COVID-19 Hospitalizations Continue to Rise in the North and Decline in the South


                          • Originally posted by pinstripers View Post

                            COVID-19 Hospitalizations Continue to Rise in the North and Decline in the South
                            It’s getting cold. People are moving indoors.
                            Livin the dream


                            • Originally posted by pinstripers View Post

                              COVID-19 Hospitalizations Continue to Rise in the North and Decline in the South
                              Make sure to read beyond the headline

                              The key disclaimer for the article, way at the bottom, is this:
                              " ... (keep) in mind that this list is measuring and ranking the states by the rate of change in the hospitalization rate, not the state’s hospitalization rate. This week Michigan ranks as having the worst or highest increase, but having 20 hospitalizations per 100,000 people is not nearly as bad as Montana having 46 hospitalizations per 100,000 people. Texans can feel good about their state having 26 people in the hospital per 100,000 people this week, but the decline is partially because they had so much room to fall; two weeks ago the Lone Star state had 37 people in the hospital per 100,000 people. ..."

                              To wit: It's easier to post a large decline from historic highs. Also -- whether north or south, states and areas with the highest hospitalization rates are overwhelmingly those with lower vaccination rates.

                              Overall, though, I really feel like we're at the end stages of this. Enough people are vaccinated now that it's becoming manageable. The wife and I, as well as much of my family around the country, had COVID early on and have since been vaccinated, so it appears from the latest studies that we've likely got hybrid immunity that will provide a high level of protection even against future strains of the virus.

                              My feeling is that those getting seriously ill from COVID going forward will be people who chose to take the risk, and I won't shed tears over them, even within my own family. So, hey, best of luck to you -- as long as we make sure the COVID insurance burden is correctly applied only to those who refused to take the extremely reasonable precaution of getting a free vaccination.
                              “The rebellion on the populist right against the results of the 2020 election was partly a cynical, knowing effort by political operators and their hype men in the media to steal an election or at least get rich trying. But it was also the tragic consequence of the informational malnourishment so badly afflicting the nation. ... Americans gorge themselves daily on empty informational calories, indulging their sugar fixes of self-affirming half-truths and even outright lies.'

                              ― Chris Stirewalt

