Originally posted by wufan
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Now I know it wasn't "made" in the lab, it was just "helped along" a little for purposes that could have originally been totally benign. The little Republican in me wants to scream CHINA! CHINA! CHINA! But the analyst says, risk/reward. Why would China risk a DNA trail ending at their lab - especially since we are more advanced than them in these matters.
There's just no way a virus comes equipped with such 'James Bond' weaponry like the ACE2 bugaboo straight from the jungle. I could imagine a CoV2 mutating to become something really sinister over time, but not straight out of the gate. The jump from the animal to the human is so tenuous, the virus is lucky to even be able to reproduce, let alone pull off all this Houdini **** with pre-symptomatic contagious viral blooms. Like the Theist's argument of the hand of God being apparent in nature all around us, I say this virus has a creator until someone can explain to me in small words why all these "evolved" traits were necessary to survive in the ass of a bat.