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Any news on Orukpe?

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  • Originally posted by Shox21
    Originally posted by Maggie
    am old enough to remember the late 70s and early 80s. I was ten years old – give or take but I remember going to games. X is my favorite basketball player (and why I became a Knicks fan) – the best I ever witnessed in a college game. My grandfather (god rest his soul) and father are WSU alumnus – so they go further back than I do. So I know where you are coming from; however, we live in a different basketball environment now.
    I am not saying these kids have that kind of potential – that is a very, very high bar – way too much to expect. You have to be realistic.

    However, this class is, in my humble opinion, the best to hit this campus in many moons
    I don't expect THIS team to do what X and Company did, but the building blocks are there. The better this team is, the better recruits we get the next time out, the better the next team is. One miss in a recruiting class (like MT did in two consecutive ones) and we slide down the ladder and have to start all over again. I trust Marshall is not going to let that happen. We will start to climb, and continue to do so. That's all I want. I don't expect the moon overnight, just in the not so distant future.
    I agree.


    • Originally posted by SubGod22
      I've heard the stories and I do believe we can reach those heights again. As Shox21 said, these are the building blocks, the foundation. I expect recruiting to continue to bring in quality players and that we can and will rise. We CAN be a top 25 team year in and year out. We CAN attract those kinds of recruits. We CAN win here and win big. It WILL take some time though and I think most of us understand that. But there IS reason to be excited.


      • Originally posted by Maggie
        Originally posted by Shox21
        Originally posted by Maggie
        Shox21 – I admit I am struggling to contain my enthusiasm about this class. One of the problems, I think, with people in Wichita is that they expect too much – at certain times. However, I guess most of my optimism stems from my faith in Marshall. I like his style of play and intensity. The other thought driving me is the fact that there are several players in this class that have excellent upside – not just one or two.
        Maggie - I think the reason some of us tend to expect too much is that we know it's out there. We (at least those of a certain age) have lived it, we cherished it, we cheered it, and we remember it. Sub is too young to have experienced those days. You either remember it, or you remember hearing about it from those that do remember it. I remember -- and IT WAS GRAND. I want those days back and when you see kids with the potential of this team, it's hard to contain yourself and not expect too much. But I'm trying.
        I am old enough to remember the late 70s and early 80s. I was ten years old – give or take but I remember going to games. X is my favorite basketball player (and why I became a Knicks fan) – the best I ever witnessed in a college game. My grandfather (god rest his soul) and father are WSU alumnus – so they go further back than I do. So I know where you are coming from; however, we live in a different basketball environment now.
        I am not saying these kids have that kind of potential – that is a very, very high bar – way too much to expect. You have to be realistic.

        However, this class is, in my humble opinion, the best to hit this campus in many moons
        I agree about this recruiting class. Who knows if they will be anywhere near what X and company were, and really--who cares. The main thing is, they should be good and will get better and better over time.

        Go Shox!



        • The teams in the 80's had a cofindence and swagar when they took the court. They expected to win.

          That is what I hope HCGM can instill into this team in the next year or 2. You could sense it when SIU
          came into our building when they were winning conference titles and the class of the Valley.

          X, AC and Goodnews brought attitude to the program. I don't know who can provide it on this team
          but it only takes one player to start the snowball rolling down hill.
          "Political Correctness is a doctrine, fostered by a delusional, illogical minority, and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media,
          which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a turd by the clean end."


          • Attitude and confidence can go a LONG way. That's why you bring in winners. Which we've done. You bring in guys who will challenge eachother. Which we've done.

            In past years we've had a handful of guys who were obvious starters and then everyone else. Maybe a guy or two on the bench could make an argument, but the first team was WAY better then the second team. That doens't appear to be quite the case now. We've had polls on here about who will start at center or the guard spots and nobody can completely agree. And that's because there's a number of talented options which is always a good thing. I think I'm a little too excited right now.
            Infinity Art Glass - Fantastic local artist and Shocker fan
            RIP Guy Always A Shocker
            Carpenter Place - A blessing to many young girls/women
            ICT S.O.S - Great local cause fighting against human trafficking
            Wartick Insurance Agency - Saved me money with more coverage.
            Save Shocker Sports - A rallying cry


            • I suggest dialing it back on EO.

              I have a hunch that posters are expecting way too much of him at this point in his career.


              • The kid is talented and will reach his potential.Let him get comfortable and digest all this.Basketball is not his biggest problem right now.The same goes for GS, he will also live up to the expectations we have,time is his friend ,we want him to be Paul Miller today and that's not fair to him.They both will be totally different players when the summer ends but think 3 yrs from now, they came to WSU to develop so let's sit back and enjoy.They might be hard workers but they have never worked this hard and fast.The same goes for the young guards, they were talking about the soreness so we just have to be patient and trust our coaches,they know what they have they recruited them.


                • Originally posted by Ricky Del Rio
                  I suggest dialing it back on EO.

                  I have a hunch that posters are expecting way too much of him at this point in his career.
                  Exactly Ricky. I agree. HCGM is building a team for the long term, not for a flash in the pan, then gone to the NBA after a year situation (like KSU). All I can say is THANK GOODNESS.

                  I would like to see Shocker Basketball stay on the national map and stay on top for a long time--not just one good year.


                  • Originally posted by Bigshotmaker
                    The kid is talented and will reach his potential.Let him get comfortable and digest all this.Basketball is not his biggest problem right now.The same goes for GS, he will also live up to the expectations we have,time is his friend ,we want him to be Paul Miller today and that's not fair to him.They both will be totally different players when the summer ends but think 3 yrs from now, they came to WSU to develop so let's sit back and enjoy.They might be hard workers but they have never worked this hard and fast.The same goes for the young guards, they were talking about the soreness so we just have to be patient and trust our coaches,they know what they have they recruited them.

                    Over on the 2009 MVC Prediction Poll:

                    Originally posted by Bigshotmaker
                    oh yeah, 1st and win the conf tournament.

                    Seems like your talking out of both sides of your mouth.


                    • Since graduating form Wichita Southeast in 69, I've seen all the ups and downs. I feel great about having GM as the coach and the talent he is now bringing in. After watching basketball as long as I have, I know it takes time for an inexperienced and young team to come together. Patience will be a big virtue for Shocker fans next year as it will probably be a bit of a roller coaster ride.


                      • But it'll be one heck of a roller coaster :D
                        Infinity Art Glass - Fantastic local artist and Shocker fan
                        RIP Guy Always A Shocker
                        Carpenter Place - A blessing to many young girls/women
                        ICT S.O.S - Great local cause fighting against human trafficking
                        Wartick Insurance Agency - Saved me money with more coverage.
                        Save Shocker Sports - A rallying cry


                        • Originally posted by BostonWu
                          Originally posted by Bigshotmaker
                          The kid is talented and will reach his potential.Let him get comfortable and digest all this.Basketball is not his biggest problem right now.The same goes for GS, he will also live up to the expectations we have,time is his friend ,we want him to be Paul Miller today and that's not fair to him.They both will be totally different players when the summer ends but think 3 yrs from now, they came to WSU to develop so let's sit back and enjoy.They might be hard workers but they have never worked this hard and fast.The same goes for the young guards, they were talking about the soreness so we just have to be patient and trust our coaches,they know what they have they recruited them.

                          Over on the 2009 MVC Prediction Poll:

                          Originally posted by Bigshotmaker
                          oh yeah, 1st and win the conf tournament.

                          Seems like your talking out of both sides of your mouth.
                          Wow. Your certainly got him.

                          I bet Bigshotmaker is at his desk right now, pouring over sheets and sheets of statistical analysis so that he may return and provide a better hugely-premature prediction as to how WSU will fare in the Valley this year.

                          Or maybe he'll just keep treating a thread asking people to predict something with little or no evidence as the farce that it is?
                          The truth will set you free. But first, it will piss you off.


                          • Yeah just gotta focuss on what GM is building when the freshmen look like freshmen and players are trying to learn how to play with their new teammates.


                            • Originally posted by Wuzee
                              This guy is a big, big problem for people in the paint.
                              So are you saying the crowd we be chanting "Not in our house" anytime anybody brings it into the paint on EO?


                              • Originally posted by SB Shock
                                Originally posted by Wuzee
                                This guy is a big, big problem for people in the paint.
                                So are you saying the crowd we be chanting "Not in our house" anytime anybody brings it into the paint on EO?
                                "Not in HIS house" :D
                                Infinity Art Glass - Fantastic local artist and Shocker fan
                                RIP Guy Always A Shocker
                                Carpenter Place - A blessing to many young girls/women
                                ICT S.O.S - Great local cause fighting against human trafficking
                                Wartick Insurance Agency - Saved me money with more coverage.
                                Save Shocker Sports - A rallying cry

