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Any news on Orukpe?

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  • Originally posted by RoyalShock
    Originally posted by Awesome Sauce Malone
    Originally posted by RoyalShock

    That didn't take long. I wondered who would be the first to expose it. :whistle:


    • Originally posted by RoyalShock
      Eh-hee'-may Or-roo'-pay

      Or the Irish version:

      Ee-hy'-man Oh-rup'-kee

      Does anyone know the Hawaiian version?
      For some the glass is half full and for others half empty. My glass is out of ice.
      - said no one ever...


      • Hmmm...

        Well, shoxilla, if it weren't for that pesky "r" in Orukpe, it could be the same. But there's no "r" in the Hawaiian alphabet.


        • Originally posted by shoxilla
          Originally posted by RoyalShock
          Eh-hee'-may Or-roo'-pay

          Or the Irish version:

          Ee-hy'-man Oh-rup'-kee

          Does anyone know the Hawaiian version?
          I'll let you know a year from November....


          • The full TRCC Schedule has been posted.

            As predicted, the NEO game is the closest they'll get to Wichita.

            They should be pretty good this year, too, with two double-figure scorers returning -- including leading scorer, guard Marquise Carter -- plus two guys who averaged in the 8-9 pt. range

            “The rebellion on the populist right against the results of the 2020 election was partly a cynical, knowing effort by political operators and their hype men in the media to steal an election or at least get rich trying. But it was also the tragic consequence of the informational malnourishment so badly afflicting the nation. ... Americans gorge themselves daily on empty informational calories, indulging their sugar fixes of self-affirming half-truths and even outright lies.'

            ― Chris Stirewalt


            • Since I'm only a little more than an hours drive away, I was hoping to go to the NEO game. But a 6pm game on a Wednesday?!? It doesn't look good for my chances. :cry:


              • Can't speak highly of the information on the TRCC website. In the picture, there are 15 players suited up, but the roster shows only 13 players and several of them are not showing a number other than "0".

                I wonder who number "42" is and whether he has any interest in WSU? Hmmm...


                • Originally posted by SpanglerFan316
                  Imagine if EO had a 6'9" sister who played volleyball. :D
                  He does have a sister...

                  She's 11 ft tall and like her brother shoots lightning bolts out her arse.. But in addition to that she can leap buildings in a single bound, and bench presses 4500 lbs!


                  • Greetings from a long time Three Rivers fan. Glad to be here!

                    We are excited for the season to begin in Raider country. I'm hearing good things about EO.

                    Yes, 7'3" Bruno Luz is no longer with the team. He reportedly could touch the rim without leaving the floor. He was said to be a project in the truest sense......The other guy in the picture of the 3 players by the pool is 6'9" soph Aloysius Henry. He's got pretty good skills and a nice touch around the basket. He reportedly played VERY well at Jerry Mullen's showcase at ORU in July. He's skilled enough that 3R might at times put him and EO on the floor together.

                    The team picture on the school's webpage is last year's team. Everyone in the back row except #43(6'10" Jeremy Marrs) will be returning, so there will be loads of experience at the 3-5 positions. Marrs was an excellent shot-blocker, so EO has had plenty of defense to test him while at 3R.

                    Experience will be abundant for 3R with 8 sophs on the roster. That's the most I can recall in 30 years of following the team. Also, EO and Marland Johnson both redshirted at 3R last year and Pierre Mitchell redshirted at powerhouse Wallace State, so they should be accustomed to this level of play a little more than an incoming frosh.

                    PG Marquise Carter was Region 16 Player of the Year last year. Josh Terry is a smooth lefty at SF. Marland Johnson is 6'5" 254lbs and was the Illinois HS slam dunk champ his senior year. That said, Pierre Mitchell is supposed to be far and away the best athlete on the team... I can't wait to see what he brings....

                    3R always plays a day of scrimmages at CBC college in Springfield, MO if anyone is interested in roadtripping that far. It's usually held on the Saturday two weeks prior to their opening weekend of play, but this year's schedule looks a little different than usual. I will let you know the exact date when I find out, but it should either be 10-17 or 10-24.

                    As far as the NJCAA punishment thing....... That's a sore subject. There is a "prominent citizen" in Poplar Bluff who has a long-standing personal vendetta against coach Gene Bess. This person has a fair amount of pull in the community and at the college and he has a few henchmen at his command. There has been what amounts to a witch hunt going on for the last several years. The booster club got careless and after being audited (allegedly by 3 different sources), some indiscretions came to the surface. It should no way be a reflection on the integrity of the program.

                    Hopefully I can contribute a little to the board as the season progresses.....

                    EDIT: I see what's going on with the schedule on the website now. That Oct 27 game should be Nov 27, the second day of the Thanksgiving tourney. That leads me to believe that the CBC scrimmages will most likely be on October 24th......


                    • Originally posted by Txlen
                      Can't speak highly of the information on the TRCC website. In the picture, there are 15 players suited up, but the roster shows only 13 players and several of them are not showing a number other than "0".

                      I wonder who number "42" is and whether he has any interest in WSU? Hmmm...

                      Their website has recently received a complete makeover and I don't think they have all the bugs out or all the content added. The guys with #0 listed haven't been assigned uniform numbers yet. In the past, it has been hit or miss as to how timely info is posted on the site, especially regarding signings. However, they've always been VERY good about putting thorough box scores up promptly. With the new website format, I'll be interested to see if this continues......

                      That's last year's team photo. They usually get the new one up around mid- October.


                      • Welcome aboard and I think I can speak for just about everyone here when I say we look forward to any and all information you can provide about 3R and more importantly Ehimen!!!

                        Basketball can't start soon enough
                        Infinity Art Glass - Fantastic local artist and Shocker fan
                        RIP Guy Always A Shocker
                        Carpenter Place - A blessing to many young girls/women
                        ICT S.O.S - Great local cause fighting against human trafficking
                        Wartick Insurance Agency - Saved me money with more coverage.
                        Save Shocker Sports - A rallying cry


                        • Welcome indeed!! Looking forward to your future posts on 3R and EO. Hope you have a great and enjoyable season and that your "sore subject" doesn't have a negative effect on the young men or your coach.

                          :good: :clap:


                          • I hate to be the "negative Nancy." but I really won't rest comfortably till he signs again this November.


                            • ShockTalk and Sub said it for me. Thanks for joining us Marcus Aurelius!

                              PS. I guess you can worry if you want Benishock but the odds are 99-1.
                              In the fast lane


                              • Originally posted by tropicalshox

                                PS. I guess you can worry if you want Benishock but the odds are 99-1.
                                Why so pessimistic Trop?
                                Infinity Art Glass - Fantastic local artist and Shocker fan
                                RIP Guy Always A Shocker
                                Carpenter Place - A blessing to many young girls/women
                                ICT S.O.S - Great local cause fighting against human trafficking
                                Wartick Insurance Agency - Saved me money with more coverage.
                                Save Shocker Sports - A rallying cry

