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Any news on Orukpe?

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  • Originally posted by SHOXMVC View Post
    I actually owe you a sincere apology for misreading your observation. And I agree with you that WSU, as a team, can be wildly successful with EO not being a significant factor on offense. It's just many on this board believe he is all of a sudden going to play over 20 minutes, average a double-doluble and jump right to the NBA. I am just a realist. That isn't going to happen IMO...IMO...IMO.

    In order for EO to play approximately 20 minutes, Hall has to play the 4. I just don't see two front court players with a combined range of 6 feet playing 20 minutes together.
    Hey, we agree!! EO will give us solid minutes, but 20 might be pushing it. I think Hall needed a year to adjust to D-1, and next year he will unleash full Beast mode. We seem rather loaded next year at 3-4, so I do see Carl at the 5 quite a bit. But a with a Beast/EO rotation, I'm not sure there's a rebound we don't get a hand on or an opponent who will have many opportunities in the paint. We have the potential of being a defensive juggernaut.
    "It's amazing to watch Ron slide into that open area, Fred will find him and it's straight cash homie."--HCGM


    • Who has said he'll average a double/double? Most have said that he'll be enough of a threat on the block to demand attention and be a significant factor on D. That there can lead to 20 minutes a game. You seem so obsessed with offensive output and think that's the only way to see lots of minutes. That is untrue. And if we can generate plenty of offense from our defense he becomes even more valuable. And I believe we have enough offensive weapons on this team. Guys capable of scoring 15 plus on multiple occassions include Hall, White, Cotton, Baker, Armstead, Williams and Early. I could actually potentially see either Hawkins or Green doing it as well. Even FVV. But we'll know more about them when they get here.

      Hall needs to trust his jump shot more and work all offseason developing that. He needs to be able to face the basket from 12 to 15 feet out and hit that shot. I've seen him do it plenty in warmups, but only seen him attempt it in games a couple of times.

      Ehimen just needs to continue to work on his hook. It looked fairly solid but he only used it a couple of times. Then again, he didn't get a lot of opportunites to use it. But he did have a nice percentage in limited action.

      Those two can play together. Especially if Hall works on his jump shot.

      Either way, keeping the other team from scoring can be just as good as scoring yourself. And like I said, we have enough offensive weapons to allow a major defensive presence plenty of court time.

      Many doubted that Stutz would be able to consistently play over 20 minutes a game because he'd only averaged something like 12 previously. A big part of that was he was behind other post players. Had Stutz not been here this year, Ehimen sees a lot more minutes and improves that much more. But you don't bench your best post players in order to get another more experience. He doesn't have that type of talent in front of him and will get on the court more and continue to progress. He looked a lot more comfortable this year when he played compared to last year.
      Infinity Art Glass - Fantastic local artist and Shocker fan
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      ICT S.O.S - Great local cause fighting against human trafficking
      Wartick Insurance Agency - Saved me money with more coverage.
      Save Shocker Sports - A rallying cry


      • Originally posted by SubGod22 View Post
        Many doubted that Stutz would be able to consistently play over 20 minutes a game because he'd only averaged something like 12 previously. A big part of that was he was behind other post players. Had Stutz not been here this year, Ehimen sees a lot more minutes and improves that much more. But you don't bench your best post players in order to get another more experience. He doesn't have that type of talent in front of him and will get on the court more and continue to progress. He looked a lot more comfortable this year when he played compared to last year.
        Stutz played 12.5, 16.5, and 14.7 over his first 3 years, so getting to 20 minutes and beyond was not near the stretch EO will need to make given he played 5.2 and 7.8 his last 2 years. Can he do it? Sure, and I hope he does it successfully! Would I bet the farm on it? No way.

        I will assume all the players will continue to improve their game and work on things that will get them more playing time. I replied in another post regarding the shorted bench late in the season that White actually saw more time on the floor over the last 10 games than EO eventhough EO had averaged more mpg up to that point. White is certainly not a shot blocker, but he did have a better scoring average and, just slightly, more rebounds in fewer mpg as a freshman than EO did as a junior. White has an outside shot that could keep Hall low on the blocks and do what he does best. Is it out of reason that White see more time than EO? It will probably come down to how quick each of their learning curves are.


        • Originally posted by SHOXMVC View Post
          As a golfer goes...I am a dime a dozen, which is giving me the benefit of the doubt, trust me. Apparently the dead horse isn't as dead as you would like to believe, as others have given very good analysis based on my comments. As far as the 20-30 pages of this thread are my doing...hey, isn't that you giving an observation? Even you said you haven't counted. Are observations allowed on this board. Probably not, which means we might be breaking a rule, or something. Now go away so I can watch Michael Breed on Golf Channel's golf fix. He says he can take 5 shots off my game.
          I played golf with a guy and he said he could take 8 shots off my game but I would have to not play one of the holes.


          • While I don't think EO is going to be a massive offensive player, I really don't think it's going to take a ton of improvement from him to be able to score in the MVC. End of the day, he's 7', with a better vertical game than Stutz, squaring off against a ton of guys that are 6'8". I don't see it being much of a stretch for him to get a few easy baskets every game and average at least 8 points a game.

            He shot 50% last year, he just didn't get many opportunities to score. 15-20 minutes a game and I think he averages 8 points easily. And of course he's more important on the defensive side anyway.

            Amazing numbers? Nah, but with a year to work on fundamentals and legitimate playing time I say he'll easily be the best backup 5 in the league.
            Originally posted by BleacherReport
            Fred VanVleet on Shockers' 3-Pt Shooting Confidence -- ' Honestly, I just tell these guys to let their nuts hang.'


            • My computer only goes up to 150 pages per thread. Am I in danger? Should I upgrade?

              ISASO, you might have some more business from me.
              "Prediction is very difficult, especially if it is about the future."

              --Niels Bohr


              • Originally posted by pogo View Post
                I played golf with a guy and he said he could take 8 shots off my game but I would have to not play one of the holes.
                How about this advice..."take 3 days off from golf...then quit all together."

                edit: I hope this post doesn't go against my adding 20-30 pages to EO's thread like moshock claims.


                • At the risk of being beaten around my head and shoulders, here is some information, which may be relevant to the discussion about EO's potential.

                  From the Wichita Eagle dated April 6, 2012:

                  "Syracuse center, Fab Melo, was selected as the defensive player of the year for the Big East Conference.

                  Melo averaged 7.8 points and 5.8 rebounds."

                  If this is the threshold for outstanding, then the standard seems achievable for EO.

                  Just sayin'.

                  "Prediction is very difficult, especially if it is about the future."

                  --Niels Bohr


                  • Originally posted by Ricardo del Rio View Post
                    At the risk of being beaten around my head and shoulders, here is some information, which may be relevant to the discussion about EO's potential.

                    From the Wichita Eagle dated April 6, 2012:

                    "Syracuse center, Fab Melo, was selected as the defensive player of the year for the Big East Conference.

                    Melo averaged 7.8 points and 5.8 rebounds."

                    If this is the threshold for outstanding, then the standard seems achievable for EO.

                    Just sayin'.

                    "You Just Want to Slap The #### Outta Some People"


                    • Originally posted by Ricardo del Rio View Post
                      At the risk of being beaten around my head and shoulders, here is some information, which may be relevant to the discussion about EO's potential.

                      From the Wichita Eagle dated April 6, 2012:

                      "Syracuse center, Fab Melo, was selected as the defensive player of the year for the Big East Conference.

                      Melo averaged 7.8 points and 5.8 rebounds."

                      If this is the threshold for outstanding, then the standard seems achievable for EO.

                      Just sayin'.

                      At the risk of being beaten around my head and shoulders for continuing this discussion, are you saying that there is a comparison to what a sophmore did at a generally ranked #1 team in the nation and what EO might do for WSU as a senior? Is this an "at that level" type comparison as there is no comparison between Fab Melo and EO except for their height?

                      I might have bit had you used an EO/Echenique comparison, but then many here, including myself, didn't feel he deserved that award. Also, to get as far as he has, he's also been a starter his whole career.

                      This all said, I do hope EO will be effective and I will be over joyed if he goes 5 points and 6 rebounds.


                      • My point was about achievable stats. That was all.

                        However, I will add to my previous post. I believe most Shocker fans on this fine forum will be satisfied, if E.O. meets or exceeds the stats as mentioned above.

                        Just sayin'.
                        "Prediction is very difficult, especially if it is about the future."

                        --Niels Bohr


                        • Yes, Ricky -- if Orukpe goes for 8 and 6 next year, I'll absolutely be satisfied, because it will mean he's playing enough minutes to have an impact -- and we already know the sort of defensive impact he's capable of having.


                          • Two months with no new post was just wrong. This is our Nigerian Nightmare for crying out loud! A physical speciman who will strike fear into many opposing players this season as he sends their shots flying into the 17th row. Opposing guards will tuck tail and run at the site of him as they pull back out.

                            Great things are coming!
                            Infinity Art Glass - Fantastic local artist and Shocker fan
                            RIP Guy Always A Shocker
                            Carpenter Place - A blessing to many young girls/women
                            ICT S.O.S - Great local cause fighting against human trafficking
                            Wartick Insurance Agency - Saved me money with more coverage.
                            Save Shocker Sports - A rallying cry


                            • If he goes all Troy Mack on us for his senior year ... WATCH OUT!
                              Kung Wu say, man who read woman like book, prefer braille!


                              • Originally posted by Kung Wu View Post
                                If he goes all Troy Mack on us for his senior year ... WATCH OUT!
                                Oh man, wouldn't that be great.

                                I watched all of Troy Mack's senior home games. It really was amazing.
                                "Prediction is very difficult, especially if it is about the future."

                                --Niels Bohr

