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Any news on Orukpe?

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  • Originally posted by T.VuOP
    Originally posted by lemuel777
    No offense taken. I really hesitated in sharing anything about what I learned in the last few days, for obvious reasons as you have stated. But, I really couldn't contain my excitement. And if I'm wrong about it, I will voluntarily turn myself in and be at the mercy of ShockerNet faithful and any appropriate punishment (like having to attend a KU game and wear KU blue).
    Thank you for sharing! :bow:
    Could you tell us what you learned in the last few days? 8)
    He learned he looks good in blue :D
    I have come here to chew bubblegum and kickass ... and I'm all out of bubblegum.


    • Coach Marshall has even stated that the only player who fully understands his system right now is Matt B. Why would we think that a freshman with a language barrier would be that much more effective than players that have had the last few months to gain real game experience.

      Some of you need to learn how to read the "stitches on the fastball". The comments about EO starting came "before" the season and "before" Coach Marshall had a feel for how the post would be handled by Phil, Ramon, JT and Mantas. Heck, he might have just been using it for motivation to light a fire under those guys.
      "Don't measure yourself by what you have accomplished, but by what you should accomplish with your ability."
      -John Wooden


      • Where did you see that Marshall said that only Matt had learned his system. What I read is that he has more than learned it, but I dont believe he ever said that he was the only one.


        • Originally posted by wushock
          Where did you see that Marshall said that only Matt had learned his system. What I read is that he has more than learned it, but I dont believe he ever said that he was the only one.
          On the coach's show yesterday he said that only Matt "fully" understands the system and what he wants.
          "Don't measure yourself by what you have accomplished, but by what you should accomplish with your ability."
          -John Wooden


          • Originally posted by kcshocker11
            Originally posted by T.VuOP
            Originally posted by lemuel777
            No offense taken. I really hesitated in sharing anything about what I learned in the last few days, for obvious reasons as you have stated. But, I really couldn't contain my excitement. And if I'm wrong about it, I will voluntarily turn myself in and be at the mercy of ShockerNet faithful and any appropriate punishment (like having to attend a KU game and wear KU blue).
            Thank you for sharing! :bow:
            Could you tell us what you learned in the last few days? 8)
            He learned he looks good in blue :D
            What I learned is

            1) I do look good in blue, but not KU blue.

            2) Test results in a week (may not be announced)

            3) EO WILL arrive by the end of this year


            • Originally posted by lemuel777
              Originally posted by kcshocker11
              Originally posted by T.VuOP
              Originally posted by lemuel777
              No offense taken. I really hesitated in sharing anything about what I learned in the last few days, for obvious reasons as you have stated. But, I really couldn't contain my excitement. And if I'm wrong about it, I will voluntarily turn myself in and be at the mercy of ShockerNet faithful and any appropriate punishment (like having to attend a KU game and wear KU blue).
              Thank you for sharing! :bow:
              Could you tell us what you learned in the last few days? 8)
              He learned he looks good in blue :D
              What I learned is

              1) I do look good in blue, but not KU blue.

              2) Test results in a week (may not be announced)

              3) EO WILL arrive by the end of this year
              What I know is:

              If you are wrong your choices are section 116 or 117 maximum of 5 rows from the bottom. You must wear a KU warmup suit (pants and jacket) including a hat. :)




              • and Double Dribble will give you a kick in the grapes (and that is very painful)

                PS. I hope you are right :yahoo:


                • Originally posted by C0|dB|00ded
                  If you are wrong your choices are section 116 or 117 maximum of 5 rows from the bottom. You must wear a KU warmup suit (pants and jacket) including a hat. :)
                  Cold: I knew you could be cold but this might be too much. :lol:
                  Some posts are not visible to me. :peaceful:
                  Don't worry too much about it. Just do all you can do and let the rough end drag.


                  • I am sure this was already posted. If so, sorry for wasting your time.......

                    On hold -- Wichita State is still waiting on exit exam results for Nigerian basketball player Ehimen Orukpe, coach Gregg Marshall said Monday. Rumors that Orukpe's arrival is imminent are false, he said.

                    "Nothing to report," Marshall said.

                    Orukpe, a 7-foot center, needs results from his exit exam, administered by the West Africa Examinations Council, that will allow him to leave Nigeria and enroll at WSU. Once the test results are available, work can begin on admission to WSU, student visa and eligibility through the NCAA.

                    WSU had hoped Orukpe would arrive in time to be eligible beginning after final exams on Friday. With his arrival delayed, Marshall wants to get him here in time for second semester classes and, most likely, redshirt him.

                    "If we got him here now, I'm not sure I would play him," Marshall said.
                    Well, um, actually a pretty nice little Saturday, we're going to go to Home Depot. Yeah, buy some wallpaper, maybe get some flooring, stuff like that. Maybe Bed, Bath, and Beyond, I don't know, I don't know if we'll have enough time.


                    • What I do know is this...
                      Give our good friend Lemmy a break.There have been a number of rumors floating around the past couple of weeks. I, as many on here, wondered about the validity. Lemmy is really not that far off and should be cut some slack. EO's paperwork issues are complicated and involved, but nothing the staff (with some help) can't overcome. He will make it here, but just not in time for this season. All in all, it may just work out for the best. Patience is indeed a virtue. 8)
                      Above all, make the right call.


                      • Originally posted by ShockRef
                        What I do know is this...
                        Give our good friend Lemmy a break.There have been a number of rumors floating around the past couple of weeks. I, as many on here, wondered about the validity. Lemmy is really not that far off and should be cut some slack. EO's paperwork issues are complicated and involved, but nothing the staff (with some help) can't overcome. He will make it here, but just not in time for this season. All in all, it may just work out for the best. Patience is indeed a virtue. 8)
                        Patience is indeed a virtue
                        And "Time is of the Essence"

                        None of us are getting any younger around here. Get those "NBA" 7-footers on the floor and get 'em here yesterday. The sooner they develop, the sooner we better utilize them. I am believing less and less of the overall benefit of the red-shirt. Especially when you are in the situation we are in and especially when you aren't at the top of the industry with a starting line-up of all 5-star recruits. When I think back the last ten years I can only remember one instance where the red-shirt might have been good for us and it was probably just luck. That was Paul Miller. I am glad that we have PJ now but I am not sure his red-shirt year translated into any real tangible benefits. Plus he would have been a junior during our Sweet Sixteen with one extra year of real-game experience.

                        Don't get me wrong, I love the idea of having a power-packed starting lineup and two or three "big-time" recruits cooking in the "incubator" for an extra year but how many red-shirts have we had pan out into something special? Many of our most recent red-shirts were just a waste of scholarship. I say get 'em on the floor and get 'em out the door if they don't show promise.

                        Somehow I got off on a tangent...




                        • We may look at Durley's RS year differently in the future. His was also a "couldn't help it" shirt.

                          lemuel was the first source of the "Orupke will be here" rumor. It's possible he was the single source and it leaked to multiple "sources" who may have been influenced by lemuel's "connection" and reports.

                          When challenged with the "wear KU gear" if wrong deal, lemuel stuck to his guns. I think wearing KU gear in the student section is insufficient. I think lemuel needs to do the Rock Chalk chant while impersonating a chicken. Just make chicken sounds. It's hard to type, but sort of puuuck - puuuuck - puuuck - puuuck - puuuck - puck-puuck - with a change of note on the final "puuck". Do it during a time-out or some other time when it's really quiet. And stand up. Alone. With the rest of the students sitting.

                          If that could be pulled off, it might become a tradition.
                          The future's so bright - I gotta wear shades.
                          We like to cut down nets and get sized for championship rings.


                          • Aargh: Just for the sake of argument, if EO arrives, what will all the people who said lemuel should do this or that be willing to do? Dress like a wildcat? BlueJay? Just asking. :D
                            Some posts are not visible to me. :peaceful:
                            Don't worry too much about it. Just do all you can do and let the rough end drag.


                            • Originally posted by SpanglerFan316
                              Aargh: Just for the sake of argument, if EO arrives, what will all the people who said lemuel should do this or that be willing to do? Dress like a wildcat? BlueJay? Just asking. :D
                              We could all stuff power towles in our pants and .... NOT!
                              "I not sure that I've ever been around a more competitive player or young man than Fred VanVleet. I like to win more than 99.9% of the people in this world, but he may top me." -- Gregg Marshall 12/23/13 :peaceful:
                              Remember when Nancy Pelosi said about Obamacare:
                              "We have to pass it, to find out what's in it".

                              A physician called into a radio show and said:
                              "That's the definition of a stool sample."


                              • :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
                                Some posts are not visible to me. :peaceful:
                                Don't worry too much about it. Just do all you can do and let the rough end drag.

