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Conner Frankamp is a Shocker

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  • Conner could be our payback for Greg Dreiling.


    • I don't think I'd worry too much what any fluff-head chickenhawk hanging out on FB thinks.

      I don't hang out much on FB, I think it's a waste of time. I'd rather be here on Shockernet!


      • Originally posted by SHOCKvalue View Post
        The kid who couldn't find playing time on a team that was substandard or a wash to WSU by most available metrics in 2013-2014, is going to somehow have a different outcome here?

        Why do so few understand that Frankcamp might just be the next in that long line of hyped-up HS recruits that go bust at the next level?
        How much playing time did Ron Baker get when he was a true freshman?

        At the end of the year when the season was on the line, after all the time and effort Self put into Wiggins/Embiid/greatest recruiting class in KU history, who did Self draw up a play for to get the shot? Frankamp time after time. And he almost single handedly got them to the next round. The two most important games of the KU season were the two games Frankamp got the most minutes of his entire season, they were also the two games where he scored double digits.

        Of course he might be a bust. So might every single recruit we have signed for next year. The KU fans I know who actually know something about basketball are either very frustrated with how the Frankamp situation went down or downright pissed that he's leaving.


        • Originally posted by Dan View Post
          Conner could be our payback for Greg Dreiling.
          Again, only if KU goes on immediate probation, the kind that hurts, like no postseason for 3 years, no TV etc. I'm sure a little digging into Doug Compton and his financial records might shed some light on how things are run in Lawrence.


          • Originally posted by Dan View Post
            Conner could be our payback for Greg Dreiling.
            Lew Perkins was our payback for Greg Dreiling... ;-)
            Kansas is Flat. The Earth is Not!!


            • Here's a question. Suppose he does actually come here... Wouldn't you be happy?

              Right now, we keep debating whether or not he would because it may or may not be the right "fit" according to us on Shockernet. There are all kinds of ways to look at that.

              The fact that this is actually a possibility is all we need to be thinking about. The fact that this is a possibility is great news! He and HCGM can decide whether or not they like the fit together. I will just sit back and prepare to either celebrate or approve of the place he does choose. There is one school I can't approve of, which is Creighton. If it's WSU or anyone in the MVC, I will want to throw a party.

              If you can't get on board with CF maybe playing here, ask yourself this. In the recruiting forum, if you were reading a thread about a top 50-100 level player committing to WSU, would you not be happy? Let's forget all the drama and think about it objectively.


              • If he ends up here I won't complain. I even think he would be a fan favorite.

                But what has anyone seen out of Conner that they haven't seen in Colt Ryan or DJ Ballentine?
                "Don't measure yourself by what you have accomplished, but by what you should accomplish with your ability."
                -John Wooden


                • Originally posted by ShockerPrez View Post
                  I don't want a failed KU leftover taking any minutes from kids who chose to be here 1st and bought in from day one.

                  If this was 1997, maybe I'd have a different opinion. But it's not. And I want guys like Henderson to be the heir to FVV, not this Johnny come lately with his entitlement.
                  So by this logic, do we want to see Nurger riding the bench because he originally chose Ole Miss, unlike others who chose WSU from the start? Are we upset that Malcolm Armstead got minutes here as someone who originally played elsewhere but believed it was the wrong fit for him?

                  Obviously, I don't want any player that comes with an entitlement complex (whether he signed with WSU straight out of high school or transferred), but I think it is easy overestimate how much we know as outsiders about a players attitude or all the dynamics that went into a decision to leave.

                  The reality is that there can be any number of reasons that a school is not the right fit, and even thinking that more playing time will be available elsewhere may represent a realistic analysis of how a players fits in a particular system, rather than a belief that playing time should come without hard work or would be easy because other schools have less talent.

                  Most importantly, do any of us really think that Gregg Marshall is going to base decisions about who starts and plays on anything but hard work and execution? If Frankamp comes to WSU and gets playing time it would be because he earned it. If just wants to start without earning it, he probably won't come here and if he did he would spend a lot of time on the bench.
                  "Cotton scared me - I left him alone." - B4MSU (Bear Nation poster) in reference to heckling players


                  • Originally posted by Dan View Post
                    Conner could be our payback for Greg Dreiling.
                    He would be the anti-Dreiling.
                    ShockerNet is a rat infested cess pool.


                    • Originally posted by The Mad Hatter View Post
                      So by this logic, do we want to see Nurger riding the bench because he originally chose Ole Miss, unlike others who chose WSU from the start? Are we upset that Malcolm Armstead got minutes here as someone who originally played elsewhere but believed it was the wrong fit for him?
                      Great points. Where are the complaints that we were Nurger's second choice?

                      Bottom line for me: in Gregg Marshall I trust. And not so much all of us yahoos on this board.

                      If HCGM and CF have a mutual desire for CF to play here, then I'm 100% in. I believe that Gregg would work through any issues and clearly line out expectations. And that, my friends, is good enough for me.
                      ShockerNet is a rat infested cess pool.


                      • What are the realistic chances he does end up here?
                        I have come here to chew bubblegum and kickass ... and I'm all out of bubblegum.


                        • Originally posted by The Mad Hatter View Post
                          So by this logic, do we want to see Nurger riding the bench because he originally chose Ole Miss, unlike others who chose WSU from the start? Are we upset that Malcolm Armstead got minutes here as someone who originally played elsewhere but believed it was the wrong fit for him?

                          Obviously, I don't want any player that comes with an entitlement complex (whether he signed with WSU straight out of high school or transferred), but I think it is easy overestimate how much we know as outsiders about a players attitude or all the dynamics that went into a decision to leave.

                          The reality is that there can be any number of reasons that a school is not the right fit, and even thinking that more playing time will be available elsewhere may represent a realistic analysis of how a players fits in a particular system, rather than a belief that playing time should come without hard work or would be easy because other schools have less talent.

                          Most importantly, do any of us really think that Gregg Marshall is going to base decisions about who starts and plays on anything but hard work and execution? If Frankamp comes to WSU and gets playing time it would be because he earned it. If just wants to start without earning it, he probably won't come here and if he did he would spend a lot of time on the bench.
                          Never said anything about any transfers. Just this transfer.

                          Don't want him. Don't think he's coming here anyway. Still too much talent to compete with, and I bet he wants to be the man, and he ain't gonna be the man here.

                          Where were we on his original list again? Granted, Turgeon was HC when he made his decision, but still.

                          If he does come here, I hope he does well. Doesn't mean I have to like him. There have been lots of players at WSU that I didn't like, but I still wanted them to go 20 and 10 every night they played. There is just something about this situation that stinks, and he isn't going to make our program either way.

                          Like I said, if it were 1997, then things would be different, but where we are now…… Why bother?
                          "When life hands you lemons, make lemonade." Better have some sugar and water too, or else your lemonade will suck!


                          • We better be recruiting kids that "want to be the man". We're a top 10 program, everyone walking in the door better think they're the ****.


                            • Originally posted by DJ06Shocker View Post
                              Here's a question. Suppose he does actually come here... Wouldn't you be happy?
                              I'm fairly certain that a massive majority of the people posting negative things in regards to Connor coming to WSU are speaking right now that they don't think he'll come here. I would be very shocked to see people upset if he actually did come here. I know I'm skeptical of the kid, but the moment he enrolls at WSU I'm 100% behind him. Because A) Coach knows best and B) The kid becomes a Shocker and that's good enough for me. Shocker Nation is a family, once a Shocker always a Shocker, and sometimes just like family, people can take the wrong path in life. Who are we to judge a kid who realizes he made the wrong life decision back when he was 16, at least I'm pretty certain he committed to KU at the end of his sophomore year.

                              tl;dr I'm 100% behind Connor if ends up standing on the hill with us.
                     - A Wichita State Basketball Blog


                              • I too am curious how this would work should Conner come to WSU. But I think many are being unfair. Perhaps this just wasn't a good situation for Conner. We are only hearing one side of the story. And that is from Self who I think is a shady guy also. I even know KU students who think he is a royal ass. I get that Conner's dad gets a bad rap, I have heard those rumors also. But I am curious how many of us on here have direct knowledge of Conner. How do we know that his work ethic is so horrible? Or that his ego is so huge? Not everyone is going to be liked by 100% of people.

                                I am sure Marshall is more in tune with the kid than any of us. Let's just sit back and see what happens.

                                I realize this is a message board and opinions are going to be given. But that doesn't mean we shouldn't have an open mind. Just something to think about.
                                "He called me around noon and was thrilled," Brandt said. "He said he was going to be a Shocker forever." -- RIP Guy, you WILL indeed be a Shocker forever!

