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Poll Watch (2013-14 Edition)

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  • It seems as if Wichita kind of attracts insecure media types.


    • Originally posted by ShoxFan45 View Post
      Disagree completely. The point of social media is to engage discussion. Are some fans ridiculous? Yes. Do some Shocker fans make WSU look bad? Yes. But knowledgeable fans arguing their point is perfectly fine, and is kind of the point of interaction between media types and fans, ect on these sites. It is one of the main reasons they are there.

      That being said, DG looks ridiculous. Name calling, ect. from the media member is very low class. You don't see many media types pick this many fights with fans. Interaction is fine, but he is obviously insecure about something. I follow him and he does this all the time. He even does it with other media members he deems to be less credible. Jon Rothstein is a solid CBB analyst and writter, DG blew him up a couple weeks ago for no reason because he disagreed with his use of "glue guy." Said he stole it from Seth Davis. Rothstein just tried to play it nice and complimented Doug back.
      DG is not the one who posted #HATER. I didn't see DG call anyone any names. And he is not the one who picked the fight... Some insecure Shocker fans went fishing for insults and they got them via his sarcastic, terse responses... again... leading with their chins...
      Kansas is Flat. The Earth is Not!!


      • Originally posted by jocoshock View Post
        DG is not the one who posted #HATER. I didn't see DG call anyone any names. And he is not the one who picked the fight... Some insecure Shocker fans went fishing for insults and they got them via his sarcastic, terse responses... again... leading with their chins...
        Saw many bringing up very valid arguments. He bashed Wichita, called a guy dumb, other things too. Many people were being level-headed. Those people are justified in defending their points. Shouldn't be any issue with those people. That being said. Yes the the #hater stuff helps no one. Agreed.
        Goo Shockers


        • Let's look at it this way, twitter Shocker fans have already pissed off Gottlieb and vice versa so I expect some demeaning articles in the future (or he comes crawling back after our repeat Final Four trip.) Might as well get used to it for now.

          There were also references in the old topic about Gottlieb making demeaning comments about WSU previously, maybe there is a pattern and a reason there somewhere.


          • Originally posted by OTR Shockfan View Post
            LOL well ,,, except Rush is documented to be correct something like 97 or 98 % of the time ,, can't say that abour Doug G LOL
            Actually he's right 100% of the time in his own mind.


            • Originally posted by jocoshock View Post
              DG is not the one who posted #HATER. I didn't see DG call anyone any names. And he is not the one who picked the fight... Some insecure Shocker fans went fishing for insults and they got them via his sarcastic, terse responses... again... leading with their chins...
              Do u have twitter? He is calling people dumb, Bagging on the city! How the hell can anyone say Fvv can't dribble drive? That is what pissed me off and I tweeted his ass about it, how is that giving WSU a bad name or embarrassing WSU, the guy is a douche and u would stick up for him? He can't even put his pants on the right way! Lol
              I smell Bluejay puntang and the only good Bluejay puntang is dead Bluejay puntang


              • Originally posted by Smooth007 View Post
                Gottlieb sounds off on Shockers: "Marshall and Co. -- Top 10 ranking or not -- have some issues to address to truly arrive at that level."

                And just when I was thinking we were gonna run out of bulletin board material soon... Thanks all-star point guard from Stoolwater.
                Deuces Valley.
                ... No really, deuces.
                "Enjoy the ride."

                - a smart man


                • Originally posted by Jamar Howard 4 President View Post
                  Are we really so high on the Shockers that someone who wrote an opinion article about how the Shox look like a quality team with the potential to be a top 10 team if things click needs to be bashed? Is believing the Shox are indisputably a top 10 team now the only reasonable opinion? Is this team THAT good? My goodness, you would think he wrote about how WSU will be in the NIT at year's end.

                  Criticize on you knuckleheads.
                  Not shocked at all with this response. It's KC's twin brother. He doesn't show up at all during our Final Four run after he got destroyed in his preseason prognastications last year but can't wait to chime in here to defend Dougie Gottlieb and pipe down our absurd Top 10 ranking.

                  Keep on posting, you egg-covered imbecile.
                  Deuces Valley.
                  ... No really, deuces.
                  "Enjoy the ride."

                  - a smart man


                  • I've seen multiple Kentucky games this year and they look like absolute trash. How come Dougie doesn't go on a debbie downer spree on them?

                    I think we know the answer...

                    It's one thing to go on this tirade after a home loss to Tennessee State. It's another to do it after 2 Top 40 wins away from home in one week while not even playing your best ball. Just embarrassing.
                    Last edited by ShockerFever; December 3, 2013, 12:54 AM.
                    Deuces Valley.
                    ... No really, deuces.
                    "Enjoy the ride."

                    - a smart man


                    • Originally posted by GOSHOX1 View Post
                      Do u have twitter? He is calling people dumb, Bagging on the city! How the hell can anyone say Fvv can't dribble drive? That is what pissed me off and I tweeted his ass about it, how is that giving WSU a bad name or embarrassing WSU, the guy is a douche and u would stick up for him? He can't even put his pants on the right way! Lol
                      Yes I do have Twitter. Read the posts. Shox started it by calling him #HATER... Dont dish it out if you cant take it.

                      There is some serious cognitive disonance on the part of the Shox fans who started this pissing contest. And I am not standing up for him. Simply stating the truth. Stop looking for insults from people you dont respect. Ignore them and let our team do the talking on the floor where it counts.
                      Last edited by jocoshock; December 3, 2013, 01:21 AM.
                      Kansas is Flat. The Earth is Not!!


                      • Maybe the "professional" should learn to let something as mild (and truthful) as #HATER roll off the shoulder a little easier. There damn well could be worse things to be called.
                        Deuces Valley.
                        ... No really, deuces.
                        "Enjoy the ride."

                        - a smart man


                        • Originally posted by ShockerFever View Post
                          Maybe the "professional" should learn to let something as mild (and truthful) as #HATER roll off the shoulder a little easier. There damn well could be worse things to be called.
                          And maybe WE should try being professional instead of childish. We represent WSU just as much as the coach or the players when we go viral.

                          We need to represent like our team does.
                          Kansas is Flat. The Earth is Not!!


                          • Originally posted by jocoshock View Post
                            And maybe WE should try being professional instead of childish. We represent WSU just as much as the coach or the players when we go viral.

                            We need to represent like our team does.
                            Some random fan calling somebody a hater over an article discrediting much of that fan's team is hardly being childish. It's pretty tame actually compared to a lot of other fans out there, which I guess you must not be seeing. Stop trying to be the politically correct goodie-good thinking the entire university and team is represented by some random social media poster. He's not the one getting paid. Dougie is. He can take it. He can handle it. And if he can't, then maybe he needs to look into other career fields. He's already making a case with a terribly written and ill-informed internet article.
                            Deuces Valley.
                            ... No really, deuces.
                            "Enjoy the ride."

                            - a smart man


                            • I'm not a DG fan and just now got around to reading the article. I read it and my reaction was "OK so we have some issues to address." Everything his said could have been taken out of some of the topics on this forum. It doesn't take a genius to see we need some work. I haven't seen any games this year played by anyone that doesn't have issues to address. We are where we are because we have won games by being tougher than the other team. We will not be the same team in a few months that we are today. If we are THEN we will have some serious issues. The team has some great components and they are still in the process of coming together. Have they come together as quickly as they or we want? Not yet, but I think we have shown that we are a team that deserves serious consideration at the level we are now playing.


                              • One thing I find funny about DG's twitter participation is that after he gets into "discussions" (heated, innocuous or otherwise) it appears he deletes all but his "top level" tweets. I don't follow him but I have gone to his profile a few times and noticed that.

