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American Athletic Conference

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    This is an interesting document in that it explains the distribution for basketball. It starts on page 6. It was unexpected that the AAC received the largest share of the basketball distribution to the extent of $29,000,000+. I would speculate that they are getting all of the "new" Big East units as the NBE only received a little over $1.5 million in the last year this report covers. It makes sense however as I believe the AAC would be the recipient of basketball shares from Louisville, Notre Dame, Syracuse and a few others that have jumped ship from the old Big East or from the American. It would include Louisville's share from its championship in 2013 and final four run in 2012. It may also explain why the current members might be reluctant to share a piece of this rather large pie.
    Last edited by Signman; January 11, 2017, 11:39 AM.


    • Originally posted by Signman View Post

      This is an interesting document in that it explains the distribution for basketball. It starts on page 6. It was unexpected that the AAC received the largest share of the basketball distribution to the extent of $29,000,000+. I would speculate that they are getting all of the "new" Big East units as the NBE only received a little over $1.5 million in the last year this report covers.
      That is correct. The New Big East started with zero and the AAC kept all of the shares.
      There are three rules that I live by: never get less than twelve hours sleep; never play cards with a guy who has the same first name as a city; and never get involved with a woman with a tattoo of a dagger on her body. Now you stick to that, and everything else is cream cheese.


      • Rothstein reporting that UConn has had discussions with Big East about becoming a member. I imagine finding a home for football will be a bit of an issue. If this went down, you would think this would certainly help our cause in getting out of the Margin of Victory Conference. A UConnless AAC is slightly less attractive but still much sexier nonetheless.


        • Originally posted by Walker View Post

          Rothstein reporting that UConn has had discussions with Big East about becoming a member. I imagine finding a home for football will be a bit of an issue. If this went down, you would think this would certainly help our cause in getting out of the Margin of Victory Conference. A UConnless AAC is slightly less attractive but still much sexier nonetheless.
          Yeah, but unfortunately a UConn-less AAC leaves an even round-robin of 10 AAC MBB members.


          • UConn going to the Big East opens the door for WSU to also be added. And it makes sense. Two public, basketball-centric universities, one east, one west.


            • Originally posted by RoyalShock View Post
              UConn going to the Big East opens the door for WSU to also be added. And it makes sense. Two public, basketball-centric universities, one east, one west.
              This would be my hope as well. Granted, UCONN is a bigger fish, but would seem to open up the conference to non catholic schools.
              "When life hands you lemons, make lemonade." Better have some sugar and water too, or else your lemonade will suck!


              • Originally posted by RoyalShock View Post
                UConn going to the Big East opens the door for WSU to also be added. And it makes sense. Two public, basketball-centric universities, one east, one west.
                The article specifically mentioned that the Big East wanted to keep the double round robin format and would go to a 20 game schedule to accommodate UConn. Its hard to see doing a 22 game conference schedule if they really want to keep the round robin.
                Its a good landing if you can walk away, its a great landing if the plane can be reused the next day.


                • Originally posted by RoyalShock View Post
                  UConn going to the Big East opens the door for WSU to also be added. And it makes sense. Two public, basketball-centric universities, one east, one west.
                  No, the NBE comments are about how if they ended up at 11 schools, that a 20 game regular season is just fine.

                  I don't think it changes anything with regards to WSU going to the NBE, which was never happening anyway.

                  EDIT: Holy fast responses batman, saying the same thing I just did.


                  • Originally posted by SHOCKvalue View Post
                    Yeah, but unfortunately a UConn-less AAC leaves an even round-robin of 10 AAC MBB members.
                    That's something I hadn't thought about. Would having the round-robin format be more beneficial for their conference rather than adding another quality member?


                    • I smell a lot of BS with this.
                      Deuces Valley.
                      ... No really, deuces.
                      "Enjoy the ride."

                      - a smart man


                      • Rothstein seems like he's pretty credible guy but yeah, he may be brewing stories more so than they are naturally occurring. I admit, whenever there's something put out in the media dealing with out potential conference change, they've got me like a dog chasing the laser light.


                        • Originally posted by WheatShock View Post
                          The article specifically mentioned that the Big East wanted to keep the double round robin format and would go to a 20 game schedule to accommodate UConn. Its hard to see doing a 22 game conference schedule if they really want to keep the round robin.
                          Perhaps I should have read the article. Thanks for adding the context.


                          • Originally posted by Walker View Post
                            Rothstein seems like he's pretty credible guy but yeah, he may be brewing stories more so than they are naturally occurring. I admit, whenever there's something put out in the media dealing with out potential conference change, they've got me like a dog chasing the laser light.
                            That's exactly what it's like because it's intangible. There's no pay off! It just keeps darting away and you can't figure out if it's real or not!
                            I just want to stand on land...

                            If I had a gun with two bullets and was in a room with Hitler, Bin Laden, and a Creighton fan, I think I'd shoot the Creighton fan twice.


                            • I doubt the seriousness of the talks unless UConn really considering basically letting their football die. If pride wouldn't get in the way, potentially the AAC could let UConn have all their non-football sports leave for the Big East, keep football in the AAC and then the AAC could add Wichita State to replace the non-football sports. Similar almost to the Navy situation. I highly doubt the AAC would just bend over to UConn like that, but one can dream.

                              As for a 20 game round robin, I wonder if that would be beneficial to a conference or not? Less OOC games they would need to schedule, but those conferences actually want a couple of games against some weaker competition. Also, with a 20 game conference schedule every team would be accepting the loss of 1 extra home game a year I would think.


                              • As much as I wish we could get out of the MVC, unfortunately the cards just don't appear to be in our favor.

