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Russia-Ukraine War

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  • I bet the Biden administration deploys crisis actors before we attack Russia.
    Livin the dream


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      • I don't know what to say about Tucker Carlson. Obviously we are not going to war with Russia so why scare the daylights out of his viewers. His only stance that I can agree with regards Europe's lack of military preparedness and lack of engagement with this crisis. Carlson seems to be making Vladimir Putin's case to the American people, not as a devil's advocate, but more as a supporter. Mitt Romney was entirely correct in 2012 when he stated that Putin was a dangerous threat to the West. At the time he was derided by Obama, Kerrey, Hillary, and Biden...two years later Putin took out the Crimea and started a war in eastern Ukraine that has killed an estimated 14 to 15 thousand people. You also have to question whether or not Ukrainian neutrality would really satisfy a dictator like Putin who is on a mission to restore much of the old Soviet Union in Europe..


        • CBS is reporting that Russia has starting moving u it’s from assembly areas to their attack positions.


          • The date of the attack has been announced as this Wednesday.

            This is the weirdest thing. I think this has to be Putin leaking all this intelligence information so he can maximize the pressure on the NATO and Ukraine to give into demands. I just can’t believe Russia would invade.


            • I asked a Ukrainian immigrant friend of mine (who happens to have a hot Russian wife), what Putin was up to and this was his reply: "I have no idea, I haven't been following it."

              It's likely just a bunch of talk. Or maybe a diversion. Putin borrowing from Trump's bag of tricks?


              • This seems like a pretty damn big deal. I get an uneasy sense this could be a slippery slope into something really bad.

                Maybe I'm just being paranoid.


                • Originally posted by SB Shock View Post
                  The date of the attack has been announced as this Wednesday.

                  This is the weirdest thing. I think this has to be Putin leaking all this intelligence information so he can maximize the pressure on the NATO and Ukraine to give into demands. I just can’t believe Russia would invade.
                  Is Ted Stryker leading the charge?
                  "When life hands you lemons, make lemonade." Better have some sugar and water too, or else your lemonade will suck!


                  • Originally posted by Maizerunner08 View Post
                    This seems like a pretty damn big deal. I get an uneasy sense this could be a slippery slope into something really bad.

                    Maybe I'm just being paranoid.
                    There’s not a lot the US can do militarily to stop it without going all out. Why risk WWIII? Similar to Russia not preventing Gulf War 1, 2, Afghanistan, etc…

                    I do worry about a miscalculation re NATO members, but Ukraine won’t be the trigger for US military involvement imo.

                    Same with China/Taiwan errr Republic of China. Are we really going to go to war over Taiwan?


                    • Originally posted by Maizerunner08 View Post
                      This seems like a pretty damn big deal. I get an uneasy sense this could be a slippery slope into something really bad.

                      Maybe I'm just being paranoid.
                      Merging your thread into this existing one.
                      Kung Wu say, man who read woman like book, prefer braille!


                      • Originally posted by Kung Wu View Post

                        Merging your thread into this existing one.
                        My bad, not sure how I missed the other thread. Thanks, Kung Wu.


                        • Originally posted by Maizerunner08 View Post
                          This seems like a pretty damn big deal. I get an uneasy sense this could be a slippery slope into something really bad.

                          Maybe I'm just being paranoid.
                          The risk is unintended consequences. Somebody shooting NATO aircraft down that are flying close to a border, or aircraft straying beyond the appropriate border and getting shot down, or Russia launches a cyber attack that is more effective than they thought possible…


                          • the intended consequences ain't too good neither


                            • I just feel like a successful attack on Ukraine is setting a dangerous precedent and it may embolden them to do more.


                              • Originally posted by ShockerPrez View Post

                                Is Ted Stryker leading the charge?
                                Over Macho Grande?

