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Any news on Orukpe?

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  • Originally posted by SubGod22
    Originally posted by pinstripers
    Why do you think it's positive news?
    It's just how I read it and from what I know of Doc
    Sub, I sure hope you're correct... if bad news, I would have expected one of these.

    :cry: :-x :banghead: :( :rant:
    "You Just Want to Slap The #### Outta Some People"


    • That's like a doctor telling a patient, "I have some good news and bad news for you."

      Dr.: "The good news is you're going to live a while longer."

      Patient: "Well, Doc, that is good to hear. What is the bad news?"

      Dr.: "The bad news is, the undertaker will be here in a couple of hours."


      • Originally posted by SubGod22
        Originally posted by pinstripers
        Why do you think it's positive news?
        It's just how I read it and from what I know of Doc
        Sub, I hope you are right because more BAD news right now might just push me over the edge (i.e., war, earthquakes, polar melting, worldwide economic crisis, NC winning the NC, Michelle O. getting too familiar with QE, the price of gas on the rising). I JUST CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE. COME ON DOC, SPILL.


        • Originally posted by WstateU
          Originally posted by SubGod22
          Originally posted by pinstripers
          Why do you think it's positive news?
          It's just how I read it and from what I know of Doc
          Sub, I sure hope you're correct... if bad news, I would have expected one of these.

          :cry: :-x :banghead: :( :rant:
          That plays a part too.
          Infinity Art Glass - Fantastic local artist and Shocker fan
          RIP Guy Always A Shocker
          Carpenter Place - A blessing to many young girls/women
          ICT S.O.S - Great local cause fighting against human trafficking
          Wartick Insurance Agency - Saved me money with more coverage.
          Save Shocker Sports - A rallying cry


          • Time out

            Just don't hold your breath, guys. Doc is a notorious tease, but it's not uncommon for nothing substantive to come of his teasers.

            Let's hope that this one is real and is positive -- meanwhile, however, I for one am certainly not holding my breath.


            • Somebody's not buckin' for a promotion.....

              Probably that pedderass Hanrahan, I don't know.....

              A)I specifically stated that it is not that EO is showing up this fall.

              2)The board has been slow lately and I have been preoccupied...I felt the need for a little bit of a proding but I hope everyone understands that I prod always in good spirits and mostly always with substantive information.

              d)There is reason for excitement and reason for concern. Take it for what you wish, it's up to you. If you think I am trying to sell tickets, fine. If you think I am lying or fos, fine. If you think I am trying to keep the fan base excited and interested you are supremely correct, but that's what I always do.

              :wsu_posters: :goshocks: :posterwu: :posterwsu:


              • Originally posted by WuDrWu
                Somebody's not buckin' for a promotion.....

                Probably that pedderass Hanrahan, I don't know.....

                A)I specifically stated that it is not that EO is showing up this fall.

                2)The board has been slow lately and I have been preoccupied...I felt the need for a little bit of a proding but I hope everyone understands that I prod always in good spirits and mostly always with substantive information.

                d)There is reason for excitement and reason for concern. Take it for what you wish, it's up to you. If you think I am trying to sell tickets, fine. If you think I am lying or fos, fine. If you think I am trying to keep the fan base excited and interested you are supremely correct, but that's what I always do.

                :wsu_posters: :goshocks: :posterwu: :posterwsu:
                you can't be lying or havn't said anything to speak of


                • Originally posted by WuDrWu
                  Somebody's not buckin' for a promotion.....

                  Probably that pedderass Hanrahan, I don't know.....

                  A)I specifically stated that it is not that EO is showing up this fall.

                  2)The board has been slow lately and I have been preoccupied...I felt the need for a little bit of a proding but I hope everyone understands that I prod always in good spirits and mostly always with substantive information.

                  d)There is reason for excitement and reason for concern. Take it for what you wish, it's up to you. If you think I am trying to sell tickets, fine. If you think I am lying or fos, fine. If you think I am trying to keep the fan base excited and interested you are supremely correct, but that's what I always do.

                  :wsu_posters: :goshocks: :posterwu: :posterwsu:
                  Doc, I sure hope you're not fos.

                  "You Just Want to Slap The #### Outta Some People"


                  • Excitement/Concern

                    He's picked up an offer from a very major school or two.
                    The truth will set you free. But first, it will piss you off.


                    • Doc

                      So, anyway, Doc -- Hanrahan?

                      I don't doubt your faithfulness to the Shocks in the least. I just believe posts such as yours are far more likely to stimulate rumor and speculation -- see rjl, for example -- than to alleviate them. And I'm not a big fan of rumor and speculation, nor do they strike me as terribly useful or constructive ways to fight boredom.

                      If you disagree, that's your privilege. Nothing personal, just a different worldview.


                      • Re: Doc

                        Originally posted by WSUwatcher
                        So, anyway, Doc -- Hanrahan?

                        I don't doubt your faithfulness to the Shocks in the least. I just believe posts such as yours are far more likely to stimulate rumor and speculation -- see rjl, for example -- than to alleviate them. And I'm not a big fan of rumor and speculation, nor do they strike me as terribly useful or constructive ways to fight boredom.

                        If you disagree, that's your privilege. Nothing personal, just a different worldview.
                        I recommend you remove yourself from a discussion board if it's speculation and discussion you cannot handle.
                        The truth will set you free. But first, it will piss you off.


                        • my guess - EO's friend at Sunrise is coming to WSU...


                          • Silly

                            RJ, you seem to miss the difference between rumor and discussion, although I'm not surprised. I can handle them both, just find them silly and not especially worthwhile. There's far more useful stuff to be had here.

                            Fever, watch out. You saw what happened to your soulmate Cold. So are you now taking on the role of yapping puppy?

                            Ah, for an Ignore button...


                            • Re: Silly

                              Originally posted by WSUwatcher
                              RJ, you seem to miss the difference between rumor and discussion, although I'm not surprised. I can handle them both, just find them silly and not especially worthwhile. There's far more useful stuff to be had here.

                              Fever, watch out. You saw what happened to your soulmate Cold. So are you now taking on the role of yapping puppy?

                              Ah, for an Ignore button...
                              lol.. I forgot posting a youtube video puts people on thin ice.. :lol:

                              Nothing has been rumored. That's the funny thing. Doc never posted a rumor. Now other people are speculating on what he posted which is slightly rumorish, but expected.

                              If you aren't all about rumors, then maybe this now 70-page thread shouldn't be clicked on by you. No one's forcing you to look into it. Wait for anything 'definite' to be appear at or and stop wasting your time here then.

                              I find it very hypocritical that you've posted your fair share of times in a 70-page thread that's encased with 'rumor and speculation'.
                              Deuces Valley.
                              ... No really, deuces.
                              "Enjoy the ride."

                              - a smart man


                              • Re: Silly

                                Originally posted by WSUwatcher
                                RJ, you seem to miss the difference between rumor and discussion, although I'm not surprised. I can handle them both, just find them silly and not especially worthwhile. There's far more useful stuff to be had here.
                                Somehow, I'm "not surprised" that you still don't get what a discussion forum is for.

                                Besides. What makes you think I was just guessing?

                                But you can keep on believing that WSUwatcher is just too complex for this simple, simple world, and remain as unsurprised as you are when people fail to achieve your echelon of thought. Your 1550 posts on this forum are living proof that you are above the things that go on here.
                                The truth will set you free. But first, it will piss you off.

