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Any news on Orukpe?

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  • Originally posted by 1972Shocker
    Eric Sexton was on Sports Daily this morning and was asked about EO.

    He said Coach Gross had been in Nigeria recently on a recruiting trip. Did not say whether or not he had contact with EO, but no doubt Coach Gross was at least finding out what he could about what it would take to get EO out of there.

    He said EO had a visit to the Nigerian Embassy upcoming and that Eric had arranged for some congressional contact (probably Todd Tiarht, although he did not say who).

    He said we should know one way or the other within a couple of weeks and that this was probably the last stand.

    Keeping in mind he is an optimist by nature, he putts the odds of getting EO out at 50-50.
    I'd say then it isn't very good. Maybe they found a wealthier Nigerian to sign that can buy his way out of the country easier than EO?


    • He also noted that we needed to put this thing to bed, as he said something along the lines of, you can't expect a player to wait on us forever, meaning plan B. Don't recall the exact wording.......


      • So WTF is Tiahart going to do? Send them color brouchures on why they should let him come here?

        I keed I keed


        • I wonder if I would get banned if I said what I think about Tihart? Probably.


          • Originally posted by pinstripers
            He also noted that we needed to put this thing to bed, as he said something along the lines of, you can't expect a player to wait on us forever, meaning plan B. Don't recall the exact wording.......
            Okay -- little confused here. "a player to wait on US forever." Who is waiting on whom here? Are you saying that EO is waiting on us? Waiting for what? We've apparently done everything we can. Am I misunderstanding something here? Someone enlighten me, please.


            • Originally posted by pinstripers
              He also noted that we needed to put this thing to bed, as he said something along the lines of, you can't expect a player to wait on us forever, meaning plan B. Don't recall the exact wording.......


              • I think we have told some one that we will give him a scholarship if we cannot get EO into this country, and that player is waiting to see.


                • I'd actually vote for Todd Tihart if he helps get EO to Wichita. Anybody know a KS polling place that takes Missouri driver's licence as a valid ID?
                  I had season FOOTBALL tix... did you?


                  • Originally posted by ShockerInKC
                    I'd actually vote for Todd Tihart if he helps get EO to Wichita. Anybody know a KS polling place that takes Missouri driver's licence as a valid ID?
                    You have to have an ID to vote??


                    • Originally posted by Downtown Shocker Brown
                      Originally posted by ShockerInKC
                      I'd actually vote for Todd Tihart if he helps get EO to Wichita. Anybody know a KS polling place that takes Missouri driver's licence as a valid ID?
                      You have to have an ID to vote??
                      I'm being disenfranchised!!! :rant:


                      • I pulled into my polling place and realized I didn't bring my wallet. Went all the way back home to get it, stood in line and listened to the people in front of me didn't have their ID, but still got to vote.


                        • Originally posted by RoyalShock
                          Originally posted by Downtown Shocker Brown
                          Originally posted by ShockerInKC
                          I'd actually vote for Todd Tihart if he helps get EO to Wichita. Anybody know a KS polling place that takes Missouri driver's licence as a valid ID?
                          You have to have an ID to vote??
                          I'm being disenfranchised!!! :rant:
                          Are you playing the race card....again?


                          • Originally posted by Ricky Del Rio
                            Originally posted by RoyalShock
                            I'm being disenfranchised!!! :rant:
                            Are you playing the race card....again?

                            In today's social and political climate of honest and trustworthy voting practices and procedures, why should we have to demonstrate that we are who we say we are?

                            Don't we define who we are? A poll worker should not question who I am. If I say I am Juan Valdez (hey, I like coffee) and an American citizen, then by golly I'm Juan Valdez. To question me would invalidate my own self-imposed identity and I could suffer irreparable mental and emotional distress!



                            • In Florida you don't even have to exist to vote. In fact you might have a better chance of your vote counting if you don't.
                              In the fast lane


                              • Perhaps the good people at Diebold will just take it upon themselves to vote for all of us by proxy.
                                Unleash Brett Burley, let all tremble before him!!!

