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Any news on Orukpe?

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  • I think Ainge is just a friend that drops by from time to time.
    Nothing goes on in the Shocker athletic department without the knowledge of Danny Ainge, he and $chau$ are that close.
    Let's hope he can hit a D-1 Curve ball!

    "God gave us the ability to reason, not religion"


    • What's the latest? After last night our DOBO needs to get busy.


      • Originally posted by mulligan
        What's the latest? After last night our DOBO needs to get busy.
        If there was a "latest" then you would have heard. Don't expect anything this year if at all. Even if he got here Marshall already stated he wouldn't play. Plus, not sure there is much more time for him to enroll in spring classes is there?
        "He called me around noon and was thrilled," Brandt said. "He said he was going to be a Shocker forever." -- RIP Guy, you WILL indeed be a Shocker forever!


        • I would still hope he gets here and starts punishing our forwards in practice. Nothing like a good motivated 7-footer to put a spark in practice!




          • atta baby


            • Originally posted by shockerfan
              Originally posted by mulligan
              What's the latest? After last night our DOBO needs to get busy.
              If there was a "latest" then you would have heard. Don't expect anything this year if at all. Even if he got here Marshall already stated he wouldn't play. Plus, not sure there is much more time for him to enroll in spring classes is there?
              I think someone said Jan. 22 is the deadline.

              I have yet to see a good reason to believe he won't get here before next fall. You just can't underestimate the politics and difficulties in getting someone out of one of those countries and into ours (which from what I hear isn't that easy either).


              • You just can't underestimate the politics and difficulties in getting someone out of one of those countries and into ours (which from what I hear isn't that easy either).
                well Hell just get him to Mexico then , Seems prety easy to get here ( USA ) from there . did I really just say that LOL
                From the road I listen (Tune In radio) at home I watch ( season Ticks )


                • Then, shouldn't Harvard be worried about getting Benjamin Frank Eze there too in the fall?


                  • Originally posted by Snapshot9
                    Then, shouldn't Harvard be worried about getting Benjamin Frank Eze there too in the fall?
                    No, because I think he is already here and has been for awhile.


                    • Originally posted by RoyalShock
                      I think someone said Jan. 22 is the deadline.
                      January 22 is when classes begin. I think students can enroll late but I'm not sure how late.
                      Some posts are not visible to me. :peaceful:
                      Don't worry too much about it. Just do all you can do and let the rough end drag.


                      • there are 8 week session that come in the second half of the semester.

                        but i don't see that as being very useful for us


                        • The fact that there is not iota of positive information about Orukpe coming leaves me feeling like it will be much later in the year if he gets here, if at all.

                          I am a little disappointed in the Snoophounds of Shockernet not being able to have some type of connection to Okon about this.


                          • Quite frankly, I wouldn't be too suprised that we will be sweating bullets on this guy on whether or not the paperwork has come through for the next Fall semester. That continent has got issues.


                            • Bump

                              This thread made it all the way to Page 8. That's pretty much proof that there's no news on Orukpe
                              The future's so bright - I gotta wear shades.
                              We like to cut down nets and get sized for championship rings.


                              • Is this the recruit that never came? If so we have all wasted an incredible amount of energy on speculation...Kinda of a public relations fiasco for the coach and administration as well...Lets hope he shows up and all turns out well!

