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Any news on Orukpe?

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  • Originally posted by 110% View Post
    I think EO has a confidence issue and that is all that is holding him back. This year he wont look over his shoulder and see Stutz in front of the scorers bench waiting to replace him. If he can put together a couple of productive games at the start I believe he will gain the confidence to assert himself and if that happens we are in business and ready to give the Jays a run for their money.
    It would be nice to have some (7') height to counter the teams we'll see in the big dance. :D
    Some posts are not visible to me. :peaceful:
    Don't worry too much about it. Just do all you can do and let the rough end drag.


    • Originally posted by Capitol Shock II View Post
      I'm hoping that I see EO and Carl on the floor together...there's not a more difficult 4/5 combo in the league.
      Interesting perspective.


      • Originally posted by DoubleJayAlum View Post
        Interesting perspective.
        Translation: I'm pissed they forgot about Cyclops and Dougie.
        Deuces Valley.
        ... No really, deuces.
        "Enjoy the ride."

        - a smart man


        • This is what I believe and hope will be true about our two match-ups with the Blue Birds.

          1. I believe we will be better at every position except Dougie's.
          2. I believe Dougie's inside effectiveness will be reduced by E.O.'s presence. Dougie is very clever around the basket in making shots and rebounding. He has a very nice nose for the ball.
          3. When Dougie is outside and a hand is in his face, he is ineffective. He will look to pass.

          I sure hope I know what I am talking about. Much like the two professors from Colorado and Dick Morris.
          "Prediction is very difficult, especially if it is about the future."

          --Niels Bohr


          • Originally posted by Capitol Shock II View Post
            I thought he looked great....nobody in the Valley can defend that hook. I'm hoping that I see EO and Carl on the floor together...there's not a more difficult 4/5 combo in the league.
            This is what I like best about our 4/5: Hall, Early, White, EO, Lufile. Not dependent upon one or two players and "wear your a** down" play.


            • I believe EO should start. He will set a tone defensively around the basket. One or two blocked shots early will stay in the opponents mind the rest of the way. The game flow will determine how many minutes he gets on a particular night. Set the tone EO, set the tone.
              Where oh where is our T. Boone Pickens.


              • I think Orukpe should start and play as many minutes as he can. I'll almost be disappointed if he doesn't foul out. Our guard depth is greater than our depth at the 4/5, so our post players will get a ton of minutes. Also, I think the best frontcourt we can put out is Early/Hall/EO, so I want Early playing more SF and Hall playing more PF. This is dependent on Nick Wiggins, because Early will play more PF if Wiggins can take the starting SF spot (Wessel is better than a scrub now, but probably not a starter). What I'd like to see, minute-wise:

                PG: Armstead (22)/Van Vleet (10)/Cotton (8)Baker (4)
                SG: Williams (20)/Cotton (9) /Baker (6)/Wessel (6)
                SF: Early (14)/Wiggins (11)/Wessel (10)
                PF: Hall (16)/White (14)/Early (10)
                C: Orukpe (20)/Hall (10)/Lufile (10)

                By player:

                Hall- 26
                Early- 24
                Armstead- 22
                Williams- 20
                Orukpe- 20
                Cotton- 17
                Wessel- 16
                White- 14
                Wiggins- 11
                Baker- 10
                Van Vleet- 10
                Lufile- 10

                99% chance that the minutes work out differently though.


                • Originally posted by CBB_Fan View Post
                  I think Orukpe should start and play as many minutes as he can. I'll almost be disappointed if he doesn't foul out. Our guard depth is greater than our depth at the 4/5, so our post players will get a ton of minutes. Also, I think the best frontcourt we can put out is Early/Hall/EO, so I want Early playing more SF and Hall playing more PF. This is dependent on Nick Wiggins, because Early will play more PF if Wiggins can take the starting SF spot (Wessel is better than a scrub now, but probably not a starter). What I'd like to see, minute-wise:

                  PG: Armstead (22)/Van Vleet (10)/Cotton (8)Baker (4)
                  SG: Williams (20)/Cotton (9) /Baker (6)/Wessel (6)
                  SF: Early (14)/Wiggins (11)/Wessel (10)
                  PF: Hall (16)/White (14)/Early (10)
                  C: Orukpe (20)/Hall (10)/Lufile (10)

                  By player:

                  Hall- 26
                  Early- 24
                  Armstead- 22
                  Williams- 20
                  Orukpe- 20
                  Cotton- 17
                  Wessel- 16
                  White- 14
                  Wiggins- 11
                  Baker- 10
                  Van Vleet- 10
                  Lufile- 10

                  99% chance that the minutes work out differently though.
                  If Wessel is getting more minutes than White something is really #@$%'d up. White is going to rock this year.




                  • Originally posted by Ricardo del Rio View Post
                    This is what I believe and hope will be true about our two match-ups with the Blue Birds.

                    1. I believe we will be better at every position except Dougie's.
                    2. I believe Dougie's inside effectiveness will be reduced by E.O.'s presence. Dougie is very clever around the basket in making shots and rebounding. He has a very nice nose for the ball.
                    3. When Dougie is outside and a hand is in his face, he is ineffective. He will look to pass.

                    I sure hope I know what I am talking about. Much like the two professors from Colorado and Dick Morris.
                    You don't have to worry about Baby Wookie Rick. He was fairly ineffective if not spastic against us last year in both games and we are going to put even bigger, faster defenders on him this year. Big athletes are Wook's kryptonite. Thankfully for him, there is only one Wichita State in the MVC.




                    • In non blow out games I doubt we will have 12 players all getting at least 10 minutes.
                      In the fast lane


                      • Originally posted by ShockTalk View Post
                        This is what I like best about our 4/5: Hall, Early, White, EO, Lufile. Not dependent upon one or two players and "wear your a** down" play.
                        Here's a not unimagineable front court rotation:

                        Starters: Hall, White, Wessel - let those guys run and bang all they can go.

                        7 minutes into the game, bring in the fresh legs: EO, Early, and Wiggins

                        Let's see what those guys can do against a front court that's been running up and down the court and banging - or against an opponent's second line of front court players.

                        FEAR THE WHEAT!
                        The future's so bright - I gotta wear shades.
                        We like to cut down nets and get sized for championship rings.


                        • Originally posted by C0|dB|00ded View Post
                          If Wessel is getting more minutes than White something is really #@$%'d up. White is going to rock this year.


                          That was less a Wessel being better than White, and more Wessel getting rotation minutes in two positions (SG/SF) while White got backup minutes at PF.

                          Also, I hope that Wessel, White, and Hall is not our starting frontcourt. That would mean that Early and Orukpe in particular were not effective enough to earn starting spots. However, I probably was overgenerous in rotation minutes in that write-up. More realistically:

                          Hall: 29
                          Armstead: 27
                          Early: 25
                          Williams: 24
                          Orukpe: 24
                          Cotton: 23
                          White: 22

                          everyone else: 3-10


                          • Originally posted by CBB_Fan View Post
                            That was less a Wessel being better than White, and more Wessel getting rotation minutes in two positions (SG/SF) while White got backup minutes at PF.

                            Also, I hope that Wessel, White, and Hall is not our starting frontcourt. That would mean that Early and Orukpe in particular were not effective enough to earn starting spots. However, I probably was overgenerous in rotation minutes in that write-up. More realistically:

                            Hall: 29
                            Armstead: 27
                            Early: 25
                            Williams: 24
                            Orukpe: 24
                            Cotton: 23
                            White: 22

                            everyone else: 3-10
                            I like that prognostication better. However, I would pull a few minutes off Hall and Orupke and give Lufile about 15mins a game. I think our front court will be something like Hall 25, Orukpe 20, White 20, Lufile 15, and I think Early stays at 25 because he will be playing multiple positions... Armstead probably gets the most minutes every game.




                            • Once the official D-1 games get started, won't Early need some time getting up to speed? Say, 3 and 1/2 weeks?


                              • Originally posted by another shocker View Post
                                Once the official D-1 games get started, won't Early need some time getting up to speed? Say, 3 and 1/2 weeks?



