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American Athletic Conference

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  • Originally posted by Kel Varnsen View Post
    My prediction for the next 5-10 years after hearing that the Big 12 will not expand:

    The Big 12 is in trouble. While it does cover a good segment of the US geographically speaking, it is losing ground in the state of Texas and the SEC is moving in on the huge recruiting base there. Eventually, it will get raided...OU and Texas to the SEC (maybe Baylor or TCU as well), KU to the Big Ten, WVU to the ACC, and after that...well, it gets dicey. Iowa State, Texas Tech, Oklahoma State, and Kansas State (and possibly Baylor/TCU) will all find themselves in precarious positions. The draw of large television markets and a well-established alumni base outside of their general area just doesn't exist at those schools.

    What does this mean for Wichita State? Opportunity. Those schools will have nowhere to go and will find themselves in a similar boat we find ourselves in now (sans football). We might have the opportunity to join up with those schools and form a new conference. Will it be on par with the "Power conferences"? Probably not. But it would be a step up from our current situation. And it would be the only circumstance where I could see us bringing football back.
    I would assume in that case the MWC and AAC would welcome the B12 leftovers with open arms and red carpets, but that's just my guess.

    Baylor and TCU are the schools that deserve to be outside-looking-in with regards to P5 membership, but Texas politics, big money nepotism, and steroid-like P5 TV money allowed those universities to produce success from essentially a vacuum. They are the real world illustration that the P5 mints status for member schools, where fertile ground is present.
    Last edited by SHOCKvalue; October 17, 2016, 03:03 PM.


    • Originally posted by SHOCKvalue View Post
      I would assume in that case the MWC and AAC would welcome the B12 leftovers with open arms and red carpets, but that's just my guess.
      That's true. Pretty big oversight by me there.
      "In God we trust, all others must bring data." - W. Edwards Deming


      • Some funnies on the B12 expansion non-expansion:


        • #AACORBUST




            • Originally posted by Kel Varnsen View Post
              My prediction for the next 5-10 years after hearing that the Big 12 will not expand:

              The Big 12 is in trouble. While it does cover a good segment of the US geographically speaking, it is losing ground in the state of Texas and the SEC is moving in on the huge recruiting base there. Eventually, it will get raided...OU and Texas to the SEC (maybe Baylor or TCU as well), KU to the Big Ten, WVU to the ACC, and after that...well, it gets dicey. Iowa State, Texas Tech, Oklahoma State, and Kansas State (and possibly Baylor/TCU) will all find themselves in precarious positions. The draw of large television markets and a well-established alumni base outside of their general area just doesn't exist at those schools.

              What does this mean for Wichita State? Opportunity. Those schools will have nowhere to go and will find themselves in a similar boat we find ourselves in now (sans football). We might have the opportunity to join up with those schools and form a new conference. Will it be on par with the "Power conferences"? Probably not. But it would be a step up from our current situation. And it would be the only circumstance where I could see us bringing football back.
              I agree with most of this, although I'm not so sure about KU to the Big10 with their level of football incompetence. Anything is possible, but it just seems like a tough sell to me, and while the Big10 is a good basketball conference, football still drives their bus.
              "You Don't Have to Play a Perfect Game. Your Best is Good Enough."


              • Originally posted by ShockdaWorld View Post
                I agree with most of this, although I'm not so sure about KU to the Big10 with their level of football incompetence. Anything is possible, but it just seems like a tough sell to me, and while the Big10 is a good basketball conference, football still drives their bus.
                Well, yes, but they do bring TV sets from KC. Which is big.
                "In God we trust, all others must bring data." - W. Edwards Deming


                • Originally posted by Kel Varnsen View Post
                  Well, yes, but they do bring TV sets from KC. Which is big.
                  I guess I can kind of go with that. I'm just not sure that they bring TV sets for football. From what I understand, most of the KU fan base is pretty apathetic about football. Maybe B10 affiliation could change that.
                  "You Don't Have to Play a Perfect Game. Your Best is Good Enough."


                  • Originally posted by ShockdaWorld View Post
                    I agree with most of this, although I'm not so sure about KU to the Big10 with their level of football incompetence. Anything is possible, but it just seems like a tough sell to me, and while the Big10 is a good basketball conference, football still drives their bus.
                    I think KUs basketball pedigree more than makes up for their woes in football. And, The Big 10 has a few schools that are already dogs in football and have been for awhile. What's one more?

                    I somehow thing that Pitt will, at some point, be in the Big 10 (although Penn State might have a huge objection to this). I think the Big 10 made a mistake when they took on Maryland and Rutgers. But, taking on Nebraska added a lot for football---but didn't do anything for the basketball competition. KU helps on that end and gives Nebraska a closer rival as well. And, I'd like to see Missouri somehow get back to a better georgraphical position for their sports.


                    • They are reporting here locally that "insiders" are saying they are going to announce they are NOT expanding at the press conference tonight, so.......

                      Edit: and I just found this which seems to back that up...


                      • KU probably voted no on every team just so a spot wouldn't open for us in another conference.


                        • Originally posted by AndShock View Post
                          KU probably voted no on every team just so a spot wouldn't open for us in another conference.
                          The AAC staying intact is the best possible thing for WSU.


                          • Originally posted by Cdizzle View Post
                            The AAC staying intact is the best possible thing for WSU.
                            Please explain. I don't disagree at all, I'm just not familiar enough with how they work to know.
                            "You Don't Have to Play a Perfect Game. Your Best is Good Enough."


                            • Originally posted by AndShock View Post
                              KU probably voted no on every team just so a spot wouldn't open for us in another conference.
                              Pssh .. KU had to sit at the Kiddie table and Texas made out their plate (Ballot) for them.


                              • The AAC as it is now is a great landing spot for WSU, from WSU's perspective. Everything else; MWC, watered-down AAC, WAC, A10, are all bad options. Either the full strength AAC works out or it doesn't. But I think it's the only realistic option for WSU.

