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  • Mercedes Schlapp @mercedesschlapp

    Always remember that Democrats at the behest of their teachers' union overlords did irreversible damage to the development of your children and didn't stop until they realized how terrible their poll numbers were for the midterms.


    • Originally posted by pinstripers View Post
      Biden using taxpayer money to buy crackpipes
      So, where exactly does the government go to buy mass produced crack pipes?


      • Originally posted by wichshock65 View Post

        So, where exactly does the government go to buy mass produced crack pipes?
        I assume Hunter Biden has a crackpipe manufacturing business in China.


        • "You Just Want to Slap The #### Outta Some People"


          • "You Just Want to Slap The #### Outta Some People"


            • I'm looking forward to 45-minute fill-ups...

              "A fast-charging plug of that caliber should be able to top up a modern electric car in approximately 30-45 minutes, much more quickly than a home-charging installation. Each state's plans will also need to consider how to equitably distribute charging infrastructure. In the first year of the program, $615 million will be available to states."

              "Still, a lack of public charging stations is keeping people from giving up their gas-drinking vehicles. A recent University of California Davis survey of EV owners in California found that one in five switched back to a gas car because charging was too much of a hassle. In 2021, EV market share in the US grew to 3.5%."

              White House unveils $5 billion plan to blanket US highways with new electric-car chargers (

              "You Just Want to Slap The #### Outta Some People"


              • They will just put the stations where they want people to be, like left-wing hangouts, namely DNC offices, liberal universities and Starbucks parking lots.


                • This new CNN poll on Biden is BRUTAL.... Approval - 41%....... Disapproval - 58% .......What has Biden done well? ........56% - Nothing/disapprove of everything


                  • Originally posted by pinstripers View Post
                    This new CNN poll on Biden is BRUTAL.... Approval - 41%....... Disapproval - 58% .......What has Biden done well? ........56% - Nothing/disapprove of everything
                    41% approve? 4 out of 10 like what he's doing? No way.


                    • "The survey, conducted by the Pew Research Center, found that 20 percent of participants believe that Biden will be a successful president in the long run, compared to 43 percent who believe he will be an unsuccessful president and 37 percent of Americans who said it was too early to tell."


                      • Originally posted by pinstripers View Post
                        "The survey, conducted by the Pew Research Center, found that 20 percent of participants believe that Biden will be a successful president in the long run, compared to 43 percent who believe he will be an unsuccessful president and 37 percent of Americans who said it was too early to tell."
                        a) What the heck are the 20% smoking? Cold is part of this group so maybe he can shed some light.

                        b) What the heck do the 37% need to see exactly to know that he is and will be a complete and utter failure?


                        • White House crack pipe distribution denials fall apart

                          The White House has been furiously denying that the Biden administration would even dream of handing out crack pipes to addicts in the name of 'racial equity.' The scrambling came following the Washington Free Beacon's Feb. 7...

                          NGOs who were actually planning to distribute these 'safe smoking kits':
                          The Drug Policy Alliance was also confused, and understandably so. The group's executive director, Kassandra Frederique, accused the administration of "backtracking" and expressed disappointment that "they will no longer allow federal funding to go towards putting pipes in safer smoking supplies."

                          Got that? The administration "will no longer" provide free crack pipes that "were never a part" of the taxpayer-funded smoking kits. Because the right-wing media ..are publishing "inaccurate reporting" and spreading "blatant disinformation." It's almost as if the White House is full of **** and thinks you're stupid. (Fact check: They are and they do.)

                          The story gets interesting when we learn that these very NGOs were outraged by the Biden administration's declaration that "no federal funds" would be used to bankroll the "free" crack pipes:
                          The Drug Policy Alliance accused HHS of “backtracking on providing critical evidence-based resources that could greatly improve the health of people who consume drugs through smoking.” The administration, it suggested, had simply buckled under a few days of bad press: “Health policy must be driven by evidence, not dictated by clickbait.”

                          That's because they expected crack pipes to be included in these kits.
                          While the government had not actually confirmed that pipes would be included in the kits in its communications with the Washington Free Beacon, there’s a reason that was an easy inference for Hauf to make. There was every public health reason to believe that pipes would be included; even the organizations intending to apply for the grants were under the impression they would be. “It would seem pointless to distribute these kits without” pipes, a DPA spokesman told the Washington Post, since they “are the main part of the smoking kit to prevent the transmission of disease.”

                          The Dispatch blames the whole mess on the Biden administration being unnaturally obsessed with negative Fox News coverage, which could have some truth to it, given the Biden administration's obsession with 'optics' over substance.

                          But Fox was not the first to be on this outrage, a grassroots surge from Twitter, which contributed these reactions, some of them very hilarious, was what was behind it -- many of these went out faster than any Fox reportage.

                          The tweets posted at the bottom of the article are pretty funny.


                          • Biden issues a completely tone-deaf announcement about electric cars


                            As 82% of Americans are paying above sticker price for cars, while the last year has seen them struggle with rising fuel prices, Biden chose to announce that he’s going to buy a whole new fleet of cars for federal workers—600,000 cars, to be precise—all of them electric.

                            Aside from rubbing in Americans’ faces the fact that they’re not getting any new cars, the idea is painfully laughable. I don’t need to write here what a terrible idea electric cars are. They don’t lessen pollution; they just remove it from the car’s exhaust pipe. But even more than that, our electrical grid can’t handle more electric cars, a fact that doesn’t even address the fact that, when an electric car runs out of charge, you’re stuck.
                            Last edited by Kung Wu; February 13, 2022, 03:21 PM.


                            • Comment

                              • Bidenomics: US Falls to All-Time Low in Key Freedom Index Rating


                                Little more than a year into the most disastrous presidency in history, the U.S. fell 2.7 points from the 2021 Index of Economic Freedom to a record-low score of 72.1, according to the data released Monday. The U.S. also fell to its lowest ranking globally, from the 20th spot in last year’s ratings to 25th in 2022.

                                As noted by Fox Business, the index, which was launched in 1995, evaluates countries in various key areas, including rule of law, government size, regulatory efficiency, and open markets, while also examining specific categories such as property rights, judicial effectiveness, government integrity, and tax burden.

                                America, you’re about to travel through another dimension — a dimension not only of delusional sight and sound but of mind. A journey into a clueless land whose boundaries are that of imagination and bald-faced lies. That’s the signpost up ahead — your next stop, the Biden Zone!

                                Next stop? We've been in the Biden Zone for a year know. Not sure what the next stop will be but I'm not betting in it being good.

                                Let's Go Brandon!

