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  • Shockm
    Originally posted by asiseeit View Post
    He was forced out pure and simple. Pelosi said we can do this the easy way or the hard way. The gas lighting continues and the slobbering over him and Kamala goes on.
    Any informed person knows that. However, my surprise is that NewsNation had Douglas Brinkley on, and was making Joe Biden into George Washington, from a history POV. NewsNation is usually moderate (although Chris Cuomo was the interviewer). In this case, they had no balance of another POV beside the words of Joe's speech to not run for the good of our country.

    This is expected from CNN, NBC, CBS, ABC, etc. In the past, I've found NewsNation usually to be close to the middle.

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  • ShockerPrez
    The Dems always say the GOP puts party over country.

    This is the epitome of party over country.

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  • asiseeit
    He was forced out pure and simple. Pelosi said we can do this the easy way or the hard way. The gas lighting continues and the slobbering over him and Kamala goes on.

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  • Shockm
    The liberal MSM and liberal historians, make Joe Biden into George Washington. The only difference is that Washington truly stepped down from running for President once because he said that America didn’t want or need a King.

    Joe Biden claimed the comparison for himself, to bring Americans (or more truthful, the Democrat Party under Kamala) together and therefore save our Democracy.

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  • Downtown Shocker Brown
    The AI of Joe Biden eating a lot of bandwidth and causing video issues for the Harris-TBD (surely she hyphenates it right?)

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  • AZ Shocker
    ^^^ Yep and yep. ^^^ It's really like watching a horrible b-rated movie. Unbelievably predictable.

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  • Atxshoxfan
    Democratic process.
    1 impeach your opponent
    2 create trap to claim your opponent is an insurrectionist.
    3 throw your opponent in prison
    4 kill your opponent
    5 replace your elected candidate
    6 if he doesn't go willingly, use any method available including killing him.
    Last edited by Atxshoxfan; 4 days ago.

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  • WuDrWu
    Originally posted by AZ Shocker View Post

    It may have already been done. Covid? Seriously? Likely excuse.

    Well, after 5 days it's time for SOMEONE to actually see POTUS. I've said many times, don't want to be a conspiracy guy, but you tweet (and we all know Biden didn't do that, probably didn't write it either) that you're dropping out of the race but no one (best as I can tell) has seen Biden in public since he BARELY walked of AF1 after supposedly being diagnosed with COVID and returning from Nevada. Also, if you didn't see it, the walk off the plane was terrible, but it was nothing compared to USSS having to literally put him into the Beast, appendage by appendage, moving him over in the seat. The American people deserve and demand that we know who is in fact making the decisions in the White House.

    I hate to be a fan of Lauren Boebert but this needs to happen today, before close of business EDT.

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  • AZ Shocker
    Originally posted by pinstripers View Post
    I believe the Demoncrats will murder Pedo-Joe if they think they need to do that to win.
    It may have already been done. Covid? Seriously? Likely excuse.

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  • ShockerDropOut
    Biden dropping out of the presidential race!

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  • WuDrWu
    (25) The Babylon Bee on X: "New White House Doctor Sadly Informs Biden Only Cure For COVID Is Euthanasia" / X (

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  • pinstripers
    After a handful of Covid jabs and a truckload of boosters, Biden has the China flu anyway. Y'all remember the jab was supposed to (he and Fauci promised us) keep everybody from getting the disease? He had military men drummed out of the service, businesses ruined, and good employees terminated, and it was all lies.

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  • ShockTalk
    Originally posted by pinstripers View Post
    I believe the Demoncrats will murder Pedo-Joe if they think they need to do that to win.
    They are a shifty bunch.


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  • pinstripers
    I believe the Demoncrats will murder Pedo-Joe if they think they need to do that to win.

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  • The Truth
    I can't believe the Democrat party is going to try to disenfranchise 14 million of their nitwit primary voters. They kept RFK Jr off of the ballot and now they're going to try to install someone else at their little elitist "mini primary'. Some democratic process right there......

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