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  • Originally posted by Shockm View Post

    So you’re with Joe Biden, who wanted out no matter what. Afghanistan is not an easy country to understand. They’ve never been a typical country, but we only had 2500 troops there and hadn’t lost any troop lives for a year in a half. Maybe you and Biden were right but it doesn’t seem like it. This exit seemed to go way bad.
    Not exactly, but it's clear by how fast the Taliban took over that either a lot of people didn't care that the Taliban was marching in, or didn't want to fight them. What has me most upset is that we may as well have stayed until every person who assisted our efforts and wanted out, could get out before all hell broke loose.

    I don't really care about a country who's citizens have no sense or will to oppose the Taliban. And suspect a large majority of the country shares their hard line Islamist beliefs. Otherwise, there would have been some sort of fight. There wasn't.
    "When life hands you lemons, make lemonade." Better have some sugar and water too, or else your lemonade will suck!


    • Do it in May, not in the summer when the Taliban is at 100%. The locals kept them at bay for 5 or 6 years with air support. Cut that off, close the air force base, you get what you got coming.


      • Originally posted by ShockerPrez View Post

        Not exactly, but it's clear by how fast the Taliban took over that either a lot of people didn't care that the Taliban was marching in, or didn't want to fight them. What has me most upset is that we may as well have stayed until every person who assisted our efforts and wanted out, could get out before all hell broke loose.

        I don't really care about a country who's citizens have no sense or will to oppose the Taliban. And suspect a large majority of the country shares their hard line Islamist beliefs. Otherwise, there would have been some sort of fight. There wasn't.
        Hard to know what to do in a country with no nationalistic history to bind them together. They’ve always acted tribally, and with their interpretation of religious values that didn’t include freedom as one of their values. That’s pretty common for Muslim countries, and women have to live with the consequences of being a woman.

        There is no way that people in the “know” didn’t realize this fast takeover was a distinct possibility and relayed that on to Biden. He had to know, but thought the American people were behind withdrawal, and wouldn’t care how.


        • Originally posted by Shockm View Post

          Hard to know what to do in a country with no nationalistic history to bind them together. They’ve always acted tribally, and with their interpretation of religious values that didn’t include freedom as one of their values. That’s pretty common for Muslim countries, and women have to live with the consequences of being a woman.

          There is no way that people in the “know” didn’t realize this fast takeover was a distinct possibility and relayed that on to Biden. He had to know, but thought the American people were behind withdrawal, and wouldn’t care how.
          Agree with that. I think Biden made a calc and gambled in order to have an 'accomplishment'.
          "When life hands you lemons, make lemonade." Better have some sugar and water too, or else your lemonade will suck!


          • Originally posted by MoValley John View Post

            Not hard to find.

            "A single Air Force F-35A costs a whopping $148 million. One Marine Corps F-35B costs an unbelievable $251 million. A lone Navy F-35C costs a mind-boggling $337 million. Average the three models together, and a “generic” F-35 costs $178 million."
            Not buying the Mother Jones Authors numbers. He has an agenda.



            • Originally posted by Shockm View Post

              There is no way that people in the “know” didn’t realize this fast takeover was a distinct possibility and relayed that on to Biden. He had to know, but thought the American people were behind withdrawal, and wouldn’t care how.
              That is the biggest crime of this administration - how could they not know that this was at least a plausible scenario, and why didn't they have contingency plans?

              An administration official who was not authorized to speak on the record told me that there are an estimated 10,000 U.S. citizens in the country, with the vast majority in or near Kabul. Some are residents, journalists or aid workers who may not want to leave. Most are scrambling to escape. Some are dual nationals or children of Americans who may not have the proper passport or visas, but the State Department has not told them how to fix their paperwork.

              The State Department and the Defense Department basically have two options: negotiate safe passage for American citizens with the Taliban, if possible, or send the U.S. military out into the city to bring Americans back to the airport before the Taliban gangs find them. Officials working on these cases inside the government told me they have no clear guidance from the White House and not enough support.


              • Not responsible for damage from posts that sail over the reader's head.


                • Since Jan 2015, when Afghans took over combat operations, 53-57,000 Afghan soldiers have died in combat fighting the Taliban-including more than 2,600 this year. Afghans with US air support held off the Taliban for more than six years. Biden took away the air support............


                  • this will be forever, Joe


                    • Originally posted by ShockerPrez View Post
                      suspect a large majority of the country shares their hard line Islamist beliefs. Otherwise, there would have been some sort of fight. There wasn't.
                      I've heard reports from people on the ground that Christianity has been one of the fastest growing populations in Afghanistan. The Taliban won't be happy in this. In this area of the world, if one converts, they die.

                      Persecution and Prayer Alert, Voice of the Martyrs

                      Christianity growing in Afghanistan

                      By News on the Net ——Bio and Archives--April 5, 2012

                      American Politics, News | Disqus Comments | Reader Friendly | Subscribe | Email Us

                      (Source: Mohabat News)

                      Afghanistan, a country long suffering from civil wars, has not experienced peace for many years. Ongoing bombings by fundamentalist Muslims have stolen peace from the lives of Afghanis. However, the country has recently seen signs of change as people hear the Good News of Jesus Christ.

                      According to Mohabat News, “Informed Afghan authorities acknowledge that Christianity has obtained a special place not only among youth, but also among various layers in society. (In addition), house churches are growing tremendously.” Further, an independent Shi’ite website in Iran reportedly quoted a knowledgeable Afghan official as saying, “There is evidence of widespread Christian propaganda in Afghanistan, and the existence of more than 10 churches that operate secretly in residential houses have been proven.”

                      New reports indicate that some members of the country’s parliament have embraced Christianity. A Farsi news service also published a report on these conversions, writing, “Evangelism and Christian propaganda is taking place in the country at a high level, but this is the first time that those who call themselves representatives of the Afghani people not only have become ‘apostates’ but have joined Christian ministries to evangelize. This time they want to present their Christian services to Muslim people through parliament.”

                      Muslims make up the vast majority of Afghanistan’s population at 99.85 per cent. Christians account for 0.05 per cent. While there is limited freedom to practice other religions, there is no freedom to propagate another faith or to convert from Islam.

                      Thank the Lord for the way He is working in this nation. Ask Him to give Afghani Christians a strong and mature faith with a bold desire to share the gospel. Pray the Lord will continue to work to bring many more to repentance. Pray for protection of believers in Afghanistan.

                      For more on the trials Christians face in Afghanistan, please visit the Afghanistan Country Report.


                      • "Rep. Chrissy Houlahan (D-Pa.), an Air Force veteran, indicated the administration had disregarded her and others’ warnings.

                        “These past few days have been difficult to process, and not because the Taliban’s progress was surprising,” she said. “In fact, the opposite. We sounded the alarm, and our dire warnings fell on deaf ears.”

                        Houlahan said she would be “holding accountable those who seemingly misled the American people.”"

                        Democrats offer some harsh reviews of Biden on Afghanistan (
                        "You Just Want to Slap The #### Outta Some People"


                        • There seems to be a pattern of people who have all said they tried to warn the administration or provide them with ideas and were all ignored. Not a good look, but not surprising from Beavis and Butthead running the Whitehouse.


                          • Originally posted by MikeKennedyRulZ View Post
                            There seems to be a pattern of people who have all said they tried to warn the administration or provide them with ideas and were all ignored. Not a good look, but not surprising from Beavis and Butthead running the Whitehouse.
                            there is no need to insult the intelligence of Beavis and Butthead


                            • Originally posted by pinstripers View Post

                              there is no need to insult the intelligence of Beavis and Butthead
                              "You Just Want to Slap The #### Outta Some People"


                              • Originally posted by WstateU View Post
                                "Rep. Chrissy Houlahan (D-Pa.), an Air Force veteran, indicated the administration had disregarded her and others’ warnings.

                                “These past few days have been difficult to process, and not because the Taliban’s progress was surprising,” she said. “In fact, the opposite. We sounded the alarm, and our dire warnings fell on deaf ears.”

                                Houlahan said she would be “holding accountable those who seemingly misled the American people.”"

                                Democrats offer some harsh reviews of Biden on Afghanistan (
                                I'll believe that when I see it. Politicians don't care about accountability when it comes to themselves. And it's not just politicians. There's plenty of military and ex military leaders that need to be held accountable. How many former Generals and such have raked in tons of money by keeping this whole war going and then retiring to sit on some board that's been profiting for years off of the lies and deception? The Afghanistan Papers show that political and military leaders were well aware of what was going on and how it would end, but spun everything to keep the money flowing.

                                This all goes much deeper than just the botched retreat and the sacrificing of ten's of thousands of civilians to the Taliban because they trusted us.
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