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Coronavirus 2019-nCoV

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  • ShockTalk
    Originally posted by pinstripers View Post
    The Hill

    JUST IN: Surgeon General tests positive for COVID-19
    Well, DUH!

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  • pinstripers
    The Hill

    JUST IN: Surgeon General tests positive for COVID-19

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  • BOBB
    Originally posted by ShockerFever View Post

    Intelligence level was much higher on that thread.
    Doubtful, but not a high bar either way.

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  • ShockerFever
    Originally posted by BOBB View Post
    Does this eclipse the "Any News on Orupke" thread?
    Intelligence level was much higher on that thread.

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  • SubGod22
    Originally posted by BOBB View Post
    Does this eclipse the "Any News on Orupke" thread?
    The thought of that makes me quite sad

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  • BOBB
    Does this eclipse the "Any News on Orupke" thread?

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  • MikeKennedyRulZ

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  • pinstripers
    FACT: More people have died of COVID under Joe Biden than Donald Trump

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  • jdmee
    Originally posted by C0|dB|00ded View Post

    But it's a ViRuSsSsSsSsSsSs! You can't control it! DurDurDurDurrrrr

    South Korea says....

    The quintessential VIRUS WRANGLERS!

    And they eat dog.
    So the guy who tells us how bad Trump is for not locking everything down posts this.

    Yet South Korea is unusual in that it has not only repeatedly suppressed the spread of the virus and kept deaths to relatively low levels, but also never instituted a full lockdown.
    And then he can't help himself as shows his true racist self.

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  • wufan
    Originally posted by C0|dB|00ded View Post

    Yeah, layman...

    Here's the latest report. 57 pages of glorious Covid data. Maybe read it before you shoot your ad hominem load.
    Yep! I read it.

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  • wufan
    Test your knowledge of how government interventions affected the COVID-19 pandemic.

    Worth your 5 minutes.

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    Originally posted by C0|dB|00ded View Post

    Thank you for finally coming clean. SMMFH.

    You just demonstrated a textbook example of projection. Well done.

    Charge with a lack of originality, then immediately regurgitate Sean Hannity propaganda word for word. I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but your brain is not your own. May God have mercy on your soul. You are the quintessential pawn in the game of life.

    P.S. Tell your "medical community" ERRRRRRRRRRRR nurse friend to leave the consulting to the folks with the big degrees.


    King Me??
    What did I come clean about. First, I don't owe anybody on this fine forum an explanation to come clean about anything. You must be talking about talking to the medical community. Read this slowly and carefully "King Me..." I spent 25 years in healthcare and have many former workmates that are MD's, DO's, RN's and all other support staff you could name plus some. I have had hard conversations with many MD's, DO's, RN's and other support staff related to healthcare about our C19 mess. Yes, there are several that do their diligence along company lines in regard to the path of how to treat and prescribe for C19. Yes, some of my DOCTOR friends believe you should be vax'd if at all possible. Their are other DOCTOR friends of mine that believe vaccines are good in many cases, but enough holes in it to not totally trust it. These same doctors also shed much light on how early on and in still some cases where quality control on how C19 has been reported is not responsible. Some of the data is unreliable based on the inaccuracies in which it was reported. So why would I rely on the fast track data of the vaccines. Were the acronyms like MD/DO big enough for you junior. I don't watch or trust the reporting of MSNBC, CNN, Fox....and....on...and...on...and...on. Nice try again junior. Fail again. Look "King Me," you must be getting tired of just getting your d i c k handed back to you time and time again. When is it going to sink in to you that nobody thinks you are this great gift of life saving information, or that you have any insight at all to this pandemic. You are the laughing stock of this board, but I am glad you just keep coming back for more like any other street walker on Broadway. You are entertaining, I will give you that.

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  • MikeKennedyRulZ
    Originally posted by wichshock65 View Post

    It's a mystery.
    Particularly given all of the great parenting knowledge he has as well...

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  • wichshock65
    Originally posted by ShockerFever View Post
    What a loon.

    I just can’t for the life of me understand why a guy like Cold is still single at age 48.
    It's a mystery.

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  • ShockerFever
    And then the walk of shame.

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