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Coronavirus 2019-nCoV

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  • pinstripers
    Originally posted by C0|dB|00ded View Post

    Don't let insensitivity to sample size/recency bias/gambler's fallacy get you all spun around my friend. We must deal in probabilities, not certainty.

    The vaccine does an amazingly good job of keeping the vast majority of human beings out of the hospital or morgue. We just have a distribution/acceptance problem.

    I would gladly volunteer as general of the vaccine army, taking my forces door to door, redeeming the lost, helping society move forward from this quagmire of ignorance and self-harm.
    So you are saying it usually works. OK. I can accept that.

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  • C0|dB|00ded
    Originally posted by pinstripers View Post

    Our local fire chief was in hospital for 3-4 weeks, and is sill on oxygen today. He had the vacc, and was boosted. Sometimes it works I guess.
    Don't let insensitivity to sample size/recency bias/gambler's fallacy get you all spun around my friend. We must deal in probabilities, not certainty.

    The vaccine does an amazingly good job of keeping the vast majority of human beings out of the hospital or morgue. We just have a distribution/acceptance problem.

    I would gladly volunteer as general of the vaccine army, taking my forces door to door, redeeming the lost, helping society move forward from this quagmire of ignorance and self-harm.

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  • C0|dB|00ded
    Surgical face coverings are not designed to contain infectious aerosols that accumulate in enclosed spaces. Experts recommend N95 masks, which are better fitted and have a higher filtration capacity

    How long does it take to catch coronavirus depending on the type of mask you’re wearing?

    Surgical face coverings are not designed to contain infectious aerosols that accumulate in enclosed spaces. Experts recommend N95 masks, which are better fitted and have a higher filtration capacity
    A recent study carried out by the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH), based on data provided by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), estimates different timeframes for coronavirus contagion depending on the type of face mask a person is using. These range from 27 minutes for somebody wearing a cloth mask to up to 25 hours for someone wearing a perfectly adjusted N95 mask (the US equivalent of an FFP2 in Europe).
    Ya'll owe me nothing for posting this article other than a gentlemen's agreement that you'll read it and learn.

    I know... I know... but the answer is no, I am not clairvoyant. It's just logic, sharper than a surgeon's scalpel combined with an inhuman amount of onboard data accessible at a moment's notice.

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  • C0|dB|00ded
    Originally posted by WuDrWu View Post
    The trend is almost exactly like several here said 6 to 10 weeks ago...almost exactly ( Kung Wu for sure and doubtlessly others).

    Imagine that.

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  • C0|dB|00ded
    Originally posted by SHOXAAC View Post

    There are 8 blood pressure medications in the Angiotensin II Receptor Blocker (ARB) category for people who have high blood pressure. The medical community didn't block the 5th, 6th, 7th or 8th one to market. When dealing with a highly dangerous disease state like hypertension and a pandemic caused by COVID, the more quality drug options out there would make plenty of sense. So if a highly respected drug manufacturer is willing to bring another option to market and passes all the requirements, isn't that a good thing?
    Considering the government is the customer of vaccines, using our money, is it not appreciated that they're attempting to be good stewards by not purchasing needless vaccines?

    The current iteration works fine. Please get boosted and encourage your friends and family to do so as well.

    Good evening to you sir!

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  • C0|dB|00ded
    Originally posted by SHOCKvalue View Post

    He's got to unemployed, or self-employed and doing something that is earning very little at current. How would you POSSIBLY have time to engage online like he does and actually earn a living.
    I'll take that as a compliment.

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  • WuDrWu
    The trend is almost exactly like several here said 6 to 10 weeks ago...almost exactly ( Kung Wu for sure and doubtlessly others).

    Imagine that.

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  • ShockerFever
    Originally posted by Kung Wu View Post
    Hospitalizations and ICU usage in Sedgwick County currently showing rapid improvement ...

    Depressive news for Cold.

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    Originally posted by C0|dB|00ded View Post

    Good call. The current vaccine works adequately if boosted.

    Thank the good folks at Pfizer for me will ya? Tell them to "stand back, and stand by" ;) if/when the next variant emerges and we find ourselves in trouble again. There is absolutely nothing written in stone that says each successive variant will be more mild. The variants we have faced to date are not direct descendants of each other, they came from completely different parts of the family tree. And just in case somebody wants to argue with me on this point... don't. I mean... just don't lol.
    There are 8 blood pressure medications in the Angiotensin II Receptor Blocker (ARB) category for people who have high blood pressure. The medical community didn't block the 5th, 6th, 7th or 8th one to market. When dealing with a highly dangerous disease state like hypertension and a pandemic caused by COVID, the more quality drug options out there would make plenty of sense. So if a highly respected drug manufacturer is willing to bring another option to market and passes all the requirements, isn't that a good thing?

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  • Kung Wu
    Hospitalizations and ICU usage in Sedgwick County currently showing rapid improvement ...

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  • WstateU

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  • SHOCKvalue
    Originally posted by jdmee View Post
    Remember he is nothing more than a self admitted troll.
    He's got to unemployed, or self-employed and doing something that is earning very little at current. How would you POSSIBLY have time to engage online like he does and actually earn a living.

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  • pinstripers
    Originally posted by C0|dB|00ded View Post

    Good call. The current vaccine works adequately if boosted.

    Thank the good folks at Pfizer for me will ya? Tell them to "stand back, and stand by" ;) if/when the next variant emerges and we find ourselves in trouble again. There is absolutely nothing written in stone that says each successive variant will be more mild. The variants we have faced to date are not direct descendants of each other, they came from completely different parts of the family tree. And just in case somebody wants to argue with me on this point... don't. I mean... just don't lol.
    Our local fire chief was in hospital for 3-4 weeks, and is sill on oxygen today. He had the vacc, and was boosted. Sometimes it works I guess.

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  • jdmee
    Remember he is nothing more than a self admitted troll.

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  • ShockerFever
    Originally posted by C0|dB|00ded View Post

    Your post pleases me, not necessarily because of what you said, but because of how you said it. A lot of your facts are wrong, and I'll correct them in a moment, but the way you came to them was your own, free from the partially digested tripe that gets regurgitated into so many lesser brains on a daily basis.

    1) Lockdowns absolutely kick the ball down the road. The entire point of them is to slow the spread, saving lives until better treatment options are available - namely, vaccines.

    Give me a hard, 6wk lockdown - NATIONWIDE - on March, 2020, and I would have changed the course of the pandemic in this country. In my lockdown, the following measures would be implemented:
    • Zero unnecessary public interaction. Groceries/sundries would be ordered from the home/car/phone and delivered to trunk. Restaurants/bars would deliver, there would be ZERO inside dining/drinking during the lockdown. There would also be zero indoor worship services.
    • Essential workers would be tested every day for signs of sickness. If sufficient Covid testing was unavailable, we would test for white blood cell count spikes, and other physical cues for infection.
    • Suspected infected or exposed workers would be subject to mandatory quarantine or face arrest. The National Guard, Red Cross, etc. would bring food and supplies to those under quarantine. Contact tracing teams would randomly visit those under quarantine to help maintain compliance. Citizens found breaking quarantine would be contacted, apprehended, interrogated to find out who they may have come in contact with, and remanded to a public health facility for the remainder of their quarantine

    Eventually the lockdown would transition to 100% masking indoors from sea to shining sea - no questions asked - with a hefty fine imposed for violators. No indoor dining/worship/shopping continues after lockdown. All companies would test and monitor workers daily. Infected would be contact traced with mandatory quarantine. The masking, quarantining, contact tracing, and testing would continue at max effort until vaccines released.

    As positivity rates remain low, certain activities would be reopened. Masking remains 100% mandated indoors across the country. And yes, I don't give a **** if Woopaloo, Wisc. only has a population of 400... infection surges precede testing result surges. You must anticipate the virus, not react to it. Once the positivity rate spikes, you are already behind the 8-ball. So since we know the virus doesn't recognize borders, we mask and social distance EVERYWHERE.

    2) All masks offer some form of filtration. Coronavirus-filled respiratory droplets range in size from 5nm (aerosolized) to hundreds or thousands. It has been proven that the severity of many respiratory infections (including Covid) are many times dose-dependent. There are many variables to go into here but... if you can reduce your exposure to Das Alien by any factor, it is a good thing. In fact, in many people, a light exposure to El Corona acts like a poor-man's inoculation.

    So yes masks "work". N/KN95's work MUCH better than rags. None work perfectly, even with a smooth face. It's all about making the door to your squishy bits a little tighter.

    3) "...because the viability of the current vaccine is nearly imperceptible up against omicron"

    This is where you kind of went off the rails and showed a touch of brain damage. I would have been REALLY happy with your post had you not slipped up and screeched a little anti-vax propaganda. But... maybe you did it for the trolls/likes. ;)

    Here are the facts:

    Hence, if you followed my guidance and got your booster, your protection from infection was 50%, hospitalization 90%, and death 95%.

    Sadly, protection from said booster starts to wane once again at 4-5 mos. I personally do not recommend a 4th booster yet at this time unless you are immunocompromised. There is talk of 4th boosters "overstimulating and weakening" the immune system. We don't want to do that.

    Class dismissed.

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