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Evansville game thread

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  • Originally posted by wusphlash View Post
    Fred is taking the ball to the basket too much and too often is ending up in no man's land. Yes, driving is a big part of his game but it has become too much of a focus.

    Ron has added shots, the fades etc., to his repertoire based on what he has learned in summer camps. Unfortunately those shots are becoming the norm rather than a go to shot when needed. Late in the game he had a wide open 3, nobody within 10 feet, and he passed it off. Fortunately he got an assist because whoever it was he passed to drained it. AA's passing up wide open 3's at crunch time worries me.

    I'm just getting tired of our main guys throwing up prayers, crap shots if you will, making BS passes, instead of doing what brought them to the respect they've earned. Love em to death but something is not right this year. We were fortunate to keep that home streak going last night.
    Fred tidbit for the season:

    3 point FG%: .432

    2 point FG%: .383

    Average # of points off ten 3 point shots: 12.96

    Average # of points off ten 2 point shots: 7.66


    • Originally posted by Singeril View Post
      Sorry, I don't care if it's a "philosophy" or not. If the ump knew the runner was safe, he should call him safe. If he knew he was out, call him out. If a ref sees something as traveling, call traveling. This "playing the odds" and hoping they all "even out" is bogus. If you're intentionally inconsistent in order to hope for consistency, you're doing the wrong job. That's not a personal attack--it's just simple logic.
      And we can argue the point all day, agree or disagree, right or wrong, it's not gonna change. That's exactly why I said when you become an official you learn to see things in a different light. I know it's not a personal attack but a general attack, and I get it


      • Memo to around the league, WSU played a mediocre game against a team picked second
        in the conference and still won.

        WSU has this record because they just find a way to win!

        Speaking of officiating, what happened to "we are going to enforce freedom of movement
        for the whole year"?

        I'll be glad to hang up and listen.


        • Originally posted by jdshock View Post
          Without a doubt, the replay was on there this morning because I watched it. It appears to be gone right now. Hopefully they'll re-post it later.
          I re-watched it last night after the game and there was a problem with the video file towards the end (skipped some content and it actually crashed an Android box I had). They may have taken it down due to quality issues.


          • Can we just quit the discussion on officiating? Were there some bad calls? Yes, but this is at least the second tough game we want to blame on officiating (Seton Hall). About time to quit blaming the crew and figure out what we need to do to change it ourselves.


            • Originally posted by shockerfanmas View Post
              And we can argue the point all day, agree or disagree, right or wrong, it's not gonna change. That's exactly why I said when you become an official you learn to see things in a different light. I know it's not a personal attack but a general attack, and I get it
              Actually, it's not an "attack" at all. It's a comment.


              • Originally posted by calfan View Post
                Memo to around the league, WSU played a mediocre game against a team picked second
                in the conference and still won.

                WSU has this record because they just find a way to win!

                Speaking of officiating, what happened to "we are going to enforce freedom of movement
                for the whole year"?

                I'll be glad to hang up and listen.
                My guess? The NCAA got tired of all the complaining about 65 foul, 90 free throw, 3 hour games that they just said screw it. But this is the NCAA we are talking about so who knows?


                • Originally posted by Heinro View Post
                  Can we just quit the discussion on officiating? Were there some bad calls? Yes, but this is at least the second tough game we want to blame on officiating (Seton Hall). About time to quit blaming the crew and figure out what we need to do to change it ourselves.
                  Fans talking about officiating is the norm and has been for as long as I can remember. I think most people on here are quick to spread the blame. Sure, the Shox have things to fix, but this team is miles ahead of where they were in November


                  • The problem with last night's game was NOT the officiating crew--although, the last 5 minutes totally changed the "tone" of the game and was almost "disastrous". The problem was that WSU went through bad stretches whenever they had the chance to put the game away. After pushing the lead out, they then forced the situations either by bad passes, bad drives, bad shot selection, turnovers, etc. They should have won the game by 10-15 instead of having it go down to the wire. On the positive side, free throw shooting improved (just should have shot more of them). The Shocks did a great job, in the first 7 minutes, of moving the ball and getting it inside. We stopped doing that completely after that and started forcing. There were outside shots avoided in favor of going one on one. Settle solid. Don't try to always do everything at one time.


                    • Originally posted by Cdizzle View Post
                      Reading around the league....

                      WSU sure is the most beatable-looking team to ever go 38-1(.974) in 2+ seasons in the league.
                      That's true, we are beatable. If our league foes bring their A game and we play a B- game, it will be close. If we have an A game, not a chance.


                      • Originally posted by boltforge View Post
                        Coach in the post game conference said that the scouting report had them tell Fred to play off his man to be prepared to help off ball. And he also said that was a mistake and they will fix it for next time.

                        So, I'd assume Fred was playing the way he was coached for the game.
                        I didn't hear that ... I retract my statement.


                        • Originally posted by shockerfanmas View Post
                          It wasn't borderline, it was a foul. I can guarantee if it was any other player, or if the big man didn't have 4 fouls, it would have been a foul. Right or wrong, that's just how officiating works sometimes. You try your best to keep your star players in the game, but there was just way too much contact on that one.
                          If that's how officiating works ... They need to get new officials. Two wrong/missed calls don't make a correct one. The refs job is to call the fouls by the rules, not to prevent star players from fouling out. I'm not saying that isn't how its done, but that's not how it SHOULD be done.


                          • Originally posted by Stickboy46 View Post
                            If that's how officiating works ... They need to get new officials. Two wrong/missed calls don't make a correct one. The refs job is to call the fouls by the rules, not to prevent star players from fouling out. I'm not saying that isn't how its done, but that's not how it SHOULD be done.
                            This has all been touched upon in previous posts in this thread, which you may or may not have read. I'm not going to repeat myself, I think I've made it clear how I feel about some of the philosophies. In this case, getting new officials isn't going to help. It's still going to be the same. It's about changing the philosophies and the mindset of those philosophies, and going back to the "a foul is a foul, etc etc mindset." If you want to blame anybody, you'll have to go way back before my time, and probably way back before yours to figure out who started all these philosophies. Right or wrong, it's the way the game is called. Again, getting new officials isn't the answer.


                            • you see that call every game, usually several times a game. It makes me sick. Call it correctly.


                              • Originally posted by shockerfanmas View Post
                                This has all been touched upon in previous posts in this thread, which you may or may not have read. I'm not going to repeat myself, I think I've made it clear how I feel about some of the philosophies. In this case, getting new officials isn't going to help. It's still going to be the same. It's about changing the philosophies and the mindset of those philosophies, and going back to the "a foul is a foul, etc etc mindset." If you want to blame anybody, you'll have to go way back before my time, and probably way back before yours to figure out who started all these philosophies. Right or wrong, it's the way the game is called. Again, getting new officials isn't the answer.
                                I don't think it was clear

