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Redshirting May Not Be a Player Option This Year

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  • #31
    Originally posted by 1972Shocker View Post
    Keep in mind the NCAA seems more determined to take some of the physicality out of the game this year than they were a couple of years ago. That works in Nurger's favor and works against Hamilton. Hamilton, Taylor and McDuffie seem to be the most likely redshirt candidates. McDuffie primarily due to his need to get bigger and stronger although like Nurger the less physical game works in his favor.
    I may be totally incorrect...err, okay, w-r-o-n-g...but I thought I read something about getting rid of hand checks and inhibiting movement toward the basket, but also that they were going to allow the arm bar in the post.
    "I not sure that I've ever been around a more competitive player or young man than Fred VanVleet. I like to win more than 99.9% of the people in this world, but he may top me." -- Gregg Marshall 12/23/13 :peaceful:
    Remember when Nancy Pelosi said about Obamacare:
    "We have to pass it, to find out what's in it".

    A physician called into a radio show and said:
    "That's the definition of a stool sample."


    • #32
      Originally posted by im4wsu View Post
      I may be totally incorrect...err, okay, w-r-o-n-g...but I thought I read something about getting rid of hand checks and inhibiting movement toward the basket, but also that they were going to allow the arm bar in the post.
      I couldn't say one way or the other about that one, specific technique. What Sully did say about how the games will be called in general was:

      New rules and newly emphasized rules ruled the topics of the day. I’ll be writing more about fouls and the shot clock later. The consensus from coaches and players is that games will be called tightly (like two seasons ago) and referees will maintain that focus for an entire season (unlike two seasons ago).
      Referees are telling coaches the NCAA is serious this time and refs who don’t call the games as instructed (meaning as the rules are written) won’t get assignments. It may take two or three years to adjust. Expect lots of fouls.
      Whether or not the Shocks will need all hands on deck just to be able to absorb the expected plethora of fouls remains to be seen.


      • #33
        A recent conversation with a director of officials for a major conference (not the Valley) echos Sully's comments. He said they were dead serious about cleaning up the game.

        He commented that early games are going to be a mess until coaches and players adjust. I questioned the voracity of the continued enforcement throughout the year, and the response was essentially "watch us".

        I can't see the game being called THAT different but I suppose we'll know soon enough.


        • #34
          If games get called really tight, we may not have any red shirts, but I'd take our 3rd line of players against a lot of other team's third line.
          The future's so bright - I gotta wear shades.
          We like to cut down nets and get sized for championship rings.


          • #35
            1. In answer to wufan about MM.......don't think he is a "traditional" power forward right
            now against teams playing a physical PF but against other teams using less bulky more
            athletic stretch fours he would be fine.

            2. As for refs calling games tighter - I think that works to our advantage with our deep bench.


            • #36
              I stand by my theory that Marshall has already identified someone who is not at all ready this season (like not even close) but may think he is. Someone who can get owned at practice, forget plays and still believe he will play. Someone who is probably a little emotional about it too. The whole idea of forcing a shirt for the first time ever because he knows it is in this players best interest even though they probably don't get it (that they are not as ready as the rest of the team) is very believable to me. He's got a kid he needs to be a dad for. Marshall brought this up, not us. That makes it a very different level of potential reality in my opinion.

              Who do you think that is, honestly? It's a really short list.


              • #37
                Originally posted by Dave Stalwart View Post
                I stand by my theory that Marshall has already identified someone who is not at all ready this season (like not even close) but may think he is. Someone who can get owned at practice, forget plays and still believe he will play. Someone who is probably a little emotional about it too. The whole idea of forcing a shirt for the first time ever because he knows it is in this players best interest even though they probably don't get it (that they are not as ready as the rest of the team) is very believable to me. He's got a kid he needs to be a dad for. Marshall brought this up, not us. That makes it a very different level of potential reality in my opinion.

                Who do you think that is, honestly? It's a really short list.
                I've heard from numerous sources that Rob Baker will redshirt this year. Ron himself has said that his little brother just isn't mature enough for the college level. Rob is quote "heartbroken" over the thought of redshirting after being named to some 1st team all american lists throughout the country


                • #38
                  Originally posted by Dave Stalwart View Post
                  I stand by my theory that Marshall has already identified someone who is not at all ready this season (like not even close) but may think he is. Someone who can get owned at practice, forget plays and still believe he will play. Someone who is probably a little emotional about it too. The whole idea of forcing a shirt for the first time ever because he knows it is in this players best interest even though they probably don't get it (that they are not as ready as the rest of the team) is very believable to me. He's got a kid he needs to be a dad for. Marshall brought this up, not us. That makes it a very different level of potential reality in my opinion.

                  Who do you think that is, honestly? It's a really short list.
                  Based on your list (believable, but not necessarily true) I would say Hamilton followed by Taylor.
                  Livin the dream


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by wufan View Post
                    Based on your list (believable, but not necessarily true) I would say Hamilton followed by Taylor.
                    Me too. Those are my picks. I've moved McDuffie ahead of Nurger over the age thing, but I really don't think either of them will. Nurger and Wamukota are really unlikely to me.

                    The short list is Hamilton, Taylor and McDuffie, and one of them is already reported to be a little hot headed, emotional and reckless. He can also dunk over WuShock so he might have always thought things like that would carry him. On a highly structured, disciplined, intellectually run team, it might be a rude awakening to learn what will really get you on the floor.

                    Obviously, I could be wrong and my opinion is 100% made up, but it makes sense to me. I want every Shocker to have a great career. Redshirting doesn't mean you won't make the NBA, as we very well know...


                    • #40
                      From what I saw at SM, two guys stuck out to me as redshirt candidates. McDuffie and Taylor. I see a lot of potential in them but both need some work physically to compete at this level, IMO. My GUESS is McDuffie is the guy Marshall is referring to when he says he'll force a redshirt on someone. Again, that's a guess I have absolutely no inside information as usual. We have a lot of depth at his position and just don't see him playing over Wessell, Kelly, Brown, etc.

                      Same with Taylor. We just have a ton of depth at guard. I think VanVleet and Baker handle most of the point guard duties until Frankamp is eligible. I could see Shamat getting some spot minutes here and there in the less contested games. But when Frankamp gets back I really believe he's our back up point guard and he has the potential to be the best back up PG in the Marshall era (all due respect to Toure and Ron-both of whom were entirely servicable at the point). Of course he'll play some SG as well.

                      Clevin Hannah, Joe Ragland, Malcom Armstread, Fred VanVleet. Marshall likes point guards who can shoot, create off the dribble for themselves and for others, and who protect the ball. That describes Frankamp. If skinny, green Freshman Ty Taylor can come in and do those things better than Frankamp I will be pleasantly surprised, if not shocked. My money is on the more mature, experienced kid that I've seen do it at all levels.

                      I can't see a Nurger redshirt IMO. Same with Hamilton. He may be rough around the edges but he's a physical presence that none of the other freshman can come close to. I don't imagine he'll play a ton of minutes in big games but I see him as a candidate to improve quite a bit over the course of the year.

                      I think Shamet is going to be a very solid contributor from day 1.


                      • #41
                        The good news is that no matter who Marshall redshirts, we are still totally stacked!
                        Livin the dream


                        • #42
                          With McDuffie, the only thing he seems to be lacking is a big frame. It has been mentioned that he is stronger than he appears and well coached.

                          If Taylor takes the shirt, then you can bet Brown will play some SG minutes early in the year, opening up some PT for McDuff.
                          Livin the dream


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by pinstripers View Post
                            Paul needs to re-phrase........seriously. We have "one talented walk-on and 3 other walk-ons"? SMDH
                            Wow, no kiddin'. Something like "one highly touted walk-on, in addition to 3 other walk-ons", or something.
                            Kung Wu say, man who read woman like book, prefer braille!


                            • #44
                              The talk of Nurger redshirting seems like crazy talk -- and not just because he would be old when he graduates. I expect big things out of him this year if he stays healthy, unlike last season.
                              Kung Wu say, man who read woman like book, prefer braille!


                              • #45
                                This tweet from McDufee doesn't sound like someone believing he will have a redshirt:

                                It's crazy how time flies man, I committed to Wichita State a year ago, and now I'm 2 weeks into my first college game. Crazy. #Blessed
                                In the fast lane

