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Redshirting May Not Be a Player Option This Year

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  • #46
    Nurger might be the 4th center this year.............that's a wasted year


    • #47
      Originally posted by Dave Stalwart View Post
      I stand by my theory that Marshall has already identified someone who is not at all ready this season (like not even close) but may think he is. Someone who can get owned at practice, forget plays and still believe he will play. Someone who is probably a little emotional about it too. The whole idea of forcing a shirt for the first time ever because he knows it is in this players best interest even though they probably don't get it (that they are not as ready as the rest of the team) is very believable to me. He's got a kid he needs to be a dad for. Marshall brought this up, not us. That makes it a very different level of potential reality in my opinion.

      Who do you think that is, honestly? It's a really short list.
      I think the really interesting thing about it this year is that we may actually not get an announcement of any kind, especially in the first few weeks of the season. With Marshall's DNP comment, it's highly likely we won't know who the likely candidate is until we see who amongst those being debated (where are we now, Hamilton, Taylor, Nurger, McDuffie?) actually get on the court. It might be until nine or ten games into the season at which point it becomes fairly obvious who isn't getting playing time. I think we saw that with Glass last year didn't we?


      • #48
        Until Wamukota's back issues are a thing of the past, I'm not ruling him out.
        Livin the dream


        • #49
          Originally posted by wufan View Post
          Until Wamukota's back issues are a thing of the past, I'm not ruling him out.
          And I wouldn't mind at all having him another year. If I found out it was him, I'd actually kinda like it... Although I know he did some big things for us at the end of last year. We probably need him. But yeah if he's gonna miss or be limited in a lot of games, he could still be on the table.


          • #50
            What we don't want is another Ede Egharevba.
            Where oh where is our T. Boone Pickens.


            • #51
              Originally posted by wusphlash View Post
              What we don't want is another Ede Egharevba.
              It appears most fortunate that he is not here.

              Ede Egharevba (15) Forward - 2014-15: Coach Brown on Egharevba: "Ede is a talented athlete who showed flashes last year. We need Ede to take the next step and
              The future's so bright - I gotta wear shades.
              We like to cut down nets and get sized for championship rings.


              • #52
                Originally posted by pie n eye View Post
                From what I saw at SM, two guys stuck out to me as redshirt candidates.
                With all due respect if you are basing your assumptions on a 20 minute scrimmage at Shocker Madness, it is still just a guess like everyone else. That said, who know, you may end up being correct. I totally agree with one of the two but I may be way off too. Not a whole lot of information that could be gleaned from SM but I had a great time seeing this years team begin their journey.


                • #53
                  Originally posted by pie n eye View Post
                  But when Frankamp gets back I really believe he's our back up point guard and he has the potential to be the best back up PG in the Marshall era (all due respect to Toure and Ron-both of whom were entirely servicable at the point).
                  Not trying to be argumentative, but for me personally, Conner is going to have to do some DAMN good things before I will put him in the same sentence as Ron when it comes to best back-up point guard of the Marshall era. I think Conner will be a great player for the Shockers, but you're talking about a Shocker legend in Ron.
                  "You Don't Have to Play a Perfect Game. Your Best is Good Enough."


                  • #54
                    Frankamp made his mark by being the offense, not by setting up the offense. I'm not saying he can't make the trasition, but that is a really tough transition to make.

                    Conner has good handles and doesn't turn the ball over, but he has to show that he can see the court, make the passes that need to be made, and set up the offense. He hasn't shown that yet. It's probably a bit early to call him the best backup PG in WSU history. Especially when the current backup PG is going leaguue - and probably as a PG.
                    The future's so bright - I gotta wear shades.
                    We like to cut down nets and get sized for championship rings.


                    • #55
                      Toure Murry was also a backup point guard.


                      • #56
                        FVV was the backup PG on the F4 team.
                        The future's so bright - I gotta wear shades.
                        We like to cut down nets and get sized for championship rings.


                        • #57
                          Originally posted by pinstripers View Post
                          Nurger might be the 4th center this year.............that's a wasted year
                          A wasted year implies that he's giving up a year of eligibility that he could use on the back-end. Nurger will not be playing in a Shocker uniform a few months shy of his 27th birthday. If you redshirt him he almost certainly forgoes his senior season anyway. It's very possible he forgoes his junior season as well -- was he taking classes at WSU while at Sunrise?

                          Redshirting him would be the only way you can waste a year with Nurger, because even if he's fourth at his position, you could still use him for depth. If you RS him you can't use him for depth, and you get one less year with him able to play. You aren't protecting a year of eligibility with Nurger.

                          Even Grant Gibbs was done at Creighton by 25. Nurger is less than two months younger than Wamukota. Any discussion about RS'ing him is relying on the idea that Nurger would choose to essentially be an 8th year senior. I would hope Marshall would advise him against that even if he wanted to do it. If he has no hope at the NBA, then he needs to get his degree and think about his future.
                          Last edited by Rlh04d; November 1, 2015, 09:12 AM.
                          Originally posted by BleacherReport
                          Fred VanVleet on Shockers' 3-Pt Shooting Confidence -- ' Honestly, I just tell these guys to let their nuts hang.'


                          • #58
                            I guessing we have 2 guys that won't play unless injuries or fouls become a major problem and we absolutely need them. The first few games should tell us who those guys are and 3G probably won't make a formal announcement.


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by asiseeit View Post
                              Based on the 20 minute scrimmage where EH played against RN it was obvious to me that
                              RN was the more polished player. EH has tremendous athleticism and strength but from what
                              I saw has much more to learn than RN. Remember, RN had lost weight from illness during
                              the middle of last season. He looked very healthy and much stronger / energetic at the
                              madness scrimmage and I thought he out played EH head to head. Of the two EH is the
                              obvious red shirt candidate.
                              Which of EH and RN were better on defense? I know Marshall likes defense.


                              • #60
                                don't redshirt anbody.

