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The Annual HCGM's WSU Future

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  • Bama forums some are saying Marshall to talk to team today-, hope its not true. Would have thought Wichita insiders would know first
    Last edited by kcshocker11; March 31, 2015, 07:12 AM.
    I have come here to chew bubblegum and kickass ... and I'm all out of bubblegum.


    • Originally posted by shockmonster View Post
      Players, AD, coaches would all have to know. A meeting would have to be called. Reporters, Twitter, etc. are all over this. This would be a great kept secret.
      Yeah, it's possible it IS bad news that he removed it from his bio AND that it is unconnected to the Alabama stuff. I think it's incredibly unlikely that the players, AD, and coaches all know and are able to keep it quiet for 24 hours. I don't want to speculate about the twitter bio stuff because it is probably nothing, but if it is something it doesn't necessarily have anything to do with Alabama.


      • You guys have got to stop re-posting drivel from their boards, be it Alabama or Texas. They're about 0 for 20 so far on the "departure is imminent, expect an announcement at xyz time" thing.

        Picture the biggest dumbass posters on ShockerNet. Those are the equivalent to the guys you're lending credibility to. I know we all want news on this but sometimes you just have to wait.


        • Alabama? I can't believe that he would really go to Alabama. I mean I can believe it, not that it's gone on this far. But man.. That just seems like such a bad move. Everything he has accomplished here, and he would chance it and go to Alabama?? I just don't get it.

          Far for me to know what is best for him and his family though. I am just thinking out loud, but I would have scoffed at 3G to Alabama. Guess I have some Shocker-hubris in me.


          • If Marshall stays all I'll be able to say is "well played". Because 3G to Bama has gone from laughable to serious in a matter of two days. I didn't think Bama would ever have a fourth of this amount of traction on boards and in the media...


            • Originally posted by seskridge
              Might mcduffie changed his bio because shockernet is freaking out and thinks Marshall is leaving?
              Maybe it's because the season is over. Shamet's comments OTOH are very encouraging.
              Livin the dream


              • MM probably just read that the Alabama AD came to WSU and thought it meant more than it did. He doesn't realize there is no chance Marshall is going to Alabama and the Texas heat is cooling off, he's going on rumors like some here are but not on faith in Marshall :)

                Marshall thinks like his fans do. Thats why he hit it off in Wichita so well in addition to the winning. That's how you know he is staying.


                • Originally posted by DJ06Shocker View Post
                  MM probably just read that the Alabama AD came to WSU and thought it meant more than it did. He doesn't realize there is no chance Marshall is going to Alabama and the Texas heat is cooling off, he's going on rumors like some here are but not on faith in Marshall :)

                  Marshall thinks like his fans do. Thats why he hit it off in Wichita so well in addition to the winning. That's how you know he is staying.
                  I have been wondering whether so much speculation over the head coach staying would affect recruiting. Not so much this year since those recruits are already committed, but, if he stays, what does it say to future prospects that he's trying to sell the wichita state program to?


                  • Originally posted by shoxtop View Post
                    I have been wondering whether so much speculation over the head coach staying would affect recruiting. Not so much this year since those recruits are already committed, but, if he stays, what does it say to future prospects that he's trying to sell the wichita state program to?
                    This is what I was talking about when I mentioned too much flirting... Never before has the courtship been so public. Needs to walk the fine line.


                    • Originally posted by GO_SHOCKERS View Post
                      There is no channel 1170 on XM and no show called "Thunder Box"....relax folks
                      I think "thunder box" might just be the guy's pet name for his anus, since he seems to enjoy talking out of it.


                      • Too much flirting has to impact your ability to recruit. That's the one thing that drives me nuts about our Coach. He likes to be wanted.


                        • I'm gonna need a damn second pot of coffee today.


                          • Unless you're a football coach, why the hell would anyone want to move to Tuscaloosa freakin' Alabama?
                            Even $4m a year can't buy happiness in that place.
                            With everything Gregg has going for him at WSU, I just don't see it happening.

                            Alabama positives: $$$, SEC
                            Alabama negatives: football, rebuilding, fan apathy, basketball program/history, Tuscaloosa

                            WSU negatives: MoVal
                            WSU positives: $$, fans, returning team, strong program, reloading phase, Koch expansion, family loves it, basketballcentric city, personal use of jets, ADES hands off policy

                            If HCGM goes, it's two deciding factors: $$$ and the SEC. Otherwise, WSU wins hands down and it's not close.

                            Let's face it---how often does an AD fly into a coach's own city and spend 8 hours with a sales pitch. HCGM hasn't even visited their campus yet. I like Alabama's fans. Their BB fans have been a classy group. I just think that when HCGM decides to leave (if) WSU, he can do a lot better than Alabama basketball.

                            I would be extremely surprised if he chose Alabama.

                            Go Shox!


                            • I would hope this comes to a conclusion today. The way this has been handled with Alabama broadcasting every move is tacky. 3G needs to **** or get off the pot.
                              Wichita State, home of the All-Americans.


                              • Would the chance to coach with all the new high profile SEC coaches be on his mind? I'm not sure but it's a thought.

