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  • Originally posted by pinstripers View Post
    that team SUCKED
    just wait til you see 4 of our 9 mvc opponents


    • A serious question to switch from Shocker bashing to ref bashing, perhaps.

      Can any of our resident gurus explain to this old codger the ruling on the "no change in possession" play? Their guy got a loose ball, caught it with two hands, bounced it once, attempted to pick it up with two hands and lost control of it in a scramble. How is that anything but "possession"? I don't believe the ball was touched by anybody else between the first catch, bounce and then touching his own hands after the bounce. It was maybe contested just as it -re-touched his hands, but he had one complete dribble under control by that time. Anybody?
      "I not sure that I've ever been around a more competitive player or young man than Fred VanVleet. I like to win more than 99.9% of the people in this world, but he may top me." -- Gregg Marshall 12/23/13 :peaceful:
      Remember when Nancy Pelosi said about Obamacare:
      "We have to pass it, to find out what's in it".

      A physician called into a radio show and said:
      "That's the definition of a stool sample."


      • Comment

        • I agree with this from the article: "Two steals by Kethan Savage sparked the George Washington comeback. He swiped careless passes by Darius Carter and Tekele Cotton and turned both into transition layups, trimming an eight-point deficit to one and forcing a rare timeout from Gregg Marshall with just over five minutes to play."

          I thought the play angry was missing last night.
          On twitter as @WuShocks


          • I'm not too worried about this loss since it's a holiday tournament, which can be tough to win because other than the first opponent you have no idea who you're going to play next and you don't have a lot of time to practice for the 2nd and 3rd game. Given plenty of days to practice for a 1-3-1 zone, we would probably have handled it better, but there was no sure way of knowing we would even face it. So it really comes down to who can play their style the best and control the game and it's tough for teams with a lot of young players to have that ability, and it's even worse when the older guys are having off nights. GW was able to impose their style in the 2nd half and take us out of our game via turnovers and poor shooting and they beat us. It's a cliche, but WSU just needs to play their style of basketball and things will be okay.


            • Originally posted by wu_shizzle View Post
              I get it that we haven't played our best consistently, but are you forgetting the LMU game?
              LMU is 273 RPI team - in real world terms they are not very good. WSU will get to play 5 MVC teams that are LMU caliber (10 games), but will also play 4 MVC teams that are GW caliber (8 games). The margin is small for mistakes when you are in the 10th or 11th ranked conference in the nation.


              • Originally posted by BikeIdiot View Post

                I thought the play angry was missing last night.
                "play angry" has been missing more than last night.


                • Originally posted by SB Shock View Post
                  "play angry" has been missing more than last night.
                  Good point. But last night is was "play like milk toast" I thought the passes were lazy during GWs come back run. There didn't seem to be any fire at all.
                  On twitter as @WuShocks


                  • Originally posted by BikeIdiot View Post
                    Good point. But last night is was "play like milk toast" I thought the passes were lazy during GWs come back run. There didn't seem to be any fire at all.
                    Agree. I heard HCGM on the Coaches' show recently state he liked the "pace of games" (meaning several games with little time between) but I wonder if it caught up with us. I think the "break" will help us. BUT, we have to have better 4-5 play from the bench. If I was scouting us, I think I'd pressure the guards knowing the bigs can't beat you. Several times last night I was amazed at how far extended the zone was; no one seemed able to work the ball into the paint with a pass. Good play from the bigs gives the guards better shots. (Hopefully they'll start making them soon!)


                    • Don't know if anyone has noticed, but our top 4 active posters on SN has not made 1 post in over 24 hours. Fev, 1972Shocker, Doc, and Royal. I'd count #5, Trop, but he isn't posting that regularly of late. I know it was Christmas and all, but still.

                      I am awaiting their thoughts and insight.


                      • Originally posted by ShockTalk View Post
                        Don't know if anyone has noticed, but our top 4 active posters on SN has not made 1 post in over 24 hours. Fev, 1972Shocker, Doc, and Royal. I'd count #5, Trop, but he isn't posting that regularly of late. I know it was Christmas and all, but still.

                        I am awaiting their thoughts and insight.
                        Maybe they don't want to post because of all the asinine talk, speculations, and people writing this season off... I don't post much, but good god, some of you all need to get off the ledge, bottle, whatever it is, and just chill, because everything will be fine in time!! To quote Mr. Rodgers, " R E L A X"


                        • Originally posted by wu_shizzle View Post
                          Some of you are going a little far.

                          I get it that we haven't played our best consistently, but are you forgetting the LMU game?

                          In this same tournament, we played a game in which we could do no wrong.

                          Even our 2nd and 3rd team looked great.

                          We had a cold shooting night against a defense that needs time to scout and practice against.

                          I'm not worried.
                          Because our only truly good games this season were against LMU, St. Louis, and I guess Tulsa. What do those teams have in common? They are quite bad. Going by SRS, we should have been favored against LMU by 21 points. Similarly, we we'd be favored against SLU by 24, and Tulsa by 11. SRS ranks us at around #24, about 16.5 points better than an average team. UNI is #46, GWU is #45, and Utah is #11. The gap between Wichita State and the top teams is about the same as the gap between LMU and us. For reference UK would be favored by 20 against us, while the top 6ish would be favored by 10-15.


                          • Originally posted by wushock27 View Post
                            Maybe they don't want to post because of all the asinine talk, speculations, and people writing this season off... I don't post much, but good god, some of you all need to get off the ledge, bottle, whatever it is, and just chill, because everything will be fine in time!! To quote Mr. Rodgers, " R E L A X"
                            Just where in my post did you get I'm on a ledge (this seems to be a popular saying) and need to relax. You have not read my previous posts, and thats OK, but I'm not one who thought preseason that we were a top 10 team. I was actually figuring more of a 9-3 non-con, but I also over estimated much of our opposition.

                            As far as hearing from these posters, they were not just missing after the game through this morning, but before and during the game. Pretty sure some aren't in Hawaii. Yes, I look forward to their posts, not to "calm me down" (not needed), but because I enjoy and value there posts.


                            • Originally posted by ShockTalk View Post
                              Just where in my post did you get I'm on a ledge (this seems to be a popular saying) and need to relax. You have not read my previous posts, and thats OK, but I'm not one who thought preseason that we were a top 10 team. I was actually figuring more of a 9-3 non-con, but I also over estimated much of our opposition.

                              As far as hearing from these posters, they were not just missing after the game through this morning, but before and during the game. Pretty sure some aren't in Hawaii. Yes, I look forward to their posts, not to "calm me down" (not needed), but because I enjoy and value there posts.
                              That wasn't aimed at you directly, more of an answer to your question... But yes, people need to chill out


                              • It's not that some people are bigger fans than others--hardly. I'm one of the biggest WSU fans (in all sports) that you'll ever see. I just don't spend near as much time on the board as others and barely even look at the board during a game. I'll try to correct that faux pas as soon as possible.

