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  • Believe are super three need to get more consistent. ?????? How bad is TC finger? How much do we really miss Coach Jan's? We have athletes shutting down our guards, last year CE could break down anyone when he wanted,
    Nobody can do that right now. The young guys are getting better and we need the attitude back. Just some quick thoughts.


    • Originally posted by wushock27 View Post
      Maybe they don't want to post because of all the asinine talk, speculations, and people writing this season off... I don't post much, but good god, some of you all need to get off the ledge, bottle, whatever it is, and just chill, because everything will be fine in time!! To quote Mr. Rodgers, " R E L A X"
      Agreed. It's exhausting.

      I mean, I wish the Shox would have won just as much as the next person and I can admit they haven't player their best lately, but it's not as if WSU is a play-in team all of a sudden.

      Seriously, it's like some are saying, "Whelp, we have looked bad for a couple games. Time to pack it in and set our sights for next season."

      JUST STOP!!!
      The Assman


      • Originally posted by im4wsu View Post
        A serious question to switch from Shocker bashing to ref bashing, perhaps.

        Can any of our resident gurus explain to this old codger the ruling on the "no change in possession" play? Their guy got a loose ball, caught it with two hands, bounced it once, attempted to pick it up with two hands and lost control of it in a scramble. How is that anything but "possession"? I don't believe the ball was touched by anybody else between the first catch, bounce and then touching his own hands after the bounce. It was maybe contested just as it -re-touched his hands, but he had one complete dribble under control by that time. Anybody?
        im4wsu, the way you describe it, I don't see how that couldn't be considered possession. Admittedly I was still doing family stuff last night so I didn't see much of the game, I'd have to watch the play in question to give you a better answer, not to mention I wasn't 1 of the 3 striped shirts on the floor last night, so they could have seen something that nobody else saw. Good question, and definitely not ref bashing as most people like to do. Wish I had a better answer for you though.


        • The Shockers are going to be fine. They have a great Coach and some great individual players who have proven themselves in big games and through tough seasons. We have become a bit spoiled as a fan base which is ok since you have to be great to get spoiled. The Shox have been great but this year will be tougher with all the newbies and the pressure put on our talented guards as they have become the focus of others teams D. Marshall will get them playing at their peak by March and then we will see what happens. Now is not the time to be mentally fragile as a fan base. This team will focus and get dialed in.


          • Originally posted by TheYeti
            Fans are passionate because they care. It's a message board, if they want to freak out, let them. No biggie. No reason to be sanctimonious about it.
            Just curious, based on this hypothesis, where they were the first 9 minutes of the game? Check the start of this thread. People didn't show up until things started going badly. That, I think, is why people have some disdain about the "we suck" crowd.


            • Originally posted by TheYeti
              Fans are passionate because they care. It's a message board, if they want to freak out, let them. No biggie. No reason to be sanctimonious about it.
              TheYeti, you have to understand we have Nazis on this board that can't tolerate 1 bad thing being said about any of the Shocker players, coaches, fans, etc etc. Every board has them. I agree it's a message board, people have the right to an opinion. I think some of the negative replies just need to be worded differently, as I can see the point. 2 losses is no reason to panic, but still sometimes the presentation of the message leaves a lot to be desired.


              • I think we missed Wessel's spark last night.


                • Originally posted by boyshocker View Post
                  Believe are super three need to get more consistent. ?????? How bad is TC finger? How much do we really miss Coach Jan's? We have athletes shutting down our guards, last year CE could break down anyone when he wanted,
                  Nobody can do that right now. The young guys are getting better and we need the attitude back. Just some quick thoughts.
                  I think Evan is missed more that some fans are willing to admit.
                  On twitter as @WuShocks


                  • Originally posted by Downtown Shocker Brown View Post
                    Just curious, based on this hypothesis, where they were the first 9 minutes of the game? Check the start of this thread. People didn't show up until things started going badly. That, I think, is why people have some disdain about the "we suck" crowd.
                    They can have disdain and stay away or stupidly, like me, can try to reason with them. They probably are wise.


                    • The big 3 guards are trying to do too much individually. I imagine this is due to their lack of confidence in the freshmen. My hope is that this works itself out over the conference season. I am convinced of our Freshmen that there is not an Arbry Butler or Chris Brown in the bunch. The problem is that our seniors/juniors have to be convinced that involving the new guys will pay dividends this season and not just next.
                      Wichita State, home of the All-Americans.


                      • Originally posted by Downtown Shocker Brown View Post
                        Just curious, based on this hypothesis, where they were the first 9 minutes of the game? Check the start of this thread. People didn't show up until things started going badly. That, I think, is why people have some disdain about the "we suck" crowd.
                        Not that I'm disagreeing with you about the "we suck" crowd, but it is possible that some of these people just flat out couldn't get on during the first 9 minutes of the game. I know personally I don't care much for getting on a message board during the games because then it takes some of my attention away from the game itself. I understand where you're going with it though, and I know that I am guilty of being overly negative at times. It's just because I am such a passionate fan, maybe not always the most realistic fan, but passionate none the less.


                        • I think someone kissed someone elses dolphin....
                          Rip em up, Tear em up, Give em HELL Shockers!


                          • Originally posted by shocksrbest View Post
                            I think we missed Wessel's spark last night.
                            Yes, I agree. His 4.2 pts, 4 rbds could have helped.


                            • Originally posted by Dan View Post
                              wow, that's a lot of wild assumptions in here. And it's "conceding". I'd be shocked if we sent McDuffie to Sunrise, kid's a major stud. He will play next year.
                              It wouldn't surprise me if McDuffie started from the get go. Or was at least one of the 5 on the floor at the end.


                              • We are spoiled as a fan was one game against a good RPI opponent

