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Conner Frankamp is a Shocker

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  • Here's a question. Which is better? Starting 2 years for a decent team in the middle rpi range and getting picked up by a Euro team? Or coming off the bench for two years on a top 10 team that gains much national attention all year, wins conference titles, and comes close to or actually wins a national title...then also getting picked up by a Euro team. This is what CF is looking at. He's good but he is not an NBA player.

    I feel like Connor showed us how he would choose already by leaving KU. On the other hand, if he does come here in particular (another championship kind of team) instead of Colorado or Creighton, I would be wrong and there would have to be an additional variable. One such as he figured out he actually doesn't want to play at KU specifically and it wasn't all about playing time. Here's another question. If he is a title guy, not a playing time guy, and he left KU because he doesn't want to play for them anymore specifically, do we want him? I would. I'd really like to know exactly why he left. Players never leave one week before the first game. The whole thing is interesting.
    Last edited by Dave Stalwart; November 8, 2014, 06:23 PM.


    • Won't CF have 3 years of eligibility?


      • Originally posted by ShockerHoops View Post
        Won't CF have 3 years of eligibility?
        2.5. He was on scholarship at KU this semester, so he loses that time.
        Livin the dream


        • Originally posted by another shocker View Post
          read this again, closely this time, asiseeit.
          I'm sure I never discredited Holland at all, in fact, I am very impressed with his
          athletic ability and excited about his career here. I believe that BOTH he and CF are
          outstanding basketball players !


          • nm
            Last edited by Aargh; November 9, 2014, 08:24 PM.
            The future's so bright - I gotta wear shades.
            We like to cut down nets and get sized for championship rings.


            • Originally posted by Aargh View Post
              A 6' Ggurd joining the class of Holland and Henderson? Frankamp "can play" PG. Henderson IS a PG.

              There are several aspects of being a basketball player. Certainly shooting is important. Rebounding, defense, and assists are also important. Rebounding and defense get minutes when you play for Marshall. Those seem to be areas where Holland has obvious advntages over Frankamp.

              Frankamp may have been top-50 out of HS, but I believe we have better D1 players already on the roster - and more coming next year.
              Holland will need a breather eventually.
              Livin the dream


              • Of course that's why Shamet is coming.
                Livin the dream


                • nm
                  Last edited by Aargh; November 9, 2014, 08:25 PM.
                  The future's so bright - I gotta wear shades.
                  We like to cut down nets and get sized for championship rings.


                  • Guys. Frankamp can ball. Don't let his beaker stint fool you or cloud your judgement.

                    3G's wouldn't have had him and his family at the game, if he thought otherwise.

                    It'll be awkward to see the same people cheer for Conner that have been tearing him down lately. (If he plays for WSU)
                    The Assman


                    • Originally posted by wufan View Post
                      Conner's visit is being treated like every unofficial visit, and I think that's how you'd have to classify today for the Frankamps.
                      Official, unofficial doesn't matter. Don't kid yourselves, today was a recruiting visit and there is interest on both sides. Holland and Frankamp can co-exist. Why do you insist on comparing them? They are both good players and have some similarities. This is about having the best 13 players on our team. marshall has shown he can create chemistry with the best. He doesn't worry as much about chemistry as you, because during practice, he creates it by demanding their best and "harping" on every mistake. Competition creates it.


                      • Originally posted by shockmonster View Post
                        Official, unofficial doesn't matter. Don't kid yourselves, today was a recruiting visit and there is interest on both sides. Holland and Frankamp can co-exist. Why do you insist on comparing them? They are both good players and have some similarities. This is about having the best 13 players on our team. marshall has shown he can create chemistry with the best. He doesn't worry as much about chemistry as you, because during practice, he creates it by demanding their best and "harping" on every mistake. Competition creates it.
                        I'm assuming when you say "you" you aren't talking about me.
                        Livin the dream


                        • The more good players the better, as I see it. If Conner wants to play here and Marshall wants him on his terms I'm all for it...I think our guys will welcome him because he will make us that much deeper on the perimeter.


                          • I like to see Wichita kids do well, including CF. Most people won't agree with me but...
                            1. CF never gave WSU a chance initially. He's been a Jayhawk since he could talk
                            2. The timing of him leaving KU (or any program for that matter) at the start of the season seems selfish to me; especially since it didn't gain him anything. It cost him a semester of eligibility and KU pays him for a semester of school in which CF contributes nothing.
                            3. Naysayers will articulate his inability to perform at KU thus "stepping down" a level to a MoVal school.
                            4. WSU has great guard play--- better than KU. Why take a chemistry risk by offering CF.

                            Do the rewards outweigh the risks? What's in it for WSU or CF. And why didn't CF leave KU last summer if he wasn't happy?


                            • Originally posted by wufan View Post
                              I'm assuming when you say "you" you aren't talking about me.
                              I think that you are correct.

                              The famous "You talkin' to me?" line from the movie "Taxi Driver" (1976).Need a line? Quote it!


                              • Originally posted by Veritas View Post
                                I like to see Wichita kids do well, including CF. Most people won't agree with me but...
                                1. CF never gave WSU a chance initially. He's been a Jayhawk since he could talk
                                2. The timing of him leaving KU (or any program for that matter) at the start of the season seems selfish to me; especially since it didn't gain him anything. It cost him a semester of eligibility and KU pays him for a semester of school in which CF contributes nothing.
                                3. Naysayers will articulate his inability to perform at KU thus "stepping down" a level to a MoVal school.
                                4. WSU has great guard play--- better than KU. Why take a chemistry risk by offering CF.

                                Do the rewards outweigh the risks? What's in it for WSU or CF. And why didn't CF leave KU last summer if he wasn't happy?
                                I'm sure that Marshall forgives you for your Jayhawk brain farting moment (you thought you had to go but did you really?). I'd bet he forgives CF too. Now, does he fit into his future plans? Only he knows.

