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Positive Thoughts For Dex

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  • #76
    Originally posted by moshock View Post
    Several ASS-U-ME that it's basketball related. The only people who really know don't post on SN. I hope for his sake that it's something that he can get thru / past . The Shockers will be fine either way.

    BTW - the blues may not have been invented by white dudes but there are several white dudes that have Technicolor souls. Eric Clapton, Stevie Ray, etc.

    "We had records.. Eric had records... mum provided food... it was a discovery of that music...(4:18)" -Eric and his British chums learnin' 'bout dem blues as kids. #Inauthentic

    Originally posted by shock View Post

    Jazz is not about pain...

    Originally posted by abdullah_sharif View Post
    white people are the reason for the blues.
    A little too simplistic for my taste, but we damn sure 'bet not be playin' the music of a people that created it under slavery...
    Originally posted by Bluzrover View Post

    I'm sorry, but this is probably the most asinine thing I've read in a long time. That's like telling Charley Pride or Darius Rucker they can't write or sing country and western songs.
    Unfortunately your comment doesn't follow the logic of my statement. In fact, it is wholly unrelated for all intents and purposes. Charley Pride and Darius Rucker (lol Darius Rucker...) are entitled to sing anything they like IMO. Blues is an anthem of a people during great suffering. Does it make sense that the descendants of those that partially enabled said suffering should be profiting off something so involved and personal? Probably not... Plus, white people suck at the blues beyond what they can ape.

    Country music was not forged in hardship and great suffering; country music is a redneck's answer to bubble gum pop. I personally would barely even qualify country music as music to be brutally honest... "She thinks my tractor's sexyyyyy" *ducks*




    • #77
      Originally posted by wichshock65 View Post

      Was your favorite movie Full Metal Jacket or something, Cold? Asking for a friend.

      Gregg Marshall is the embodiment of Gunnery Sergeant Hartman.

      Originally posted by ShockerFever View Post

      And some things are bigger than basketball...
      In the context of Shockernet and Wichita State Athletics, I disagree.

      Top 50 programs all over the nation are filled with challenges and drama. The history books only recognize the ones that persevere.

      Had Dexter's BEST friend been shot last weekend, a leave of absence would be understandable. Having a two year post-mortem breakdown is not...

      It is a convenient excuse for a Sophomore slump though...




      • #78
        Originally posted by Kung Wu View Post
        At first, Dexter was doing this to his opponents ...

        So the following year, expectations elevated ...

        But then ...

        And Dexter is like ...

        But our opponents are ...

        But he disengages ...

        Now everyone's like ...

        So we can only hope he is listening to his professional basketball mentors ...

        Because the NCAA tournament is ...

        And Marshall and his assistants are all ...

        So we want him to ...

        Because he has prepared his whole life and is too good to not be doing this!

        And when he pushes through it, it will make him feel like this!

        And ultimately like this!

        And this is purely gratuitous because ... Shockernet?

        That's one great 'gif' montage... you're no longer a grasshopper, you are the master!

        "You Just Want to Slap The #### Outta Some People"


        • #79
          Phantom Blues Band- aka Mike Finnigan on vocals also try Mikes sons group The Monophonics
          I have come here to chew bubblegum and kickass ... and I'm all out of bubblegum.


          • #80
            Hope Dex gets to buzz the tower...

            "You Just Want to Slap The #### Outta Some People"


            • #81
              "You Don't Have to Play a Perfect Game. Your Best is Good Enough."


              • #82
                Originally posted by kcshocker11 View Post
                Phantom Blues Band- aka Mike Finnigan on vocals also try Mikes sons group The Monophonics
                Great find! The vocals start at 1:10 roughly and...

                P.S. Anybody know if Dex took time off during Christmas last year for mourning? Asking for a friend...




                • #83
                  Originally posted by kcshocker11 View Post
                  Phantom Blues Band- aka Mike Finnigan on vocals also try Mikes sons group The Monophonics
                  I'd like to share something with you, Mike Finnigan, and the rest of Shocker Nation. Consider this college credit worthy on the subject matter at hand...




                  • #84
                    Originally posted by C0|dB|00ded View Post

                    I'd like to share something with you, Mike Finnigan, and the rest of Shocker Nation. Consider this college credit worthy on the subject matter at hand...


                    I’m really curious how you define jazz.
                    People who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do. -Isaac Asimov

                    Originally posted by C0|dB|00ded
                    Who else posts fake **** all day in order to maintain the acrimony? Wingnuts, that's who.


                    • #85
                      Originally posted by pie n eye View Post

                      Maybe I’m being naive but Dexter isn’t an “employee” (despite the best efforts, right or wrong, of many to classify college athletes as such).

                      Also, I could be wrong, but few (no one?) here have any idea what’s going on. I certainly don’t. I trust the coaching staff to handle whatever is going on with the 19 (?) year old kid who by all accounts is a great teammate and student. They have direct knowledge of the situation. We have some life experiences with people whose situations may or may not have anything to do with what he’s going through.

                      I know you said it’s your opinion and you may ultimately be right but my opinion is that I’m going to wait and see what happens because A) I don’t know what’s going on with him and B) I have no control over it anyways.
                      I was attempting to draw the analogy that Marshall's relationship with DD parallels a work place manager's relationship with a troubled employee. When a manager has a limited time to meet a workplace goal, said manager must guard against losing site of his obligations to all of his employees while granting special dispensation to a troubled gifted employee.

                      I too do not know what is troubling DD and I too have no control over whatever it is. But Marshall has a contractual obligation to the University and an obligation to Shocker fans to deliver as successful a season campaign as he can. Permitting DD to sit out 10% of the season is enough consideration IMO.


                      • #86
                        At least Cold has the balls (and not much else) to admit he doesnt give a **** about the kid outside of basketball.

                        work place employee, contractual obligations, Grow up etc.

                        So yeah Dex please get better. For the sake of your entertainment.


                        • #87
                          Originally posted by shock View Post

                          I’m really curious how you define jazz.
                          I define it thusly:

                          Do Not miss Monk's solo which begins at 4:27. You'll be better for it!




                          • #88
                            Originally posted by C0|dB|00ded View Post

                            Country music was not forged in hardship and great suffering;:
                            the hell it wasn't


                            • #89
                              Originally posted by pinstripers View Post

                              the hell it wasn't
                              "You Just Want to Slap The #### Outta Some People"


                              • #90
                                When I first saw flatlander post I was 99% sure he was a troll. Seeing him post again the second time and I'm now 100% certain.

