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Teddy Allen - Man or Boy?

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  • ‘Free Teddy’ Snapchat filter on display at Koch Arena
    “The rebellion on the populist right against the results of the 2020 election was partly a cynical, knowing effort by political operators and their hype men in the media to steal an election or at least get rich trying. But it was also the tragic consequence of the informational malnourishment so badly afflicting the nation. ... Americans gorge themselves daily on empty informational calories, indulging their sugar fixes of self-affirming half-truths and even outright lies.'

    ― Chris Stirewalt


    • RoyalShock
      RoyalShock commented
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      "Free Teddy" sounds like a Victoria's Secret promotion.

      Just sayin'.

  • Do they grant waivers through out the season?


  • Originally posted by choida View Post
    Do they grant waivers through out the season?
    Do they grant waivers in the middle of games?


    • WSUwatcher
      WSUwatcher commented
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      Maybe during a timeout?

      Somebody needs to hit FTs, though, with or without Teddy.

  • ESPN3 working now


    • Where can I buy a shirt?
      The Assman



        Thought this was pretty neat ... a little positive note for a rough WSU day.


        • Stickboy46
          Stickboy46 commented
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          Kung Wu ... out of curiosity, is there a way to embed facebook posts like you do with twitter posts on the forum?

        • Kung Wu
          Kung Wu commented
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          Not last I looked, but I will look again.

        • Kung Wu
          Kung Wu commented
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          Don't see anything. :(

      • If I were an oppressive dictator I would close this post until someone PM's one of the admin staff with hard news on TA. Seeing this thread pop up every few hours with nothingburgers is a bit like spending your time buying and scratching off lotto tickets, and well all know how wise that is as a use of time and money. Excitedness... oh nevermind. Hey what's that... DAMMIT!

        Not picking on anyone particular, by the way.


        • Shocktoberfest
          Shocktoberfest commented
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          Totally agree. This thread is wearing me out. One big tease.

      • Would think WSU would get some good karma from the NCAA with how they handled the Lomax situation.
        The Assman


        • Stickboy46
          Stickboy46 commented
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          NCAA's Response to that: "What's Karma? How do we make money off Karma?"

        • Kel Varnsen
          Kel Varnsen commented
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          Wasn't Karma one of the strippers in the Louisville scandal?

      • He aint getting a waiver. Who are we kidding? If he does it will be in freaking February.

        Screw the NCAA.
        "When life hands you lemons, make lemonade." Better have some sugar and water too, or else your lemonade will suck!


        • A Minnesota guard was denied a waiver today. Can't find a rhyme or reason the NCAA is using in these decisions...


        • Missouri just got waiver approved for a guy who transferred from Illinois because his coach was yelling at him.

          it does sound like that one of the factors is how the school the player is transferring from responds. In the case of the Minnesota case, Pittsburgh was doing their best to block it. Evansville is blocking it in another case, and I would expect Huggins to block Teddy.


          • Stickboy46
            Stickboy46 commented
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            I have no idea why Huggins would want to block Teddy, we aren't an opponent of WVU.

          • WstateU
            WstateU commented
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            Unless he just wants to be an a$$hole...

          • ShoxRoxMySox
            ShoxRoxMySox commented
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            I'm not surprised to hear this. But if a coach goes out of his way to block a student from getting a waiver while they transfer out of conference, rather than let the NCAA bums flip a coin or whatever they do, that just confirms, IMO, the student athlete absolutely did the right thing leaving a petty coach.

        • Carlton Bragg's waiver to play now at New Mexico was denied today.

          From what I can tell, he'll be eligible in December anyway.


          • pinstripers
            pinstripers commented
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            .......and likely on the Dean's list by January.............

        • According to Kennedy there is a back and forth going on between WSU and WVU. There will likely be no resolution one way or the other until after Charleston.

          Maybe I’m reading between the line to much when he says that WVU gets to respond to WSU inputs on the waiver request - but it sounds like WVU responses are maybe drawing the process out. But he did make a point to say WSU doesn’t want to say anything publicly about what going on.


          • Shock Top
            Shock Top commented
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            Wouldn’t be surprised if Huggy was the one holding everything back. Dude isn’t exactly the most loveable guy.

          • Shock Top
            Shock Top commented
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            Wouldn’t be surprised if Huggy was the one holding everything back. Dude isn’t exactly the most loveable guy.

          • shockrah
            shockrah commented
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            You can say that again!

        • If true WVU is playing this really dumb. The media will kill them if this is true and comes out. They will get shamed into doing the right thing


          • choida
            choida commented
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            Don't be naive...all the media cares about is wins and losses and selling stories. Shame and Bob Huggins have been friends for years.

          • 1989
            1989 commented
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            Don’t ignore history....I don’t know the specifics of this case, but we have seen other instances where coaches try to block a transfer, that transfer/new school fights it, the media picks up the story and bashes the coach and program responsible for the blocking, and then later the decision gets reversed. The best example is probably Bo Ryan a few years ago attempting to block that kid from going to Iowa. His no turned to a yes after getting killed publicly. The most recent example might be that player a couple of years ago who tried to transfer from Pitt to UNC. Initially Pitt tried to make him sit, but after fighiting it-which lead to media outrage- the kid won and was eligible immediately.

            Part of the reason why Marshall probably let Lomax go without fuss is because he knew he would get killed. I agree that selling stories is one of the only things the media cares about. You know what sells stories nowadays in college athletics? Rich ass coaches who can go to whatever school they want making the decision to block a kid from going to whatever school he wants. It is a frequently discussed topic in college athletics.

        • Doesn’t help that WVU fans are on Twitter saying they would have won their opener if they’d had Teddy Buckets.
          “The rebellion on the populist right against the results of the 2020 election was partly a cynical, knowing effort by political operators and their hype men in the media to steal an election or at least get rich trying. But it was also the tragic consequence of the informational malnourishment so badly afflicting the nation. ... Americans gorge themselves daily on empty informational calories, indulging their sugar fixes of self-affirming half-truths and even outright lies.'

          ― Chris Stirewalt

