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2024 Presidential Election

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  • Originally posted by Atxshoxfan View Post
    I think cold should run for president. He knows how to run a campaign, he is the Einstein and Superman of today, all rolled in to one.
    If you don't believe me, just ask him.
    I hear he's great on the stump, or the park bench.


    • Originally posted by WuDrWu View Post

      I hear he's great on the stump, or the park bench.
      He would probably beat Kamala. I believe they are tied in vote count.


      • Originally posted by Atxshoxfan View Post
        I think cold should run for president. He knows how to run a campaign, he is the Einstein and Superman of today, all rolled in to one.
        If you don't believe me, just ask him.
        I agree. I would make an incredibly helpful president. Morality, ethics, and acumen all in the 99th percentile. No childhood trauma w/ high emotional IQ.

        I would ideally come into office as an independent. I would be a uniter of the people. My prime directive would be to get Americans talking and cooperating again.

        I would visit all talk shows, deftly maneuvering around their attempts to "ignite the base" and further divide the people. I would use plain language which would seem unfamiliar at first. Dog whistles/party vernacular would be absent. I would meet with the D's and the R's equally. I would attempt to get everybody in the same room for every meeting. Everybody has equal access to me - from Bernie Sanders to Marjorie Taylor Greene.

        Everybody outside of the folks in this country who TRULY want to see change (that excludes almost everybody in here) would be against me. The Pols would secretly come up to me and say how they wish they could do/say what I was doing/saying, but explain how the establishment has them by the balls and how they are unwilling to throw everything they have away.

        I would come across to the American people like I am completely honest (because I actually am). Would I get anything done? In the manner that Washington actually gets things done (backroom dealings), probably not. I would need for the American people to put pressure on their politicians to work with me, or expect removal at the next election.

        Unfortunately, I likely wouldn't have enough time to see America through the whole change. In fact, I might get assassinated within the first couple months. I would be HATED by the evil factions that continue to drive this country apart for money and power (or ignorance).

        But perhaps, just perhaps, in the time I would have, I would be able to slightly alter the course of this country from the one it's on now, to something more bright and prosperous.


        • Originally posted by WuDrWu View Post

          I hear he's great on the stump, or the park bench.


          • I WANT.......
            1. a powerful military
            2. a closed border and a sensible immigration policy
            3. smaller federal government
            4. an overhauling of the IRS, FBI, SS, DOJ
            5. term limits
            6. boys out of girls' sports
            7. energy independence
            8. investigation of big Pharma and Fauci
            9. line by line veto
            10. tax cuts or whatever it takes to build a strong economy


            • Originally posted by pinstripers View Post
              I WANT.......
              1. a powerful military
              2. a closed border and a sensible immigration policy
              3. smaller federal government
              4. an overhauling of the IRS, FBI, SS, DOJ
              5. term limits
              6. boys out of girls' sports
              7. energy independence
              8. investigation of big Pharma and Fauci
              9. line by line veto
              10. tax cuts or whatever it takes to build a strong economy
              Your list of wants would be added to America's great big box of wants that I, along with all the D's and R's would negotiate on what we could pay for, and what we MUST pay for.

              Everybody would be working together, regardless.

              Can't help ya with Fauci though. No more political witch hunts in my administration. Plus, he's my boy...

              It's been fun. I'm out!


              • Imagine if we had all the money WASTED on green initiatives, climate change, EV's, and a BLOATED government which could easily be reduced by 20-40% in four years? Apply that money to a strong military, border protection, and law enforcement.


                • RFK announces he is dropping out and endorsing Trump.
                  People who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do. -Isaac Asimov

                  Originally posted by C0|dB|00ded
                  Who else posts fake **** all day in order to maintain the acrimony? Wingnuts, that's who.


                  • Originally posted by shock View Post
                    RFK announces he is dropping out and endorsing Trump.
                    Technically, he said he was suspending his campaign but not dropping out. He would stay on the ballot in solidly blue and solidly red states where he would not be spoiler. He will withdraw from the contested battleground states because he does not want to be a spoiler.

                    I think he hopes to garner 5% of the national popular vote which would allow him to form a 3rd party and gain access to public funding.

                    I'm confident the main reason he is suspending his campaign is that he is out of money.

                    He stated that he is removing his name from ballots in ten battleground states and encouraged voters in those states not to vote for him and instead to vote for former President Trump. He cited three reasons: "The war on free speech, the war in Ukraine, and the war on our children."​

                    Ahead of his speech, Kennedy said in a Pennsylvania court filing he would be endorsing Trump. In the same filing, first obtained by CNN, he requested that his nominating petitions be dismissed.
                    Last edited by 1972Shocker; 3 weeks ago.


                    • Tammy Bruce @HeyTammyBruce

                      Proving Kennedy's point, CNN cut away from his address when he began to speak about his endorsement of Trump.​


                      • image.png
                        Kung Wu say, man who read woman like book, prefer braille!


                        • "You Just Want to Slap The #### Outta Some People"


                          • "You Just Want to Slap The #### Outta Some People"


                            • Originally posted by WstateU View Post
                              Perfect, get him elected. Means lower taxes, less inflation, more oil, no boys in girls sports and closed borders.
                              I'd love to see Bidens work undone.
                              Last edited by Atxshoxfan; 3 weeks ago.


                              • Cold ‘secretly’ has a moist towel…

                                "You Just Want to Slap The #### Outta Some People"

