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Russia-Ukraine War

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  • SB Shock
    Originally posted by N Crestway View Post
    The early Ukrainian success has perhaps caused the media in the West to discount the sheer Russian advantage in numbers and equipment. At the moment Russia is militarily getting the upper hand in the Donbas presenting the real threat of encirclement for some Ukrainian forces. They are simply overwhelming the Ukrainian Donbas forces with their troop numbers and their advantage in rockets, artillery, tanks, and air power. Also more verification that they are not only using cluster bombs but also thermobaric weapons.
    Social media has given somewhat of a warped view of the ongoing battles. The King of Battle (artillery) is ruling the battlefield. The Russians don't have enough infantrymen, but they have much superior numbers of artillery and shells. They are making very slow progress in the Donbas, but it is progress.

    Personally beginning to believe that there is still a lack of resolve behind all the NATO and EU rhetoric about supporting the Ukraine... buy into Zelensky's disgust with the NATO powers, particularly Germany.
    I agree. U.S. wanted Germany to send anti-tank missiles to Ukraine that uses Israeli technology. Germany probably agreed to it because they knew Israel would reject it. Israel did veto it. They vetoed it because they are worried about angering Russia and Russia start harming Israeili security interests in Syria. Israel also doesn't trust the U.S. The U.S. leaked this week that Israel was involved in the assignation of a Iranian Colonel who was organizing assassinations of various targets through Europe including a U.S. General.

    A leak to The New York Times about the assassination of a member of Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps infuriated Israeli officials, with a parliament committee warning on Thursday that leaks could damage US-Israeli cooperation.
    NATO just wants to punish Russia, but they don't want to go far enough where they risk being drawn into the conflict. I think they believe that time is on their side and that either

    a. Economic Sanctions finally start having an impact on Russia (most estimates I have seen is this won't be until August/September)

    b. Or Putin is removed from power and somebody comes to replace him who wants to normalize relations with the West (this is a big if in my opinion).

    This is big roll of the dice in IMO. Either way, Russia is going to come out of this with more territory which they will be able to claim at least a small victory.

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  • N Crestway
    The early Ukrainian success has perhaps caused the media in the West to discount the sheer Russian advantage in numbers and equipment. At the moment Russia is militarily getting the upper hand in the Donbas presenting the real threat of encirclement for some Ukrainian forces. They are simply overwhelming the Ukrainian Donbas forces with their troop numbers and their advantage in rockets, artillery, tanks, and air power. Also more verification that they are not only using cluster bombs but also thermobaric weapons.

    Personally beginning to believe that there is still a lack of resolve behind all the NATO and EU rhetoric about supporting the Ukraine... buy into Zelensky's disgust with the NATO powers, particularly Germany.

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  • Shockm

    The War is getting worse for Russia. Hmm "Cover-ups and scapegoating". That sounds like Biden's blaming everything on Trump, Putin, etc.

    The U.K. Ministry of Defense claimed "a culture of cover-ups and scapegoating" has plagued Russia’s military and security sectors.

    "Many officials involved in the invasion of Ukraine will likely be increasingly distracted by efforts to avoid personal culpability for Russia’s operational setbacks," the ministry said.

    Officials believe these organizational issues will put additional strain on Russia’s "centralized model of command and control" and will prompt military officials to defer decisions to those higher in the ranks.

    "It will be difficult for Russia to regain initiative under these conditions," the ministry concluded.

    Reports have increasingly surfaced that Moscow is laying the blame for its failures in Ukraine on its top officials, including army general Valery Gerasimov, who serves as the Chief of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces.

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  • N Crestway
    Turkey controls the Dardanelles...critical in this war. Erdogan in a bargaining position to get whatever he wants from NATO sorry to say.

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  • WuDrWu
    We’ll say no to love.

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  • SB Shock
    Originally posted by ABC View Post

    They haven't vetoed it yet.
    I don't know what else you would say they are doing

    Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Thursday warned that Turkey will continue to block NATO membership for Finland and Sweden, citing security concerns.

    “We told related friends that we will say no to Finnish and Swedish entry to NATO. We will continue in our path,” Erdogan said.

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  • ABC
    Originally posted by SB Shock View Post

    Turkey has already vetoed it.

    It is just all theater.

    Everybody (including the Russians) knew Turkey would veto. That probably why both countries applied - they didn't really want to join NATO and occur the financial requirement, but were able to send a symbolic message to Putin.
    They haven't vetoed it yet. I think things will get resolved. A fair question is whether NATO should have Turkey as a member.

    Even if Russia had the stomach to escalate, I don't think they have the military capability.

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  • SB Shock
    Originally posted by SubGod22 View Post
    Just saw where Sweden and Finland have officially applied for NATO membership, which could potentially create more issues in the region along the western borders of Russia.

    Biden has state the the US will support their addition. Acceptance requires unanimous support from my understanding.

    Meanwhile, Ukraine still fights an invasion.

    Does Russia have the stomach to escalate things further?
    Turkey has already vetoed it.

    It is just all theater.

    Everybody (including the Russians) knew Turkey would veto. That probably why both countries applied - they didn't really want to join NATO and occur the financial requirement, but were able to send a symbolic message to Putin.

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  • SubGod22
    Just saw where Sweden and Finland have officially applied for NATO membership, which could potentially create more issues in the region along the western borders of Russia.

    Biden has state the the US will support their addition. Acceptance requires unanimous support from my understanding.

    Meanwhile, Ukraine still fights an invasion.

    Does Russia have the stomach to escalate things further?

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  • SB Shock
    Bryansk, Russia had a civillian fuel depot have an "accidental fire" this weekend. 15 minutes later, a military fuel depot had an "accidental fire" also.

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  • C0|dB|00ded

    Russia 'Can't Seize Kyiv' or Replace Zelensky in Ukraine: Ex-Ambassador

    I think they're still looking for opportunities to figure out what their goals are. They're sort of making it up as they go along," Lute responded. "Putin is trying to assess what might be possible and looking for opportunities and he'll grab the first good one available.
    Sound familiar? Applause is not necessary.

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  • Downtown Shocker Brown
    Originally posted by wufan View Post

    Those Russians are passive aggressive bitches, that’s for sure.
    They were so mad at Serbia, they invaded Ukraine!

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  • wufan
    Originally posted by N Crestway View Post

    I thought that the NATO dismembering of Serbia...allowing Kosovo, an ancient part of Serbia, to break away and form an independent country would infuriate the Russians more than NATO expansion. I chalked it up to NATO-US hubris at the time. Apparently Boris Yeltsin went more or less through the roof when it happened and, sadly, he had been a friend of democracy. Understandable that it was seen as a slap in the face of Slavic "little brother" and maybe a basis for retaliation in the future.
    Those Russians are passive aggressive bitches, that’s for sure.

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  • N Crestway
    Originally posted by C0|dB|00ded View Post
    I'm starting to think that NATO, particularly the addition of the Eastern European nations over the last 20 years or so has been an unnecessary slap in the face of the Russians. It wasn't enough that we defeated them in the cold war, but we start snapping up former Soviet members and adding them to an alliance whose tacit goal was to oppose their former ruler. Why step on the neck of Moscow after all the friendly relations built up with Gorbachev and Yeltsin.

    Putin selling the Russian people on the threat of "Imperialist" America striving to systematically dismantle their country and culture would be a fairly easy task compared to say... convincing half of America to stop believing in medicine and science when they needed it most...

    Our treatment of Russia by way of encroaching on their borders with a unified military alliance via their former territories needs to be rethought. Maybe NATO should be dissolved. Clearly the free countries can band together informally in the face of a new threat, but Russia... as corrupt as it is, was kind of minding its own business until we started sprinkling NATO "holy water" all around them for decades.

    Putin is no Communist. He's certainly now (and always has been a murderer), but the invasion into Ukraine may be the result of pent up frustration that we alone have fomented with our forced idealism. The Russian/Slavic culture is VERY different than American/Western. Russians are a tough people. They are also quite sad in a way. Lots of struggles. But I've always respected them for their intelligence and how they stomped on Hitler's dick.

    They were the ultimate antagonist of the 20th century. But what's going on right now in Ukraine... just doesn't seem "Russian".
    I thought that the NATO dismembering of Serbia...allowing Kosovo, an ancient part of Serbia, to break away and form an independent country would infuriate the Russians more than NATO expansion. I chalked it up to NATO-US hubris at the time. Apparently Boris Yeltsin went more or less through the roof when it happened and, sadly, he had been a friend of democracy. Understandable that it was seen as a slap in the face of Slavic "little brother" and maybe a basis for retaliation in the future.
    Last edited by N Crestway; April 22, 2022, 02:03 AM.

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  • Downtown Shocker Brown
    Originally posted by C0|dB|00ded View Post
    I still believe he was bluffing at one time. I believe his strategy has been dynamic from the start, and not in a good way. This is evidenced by his half-measure attacks. As I've already stated: Russia has enough firepower to turn the entire country of Ukraine into a parking lot by lunchtime. Instead, they drive their tanks until they're all stuck in the mud. A Russian getting stuck in the mud is like a New Yorker not knowing how to navigate the subway system.

    How Ukraine’s mud became a secret weapon in its defense against Russia

    I believe that the United States and Russia were in heated negotiations behind the scenes on Crimea, NATO, current sanctions, etc. I believe eventually the U.S. told Russia to go **** themselves (perhaps around the time the Biden administration entered office) and we have what we have today. Like I said earlier, I think we would be best served to find common ground with Russia, instead of focus on our differences. With the right president, Russia could even be called an ally. It just takes one.

    I can't believe in a hundred years that Pootin' has been planning to overthrow Ukraine. Yes, I read his manifesto. I think he wanted a neutral-to-friendly Ukraine, that is all. When the murmurings of Ukraine joining NATO became louder, he decided to preempt the situation. He knew it was now or never. I believe he also expected Ukraine to capitulate with 100,000 troops lining the border. Plan B was a half-assed invasion against what is essentially their own people. Cluster**** born.
    So sad.

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