Omicron: The delta-slayer
Not sure about some of this author's statements and I think his conclusions are premature I a hope this proves to be the case. In any case, taking steps to strengthen our immune systems is something folks should continue to do, even if the Xi virus mutates into a mild endemic type of virus.
The press has been loaded with doom and gloom stories about the omicron variant. But in reality, omicron is nature's version of a vaccine for the Wuhan Plague.
Omicron infections are often asymptomatic (vaxxed or not). Where not completely unnoticeable, omicron cases produce short-lived, mild illness to nearly all afflicted. And at the end of the less-than-traumatic ordeal, the newly COVID-recovered is bestowed with better, more durable, natural immunity to COVID over all the vaccines in the world.
Omicron infections are often asymptomatic (vaxxed or not). Where not completely unnoticeable, omicron cases produce short-lived, mild illness to nearly all afflicted. And at the end of the less-than-traumatic ordeal, the newly COVID-recovered is bestowed with better, more durable, natural immunity to COVID over all the vaccines in the world.
Not sure about some of this author's statements and I think his conclusions are premature I a hope this proves to be the case. In any case, taking steps to strengthen our immune systems is something folks should continue to do, even if the Xi virus mutates into a mild endemic type of virus.