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Coronavirus 2019-nCoV

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  • If Cold had an office, this is what I imagine it would look like.



    • I have never voted straight party ticket. I have leaned fairly right of center most of the time. The last five or six years, and more intensely the last two, the Republicans have been laser-focused in the message they want to send. They have done a fantastic job in communicating that message to the nation. Even my limited intellect has clearly received that message. As a result, I’ll never vote for another Republican again.


      • Originally posted by Eric View Post
        I have never voted straight party ticket. I have leaned fairly right of center most of the time. The last five or six years, and more intensely the last two, the Republicans have been laser-focused in the message they want to send. They have done a fantastic job in communicating that message to the nation. Even my limited intellect has clearly received that message. As a result, I’ll never vote for another Republican again.
        Can you tell me what this "laser focused message" is?


        • Originally posted by wichshock65 View Post

          Can you tell me what this "laser focused message" is?

          "You Just Want to Slap The #### Outta Some People"


          • Originally posted by wichshock65 View Post

            Can you tell me what this "laser focused message" is?
            • Historic job growth, particularly for minorities
            • Big growth in middle class income
            • Lowest unemployment in 50+ years
            • Historic stock market growth
            • Rebuilt and invested in manufacturing in the US
            • Sweeping tax reforms
            • Massive deregulation and roll back of over reaching regulations
            • Leveled the playing field on trade
            • Energy independence unlike any time in history
            • Life saving response to China virus
            • Border security
            I could go on but this is probably not what the original poster was thinking about...


            • Originally posted by MikeKennedyRulZ View Post
              • Historic job growth, particularly for minorities
              • Big growth in middle class income
              • Lowest unemployment in 50+ years
              • Historic stock market growth
              • Rebuilt and invested in manufacturing in the US
              • Sweeping tax reforms
              • Massive deregulation and roll back of over reaching regulations
              • Leveled the playing field on trade
              • Energy independence unlike any time in history
              • Life saving response to China virus
              • Border security
              I could go on but this is probably not what the original poster was thinking about...
              And I'm guessing his self-assessment of just right of middle may be just a tad off. But I'm still eager to hear laser message.


              • Originally posted by C0|dB|00ded View Post

                Spoken like a true moron. No offense.

                It's comments like yours that made me rethink my political affiliation. I understand most of your words are not your own and you've been brainwashed with propaganda, but the dearth of intellectuality in the Republican party has had me holding my nose for a long time. Covid has been like a huge magnifying glass revealing just how vulnerable the average Republican really is to superstition. There's a simplicity in problem solving that reminds me a lot of primitive tribes.

                My tone should not be construed as mocking, I'm actually quite sad and frustrated at what has been revealed to me. Never in a million years would I believe an entire party would go off the rails w/ respect to healthcare science. "The doctor" has always been largely off-limits. But the influence of one very simple, liberal, dishonest man, has changed everything. I won't go along with it, and it seems others like me won't either based on my interactions with them. The Independent party has just grown by leaps and bounds.

                I was on the Trump Train in the beginning. I sat at the table and gorged myself as we "owned the libs". But I could never walk off the cliff of reality with Mr. Trump. Those that called him a demagogue were absolutely spot on. And the impact is still being felt today.

                No data to back your contrarian claims?
                Livin the dream


                • Originally posted by C0|dB|00ded View Post
                  I Googled Covid stadium and it appears that Alabama is shooting for a packed game in a state w/ a 40% vaccination rate and our country having just hit a 2k average daily death rate. This would be the equivalent of realizing your boat is sinking and then turning the bow towards the open sea and sailing further away from land. But freedom right?

                  P.S. Dr. Fauci, a man revered and adored by all on earth outside of the Trump Republicans, knows exactly how and why the virus spreads. Had he been given full control over the pandemic from day one (and all the governors listened to him), it would have been a 3 month affair in our country. Would it have been erased? No. But it would have been under control and we'd have kept deaths under 100k and life would seem normal in comparison to what we've endured.
                  Does Fauci know that it is aerosolized? If he did, surely he would be anti cloth/medical mask?
                  Livin the dream


                  • Originally posted by Eric View Post
                    I have never voted straight party ticket. I have leaned fairly right of center most of the time. The last five or six years, and more intensely the last two, the Republicans have been laser-focused in the message they want to send. They have done a fantastic job in communicating that message to the nation. Even my limited intellect has clearly received that message. As a result, I’ll never vote for another Republican again.
                    LOL! I tend to vote Republican in local elections. I’m not a fan of the party, but hope that there are some small gov folks in the bunch. The Republican message has been muddled at best over the last 20 years. The Democrat message has been a little more clear IMO…Central planning, equity, target an extrinsic threat and catastrophise the risk.

                    Not really my cup of tea.

                    OTOH, NeoCons seem to be right at home in today’s Democratic Party.
                    Livin the dream


                    • Question:

                      If masks work so well, why are states who implemented new mask mandates (even outdoor) experiencing surges in cases? I thought mask mandates would prevent the spread? Looking at you Oregon...


                      • Originally posted by MikeKennedyRulZ View Post

                        If masks work so well, why are states who implemented new mask mandates (even outdoor) experiencing surges in cases? I thought mask mandates would prevent the spread? Looking at you Oregon...
                        No statistical difference in mandates vs no mandates.
                        Livin the dream


                        • Originally posted by Eric View Post
                          I have never voted straight party ticket. I have leaned fairly right of center most of the time. The last five or six years, and more intensely the last two, the Republicans have been laser-focused in the message they want to send. They have done a fantastic job in communicating that message to the nation. Even my limited intellect has clearly received that message. As a result, I’ll never vote for another Republican again.
                          Voted Bush, Dole, Bush, Bush (insta regret), Obama, Obama, Hillary (held my nose), Joe. Never thought I would vote for a Democrat. Now I don't know how I could vote for a Republican. We'll see what happens. Parties change their message to split the electorate.
                          Wichita State, home of the All-Americans.


                          • Originally posted by wufan View Post

                            No data to back your contrarian claims?


                            • Originally posted by wufan View Post

                              No statistical difference in mandates vs no mandates.


                              • Originally posted by C0|dB|00ded View Post
                                Had he been given full control over the pandemic from day one (and all the governors listened to him), it would have been a 3 month affair in our country.

                                Kung Wu say, man who read woman like book, prefer braille!

