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Coronavirus 2019-nCoV

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  • Originally posted by wufan View Post

    My butler called in sick today. She’s a trans quadriplegic POC. Turns out she got Covid. She thinks it was from singing in the choir at her local evangelical church. Looks like I will be working from my bedroom on the third floor as I don’t even know how to operate the elevator in my estate.
    Sounds like you need a personal assistant. And maybe a shrink. I'll pray for you....."thoughts and prayers"


    • Also of note: While at the tag office yesterday, there was a line out the door (last day of the month and after a four day holiday) with a couple of dozen people standing six foot apart, all in masks as per the governors edict. After an hour in line, I got into the tag office where seven employees behind plexiglass were all working without masks. Now if they all stayed seated, surely they would be close enough to six foot apart so as to technically be social distanced, but they were constantly hunkered together looking at computers and paperwork.

      I guess their job is stressful enough that they don’t need to worry about Covid too.
      Livin the dream


      • Originally posted by revenge_of_shocka_khan View Post

        Sounds like you need a personal assistant. And maybe a shrink.
        There just aren’t any good minority shrinks in my gated community.
        Livin the dream


        • Originally posted by wufan View Post

          There just aren’t any good minority shrinks in my gated community.
          I guess because you live in a 'whites-only' community? By choice or on purpose?


          • Originally posted by wufan View Post
            Also of note: While at the tag office yesterday, there was a line out the door (last day of the month and after a four day holiday) with a couple of dozen people standing six foot apart, all in masks as per the governors edict. After an hour in line, I got into the tag office where seven employees behind plexiglass were all working without masks. Now if they all stayed seated, surely they would be close enough to six foot apart so as to technically be social distanced, but they were constantly hunkered together looking at computers and paperwork.

            I guess their job is stressful enough that they don’t need to worry about Covid too.
            Glad the government continues to follow its own advice and sets a shining example to everyone as they collect their $$$.
            Deuces Valley.
            ... No really, deuces.
            "Enjoy the ride."

            - a smart man


            • Originally posted by wufan View Post

              My butler called in sick today. She’s a trans quadriplegic POC. Turns out she got Covid. She thinks it was from singing in the choir at her local evangelical church. Looks like I will be working from my bedroom on the third floor as I don’t even know how to operate the elevator in my estate.
              Well done sir


              • I'll just drop this here for your viewing pleasure.



                  Ice-T says ‘no-masker’ father-in-law is ‘a believer now’ after 40 days in ICU battling COVID-19

                  SAN FRANCISCO (KRON) – Ice-T tweeted on Sunday that his father-in-law is now a “believer” after not wearing a mask and suffering a scary bout with COVID-19.

                  “My father-in-law ‘Coco’s dad’ was a serious ‘No Masker’ COVID hit him. Pneumonia in both lungs.. 40 days in ICU close to death..” the “Law and Order” star wrote. “Now he’s on Oxygen indefinitely. Ohhh he’s a Believer now… #COVIDisNotAGame,” said Ice-T on Twitter.”

                  Ice-T knows Covid is real, and now his father-in-law does too...


                  • Originally posted by RoyalShock View Post
                    I'll just drop this here for your viewing pleasure.

                    Kung Wu say, man who read woman like book, prefer braille!


                    • Originally posted by C0|dB|00ded View Post

                      Ice-T says ‘no-masker’ father-in-law is ‘a believer now’ after 40 days in ICU battling COVID-19

                      Ice-T knows Covid is real, and now his father-in-law does too...
                      Elderly obese in high risk group. And?


                      • Originally posted by revenge_of_shocka_khan View Post

                        I guess because you live in a 'whites-only' community? By choice or on purpose?
                        I don’t want to subject my family to live in those neighborhoods. I just want to virtue signal by hiring them for menial work.
                        Livin the dream


                        • Originally posted by MikeKennedyRulZ View Post

                          Elderly obese in high risk group. And?
                          Doesn't look that old to me. Ice-T's wife is 40 yrs. old. She said he lost 30 lbs. in the hospital and they hope to help him gain his muscle back. Doesn't sound like he was obese going in. Now his lungs are trashed and he'll be on oxygen for the foreseeable future.

                          It's real and death is not the only bad outcome... obviously.


                          • Originally posted by C0|dB|00ded View Post

                            Doesn't look that old to me. Ice-T's wife is 40 yrs. old. She said he lost 30 lbs. in the hospital and they hope to help him gain his muscle back. Doesn't sound like he was obese going in. Now his lungs are trashed and he'll be on oxygen for the foreseeable future.

                            It's real and death is not the only bad outcome... obviously.
                            Was he a smoker? Did he have diabetes? 60s is getting up there and definitely is a factor.

                            I wonder how many news stories there are out there that involve people “believing”, wearing masks, social distancing, and still getting covid.
                            Deuces Valley.
                            ... No really, deuces.
                            "Enjoy the ride."

                            - a smart man


                            • Originally posted by revenge_of_shocka_khan View Post
                              He thinks he got it at Home Depot.

                              Of course it was Home Depot....They've been known to support Trump, so naturally they are a super spreader retail outlet. It's science.


                              • Originally posted by ShockerFever View Post

                                Was he a smoker? Did he have diabetes? 60s is getting up there and definitely is a factor.

                                I wonder how many news stories there are out there that involve people “believing”, wearing masks, social distancing, and still getting covid.
                                Smokers seem to actually have a better go with Covid on average according to some folks. Perhaps the alien virus cannot accommodate the added tar, mucus, and nicotine.

                                He didn't die, so it was a victory right?

                                Wearing masks and social distancing only helps to prevent you from getting Covid WHEN you do it. Just because someone wears a mask at Dillon's and then yanks it off at Applebee's doesn't mean they are really "wearing a mask" does it? If you slip a condom on when you bang a dirty, but take it off when you mount a hottie, can you tell your next prospective lover that "you wear condoms"? You can if you want to be a liar.

                                For people to do their part, they must wear a mask every second they are around "strangers". And I'll define a stranger as someone that doesn't live in your immediate household. If everybody did that, we would see our infection rate plummet. But this doesn't happen. I don't care if you make a commercial showing 100 million people wearing masks and standing 6 feet apart. We need 300 million doing it, and they have to do it every second when in the presence of a "stranger".

                                When I visit my folks I do so on a nice day and we chat outside. I have come into their home a few times over the last 9 months and wore an N95 the entire time. That was ***** miserable so I don't do that anymore. No, that doesn't mean I ripped the mask off and threw it to the floor, it means I don't go inside their house anymore.

                                I sympathize with those of you wearing a mask all day at work.

                                This entire mitigation/lockdown process shouldn't have taken more than 4-6 months. If that! The fact that we're approaching 10 mos., having never gotten a break from the constant droning to social distance, wear your mask, stay home, is a testament to how much our government failed us when we needed it most. Germany had like 5 mos. of reprieve before their 2nd wave came. We've only had one wave and it's been continual.

                                A friend of mine told me I am the most compliant person (with respect to the pandemic) that she knows. That's probably not true. But I have given it my all. I'm really lucky I haven't lost my mind yet. But I've been resourceful attempting to stay mentally healthy and have had a lot of multi-hour phone calls with friends. I'm sure you fookers helped kill some time too with your insolence, so I thank you for that. :)

