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Coronavirus 2019-nCoV

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  • SHOCKvalue
    I would have to assume the public sentiment on the mask issue - across party lines - is very poor at the moment for the idea of more masking or re-masking. I understand there is a partial contingent of the left that are emotionally and irrationally attached to the issue, but basically 100% of the right, and I would guess at least 75% of the left are done with this. So basically, the Biden admin trying to RE-INSTATE the measures is a bit like "hold my beer and watch this" with respect to the additional damage this causes to their plight come fall midterms. It is so tone-deaf to the prevailing public take that it is almost hilarious. Are they able to make zero correlation to their policies thus far and Biden's poll numbers?

    "Hey guys... I have an amazing idea... let's do more sh*t the public at large generally dislikes and see what happens. It is has served us well thus far."

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  • C0|dB|00ded
    Originally posted by Kung Wu View Post
    This gem was posted on July 24, 2020 ...

    I see you've been scouring through my posts again! I encourage this, and... I'm honored.

    If you look closely at my "gem", you'll notice I mentioned pulling out "OVER THE WEEKEND". This was a short-term "risk off" recommendation.

    Now, if I could direct your attention to the graphic I just posted, you can see that at the exact point I mentioned pulling out, the market went absolutely nowhere for nearly 100 days after. Magic? No, just science. The bull trend didn't resume until the fall. Ever hear the phrase: "Sell in May...".

    Thanks again for the walk down memory lane. I was kind of in a bad mood today but you managed to lift my spirits.


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  • Downtown Shocker Brown
    Originally posted by Kung Wu View Post

    I thought they just lifted it?
    It was reinstated on Monday and missed that they did lift it again late last night. Good catch.

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  • Kung Wu
    Originally posted by Downtown Shocker Brown View Post
    Philly just reinstated indoor masks, due to omicron variant.
    I thought they just lifted it?

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  • ShockerPrez
    I have a question.

    Wouldn't 'looking at the data' require that there be no mask mandate on public transit for a time, so that there is data to compare the results with the masks on?

    How does looking at data under the same circumstances do anything?

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  • Downtown Shocker Brown
    Philly just reinstated indoor masks, due to omicron variant.

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  • ShockerPrez
    Originally posted by Maizerunner08 View Post
    Is the next variant out yet? Things have been awfully quiet lately on this front.
    It's out, I forgot the name, but the CDC referenced it, or the WH, when they cried about the mask mandate needing to be reinstated.

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  • Maizerunner08
    Is the next variant out yet? Things have been awfully quiet lately on this front.

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  • ShockerFever
    And back to Cricketsville he goes.


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  • MikeKennedyRulZ
    Originally posted by Kung Wu View Post
    This gem was posted on July 24, 2020 ...

    That’s some substantial ownage right there.

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  • ShockerFever
    Originally posted by Kung Wu View Post
    This gem was posted on July 24, 2020 ...


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  • Kung Wu
    This gem was posted on July 24, 2020 ...

    Originally posted by C0|dB|00ded View Post
    If ya'll have access to any stock portfolios that are in tax-deferred accounts, I would consider pulling out over the weekend. The risk is out of whack with the reward with the market sitting at record highs over what looks to be a significant period of death coming up.

    Just a suggestion. Not investment advice of course. ;)

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  • ShockerFever
    Originally posted by C0|dB|00ded View Post

    I did a Google search to see if the world was flat. Actually, no I didn't...
    I thought you were “done” with this topic.

    Not surprising since your entire reason here now is based on lies.

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  • Ted Lasso's Neighbor
    Originally posted by C0|dB|00ded View Post

    I did a Google search to see if the world was flat. Actually, no I didn't...
    wufan asked where the info was so I pointed it out to him.

    And your point is?

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  • C0|dB|00ded
    Originally posted by Ted Lasso's Neighbor View Post
    I did a google search on 'CDC The genetic material delivered by the viral vector does not integrate into a person’s DNA' and the first result was a CDC web site on understanding viral vector covid-19 vaccines at and it has #1 and #2 on the list of items. It has a link on the page to more about mRNA vaccines ( and that page has items #3 and #4.

    I did a Google search to see if the world was flat. Actually, no I didn't...

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