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Coronavirus 2019-nCoV

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  • Cold...aerosolized droplets Cary the flu virus. Coronavirus being a tiny percentage of the size, looks at a 5um droplet like the pyramids. Coronavirus is lighter than air. There are no studies that show cloth masks will stop Coronavirus. They aren’t meant to. They are meant to stop the flu.
    Livin the dream


    • Originally posted by MikeKennedyRulZ View Post
      Another couple of factors with respect to the recent "spikes" being reported:

      1) The core of these could be from the mass protests that occurred following the George Floyd murder (hence the larger number of younger positive cases);

      2) Many more people began going back to the doctor and to hospitals for elective or other issues and were then tested for Covid when they were not testing these before, thus leading to a false "spike" in cases. Meaning that hospitals, like cities in general, are beginning more widespread testing. So it doesn't necessarily mean there is a "spike" it means that more testing is being done and thus more positive cases reported. The focus should be on the death rate which, at least here in California, is declining and has been since April. It is a false pretense and a false narrative preached by the "media" outlets to lead to hysteria, clickbait, and ratings.
      There's certainly clickbait and hysteria going on; there's also a VERY deadly virus circulating through society as well. The two are not mutually exclusive.

      There is no such thing as a "false spike" in cases. You are either infected or you aren't. And once infected you aren't infected forever... at least I hope you aren't.

      Hospital admissions/deaths should follow infection spikes. Most experts are expecting that.

      The only way deaths do not follow infections is if: A) the virus has had a beneficial (for us) mutation, B) therapies/treatments have improved, C) a vaccine has been deployed, or D) all of the above.

      Hoping, wishing, and denying doesn't change reality.

      But wearing a mask does.




      • Originally posted by wufan View Post
        Cold...aerosolized droplets Cary the flu virus. Coronavirus being a tiny percentage of the size, looks at a 5um droplet like the pyramids. Coronavirus is lighter than air. There are no studies that show cloth masks will stop Coronavirus. They aren’t meant to. They are meant to stop the flu.
        Of course they do, but being smaller, they do not carry nearly the quantity as a >5nm droplet hence the difficulty in getting an infectious concentration. You need to be indoors, in a closed room, or in a room with a lot of sick.

        Wearing a crappy mask will stop someone from firing a bunch of infectious (>5nm) droplets onto someone's face. It's not ideal, but it's not worthless.




        • It is the flu, except less deadly in young people. It is!
          Livin the dream


          • Originally posted by C0|dB|00ded View Post

            Of course they do, but being smaller, they do not carry nearly the quantity as a >5nm droplet hence the difficulty in getting an infectious concentration. You need to be indoors, in a closed room, or in a room with a lot of sick.

            Wearing a crappy mask will stop someone from firing a bunch of infectious (>5nm) droplets onto someone's face. It's not ideal, but it's not worthless.


            You JUST SAID 1 particle infects you. Come on truth monger! It is nasty. It is not fun. It is not that big of a deal if you are under 50 (probably 70).
            Livin the dream


            • Originally posted by wufan View Post

              You JUST SAID 1 particle infects you. Come on truth monger! It is nasty. It is not fun. It is not that big of a deal if you are under 50 (probably 70).
              You must have missed my sperm analogy.

              The vast majority of respiratory infections come from droplets that are transmitted within a fairly small radius. Where you are getting confused, is equating the size of the actual virus to the size of it's carrier, which in most cases, is droplets larger than 5nm. There's also the concentration issue that you continue to overlook. Just like it only takes one sperm to fertilize an egg, it only takes one Coronavirus to infect a human cell. But a sperm count of less than 13.5 million per mL, indicates infertility. That's still a lot of sperm getting released, but not enough to be statistically probable in causing a fertilization. This is the same with a viral infection; there is a concentration threshold that must be reached to have a statistical effect on infection rates. Non-aerosol droplets are dense with virus and getting them around your mouth, nose, or eyes is a high risk affair.
              I disagree, I believe Coronavirus to be a very big deal with enormous potential to inflict much pain and suffering on this world. Nearly all doctors and scientists not getting paid by Fox News agree with me.




              • Originally posted by wufan View Post
                It is the flu, except less deadly in young people. It is!
                I disagree and the data we have so far disagrees also.

                Now if you said this is the flu 2,000 years ago we could find some more common ground. But as it stands, Covid-19 is mostly unknown, novel, highly transmissible, and at least 3x as deadly as the flu. It's the shits - literally and figuratively.




                • Originally posted by Dave Stalwart View Post
                  I bet it is blowing some SN people's minds to have CB on their side of this issue. Probably making some of them very uneasy.
                  People on the same side of the fence as Cold gotta be like....


                  • It’s weird how right wing Cold values all of his data to every media network not named Fox News.

                    Never thought a brick wall like him would cave so easily.
                    Deuces Valley.
                    ... No really, deuces.
                    "Enjoy the ride."

                    - a smart man


                    • Originally posted by C0|dB|00ded View Post

                      I disagree and the data we have so far disagrees also.

                      Now if you said this is the flu 2,000 years ago we could find some more common ground. But as it stands, Covid-19 is mostly unknown, novel, highly transmissible, and at least 3x as deadly as the flu. It's the shits - literally and figuratively.


                      The data we have so far suggests that this hits old sick people pretty hard and is the flu for everyone else.

                      There are lots of unknowns so stop suggesting that there will be long term effects on young people.
                      Livin the dream


                      • One more thing...I have watched this very closely. As the data has come in, I have reassessed my position. Two or three times at least. I may do it again if the data changes. You are locked in to an ideology here.
                        Livin the dream


                        • Originally posted by JVShocker View Post

                          People on the same side of the fence as Cold gotta be like....

                          I always die a little bit inside seeing Capt. James T. Kirk. rocking the bad 80's toupee.

                          The most confident man in the universe wouldn't do that... :(




                          • Originally posted by C0|dB|00ded View Post

                            I disagree and the data we have so far disagrees also.

                            Now if you said this is the flu 2,000 years ago we could find some more common ground. But as it stands, Covid-19 is mostly unknown, novel, highly transmissible, and at least 3x as deadly as the flu. It's the shits - literally and figuratively.


                            Except there aren't a ton of true unknowns anymore. That was the whole point of the quarantine. Now we know who it affects mostly and how it affects them. As was said above, those who are elderly and / or have pre-existing medical conditions take extra precautions, those who are young and relatively healthy, go about your business as it is at worst like the flu and at best you won't show symptoms at all.


                            • Originally posted by wufan View Post
                              One more thing...I have watched this very closely. As the data has come in, I have reassessed my position. Two or three times at least. I may do it again if the data changes. You are locked in to an ideology here.
                              You mean you have reassessed your "best guess" which was polluted (biased) with hope.

                              I haven't reassessed anything because I don't need to. I still believe exactly the same as I did, with respect to the risk the world faces from Covid, since the point in time that the facts I had gathered (entirely from infectious disease experts) reached critical mass. With "sufficient" data accumulated, I then profiled my personal risk and developed a strategy to follow in order to keep myself, my loved ones, and my community safe. Strangely enough, my strategy is quite similar to Dr. Fauci's save for the short period where he didn't advocate wearing masks in order for the healthcare community to be able to secure sufficient PPE. He hasn't changed his either...

                              The reason I don't have to reassess anything is because my commentary is based solely on logic. I'm not trying to peg a number or win a prize. It's all logic, reason, game theory.

                              There is no advantage strategically, erring on the side of abandon and hittin' the bars with the guys, during this pandemic. The only prize you win is the "luxury" of getting back to normal a few months earlier than the rest of us. The risk however is unlimited. It's like selling a call option - picking up pennies in front of steamrollers.

                              The moment I hear one of you guys minimize the potential impact of this pandemic without the help of a time machine, is the exact moment I know your logic/strategy is fatally flawed.

                              And it makes absolutely no difference if by some miracle you are right in the end. Your strategy based on proper risk analysis, was wrong. You just enjoyed a variance in the probability outcome; i.e., you got lucky.




                              • Originally posted by MikeKennedyRulZ View Post

                                Except there aren't a ton of true unknowns anymore. That was the whole point of the quarantine. Now we know who it affects mostly and how it affects them. As was said above, those who are elderly and / or have pre-existing medical conditions take extra precautions, those who are young and relatively healthy, go about your business as it is at worst like the flu and at best you won't show symptoms at all.
                                There are plenty of unknowns, but I won't list them as wufan is already upset that I mentioned a possibility of long-term effects on young people.

                                The rules of the game are still quite simple: 1) We have a highly infectious, novel virus that kills at a low enough rate to spread far and wide, and heinous enough to cause panic and suffering on those it makes its victim. 2) We have a large percentage of the population that has yet to be infected. 3) We still have a very real threat of an infection spike which will overload the hospitals and give us the scenario we all thought we avoided 2 months ago - massive deaths from every kind of affliction due to flooded ER's.

                                None of those facts have changed.

                                Now we have infections spiking again. Hospitalization rates will be what everyone is watching.

                                To think that now is the time to mosey on down to your local watering hole and enjoy a big steak and libation, is absolute lunacy.



