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Andrew Wiggins Class of 2013 to KU

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  • Originally posted by SubGod22 View Post
    Andrew is a SF and shoots the ball just fine. He would fit in very well with this program in every way if we were so blessed as to have him join.
    Wiggins will fit in well with any program.
    Livin the dream


    • Originally posted by RoyalShock View Post
      What position would Andrew play? I've heard nothing of his shooting ability.

      I know the odds he's even considering us are slim. I also understand he may be the best since LeBron. But I'll go on record as saying that unless both Nick and Cle have given their blessings (he would either send Nick deeper down the bench and/or force Cle to shift to SF) and his defense is game-ready to Marshall's standards, I don't think he's a good fit.
      Sorry, Royal, but I think you're way off the mark here.

      If Andrew Wiggins were a big ego and expected things (e.g., playing time) to be handed to him because of who he is and regardless of what he does to earn it, I'd agree -- that would be a bad fit. But I haven't seen or read anything to suggest that he'd be a bad fit at WSU attitudinally. And the idea that he could be a bad fit based on his impact on the team's play is beyond far-fetched.


      • Originally posted by WSUwatcher View Post
        Sorry, Royal, but I think you're way off the mark here.

        If Andrew Wiggins were a big ego and expected things (e.g., playing time) to be handed to him because of who he is and regardless of what he does to earn it, I'd agree -- that would be a bad fit. But I haven't seen or read anything to suggest that he'd be a bad fit at WSU attitudinally. And the idea that he could be a bad fit based on his impact on the team's play is beyond far-fetched.
        My point isn't that he'll demand playing time but that his game will demand playing time (unless his defense is poor). There's no way he wouldn't start. Which means it would be he and Cle at the SF/PF spots. I just don't see him coming here and pushing his brother further down the depth chart. The only way that wouldn't be the case is for Nick to beat out Evan. He's got a ways to go to do that. And if he does, we'll be scary good without Andrew.


        • Andrew's defense is excellent. If Cle and Andrew were on the team next year I expect Andrew at SF and Cle at PF. I doing see it cutting in to Nick's pt along with others.
          In the fast lane


          • Heck, let's just let Andrew go ahead and sign with NC. I think I read somewhere that the Tar Heels are supposed to be pretty good this year so why not have the shox go out to their place and knock the crap out of them. That would be a kick! I'll even volunteer to make the call to set this game up if someone can give me the phone number.

            Can I say "crap" on this forum?


            • Andrew is going to cut into any teams playing time. He is obviously not only that good, but will be a 'difference maker' anywhere he plays as well. He will make the team he signs with better and rise higher. We have enough good players that would surround him (if, if, if), that foes can't get away with focusing on him or they get burned. Just the idea that we can even discuss this as a possibility is cool. Actually, nobody during his games on TV or recruiting services seem to even refer to us as even a remote possibility. Oh, I almost forgot. we were not supposed to make the Final 4 either.

              Many of us wish Andrew the very best no matter where he signs. I am a Nick fan and look for him and all of our Juco players to improve as Seniors which is common-place here. Nick could be our very best shooter next Season and that is even if Andrew came aboard. However, we will have so many good shooters now, that will also be a tall order and the competition for playing time will be as fierce as ever before and that is saying something.

              We will be really good no matter what next Season. With Andrew, we would even be better with the possibility of really getting more looks from some of the very best players out there in the future. I have no idea what his verdict will be but I hope he has fun playing at the College level. Andrew is in huge demand and soon we all know his verdict.
              Last edited by forevershockerfan; April 16, 2013, 07:40 PM.
              Shocker basketball will forever be my favorite team in all of sports.


              • My thoughts on the whole "We want Wiggy!"

                Skip to 1:25 second mark.


                • Originally posted by WstateU View Post
                  Believe it Ricky!

                  Oh man. A man among boys.
                  "Prediction is very difficult, especially if it is about the future."

                  --Niels Bohr


                  • Originally posted by Ricardo del Rio View Post
                    Oh man. A man among boys.
                    WOW!!! His hops defy gravity and his spin-move is as good as I have seen from a High School player to the point it made me vertiginous!!! Thanks RDR for sharing this.
                    Shocker basketball will forever be my favorite team in all of sports.


                    • Originally posted by Downtown Shocker Brown View Post
                      If Coach Norman Dale had Andrew Wiggins attending Hickory he would have been cheering "We want Wiggy" too! Jimmy Chitwood can't dunk!
                      Livin the dream


                      • Originally posted by wufan View Post
                        If Coach Norman Dale had Andrew Wiggins attending Hickory he would have been cheering "We want Wiggy" too! Jimmy Chitwood can't dunk!
                        Maybe I'm just old school, and hopefully a few old timers will back me up, but the way I look at it is that a 10 ft jump shot counts just as many points as a dunk. And it's easier to run a play for an jumpshot than a dunk.

                        As bad as some teams are, Andrew won't have a 5'6 15 year old trying to stay in front of him next year.


                        • You all are keeping the hope alive. I think that we should have a "Stretch Five" position on this team because Andrew can do anything he wants to do and play any position he wants to. With that said, he's not coming.


                          • I'm not sure anyone really thinks he is coming here -- it's just fun to think of the possibilities. Wherever he goes, he will do just fine. The kid has talent.


                            • Originally posted by Downtown Shocker Brown View Post
                              Maybe I'm just old school, and hopefully a few old timers will back me up, but the way I look at it is that a 10 ft jump shot counts just as many points as a dunk. And it's easier to run a play for an jumpshot than a dunk.

                              As bad as some teams are, Andrew won't have a 5'6 15 year old trying to stay in front of him next year.
                              WAY more potential to be fouled when dunking than when shooting a 10' jump shot. Also far higher completion %.
                              Originally posted by BleacherReport
                              Fred VanVleet on Shockers' 3-Pt Shooting Confidence -- ' Honestly, I just tell these guys to let their nuts hang.'


                              • Our long national nightmare might be coming to an end.

                                Calipari already had his last visit with AW. Roy Williams will meet with him on Monday, Bill Self on Tuesday, and Leonard Hamilton will have the final visit next Wednesday.

                                With the signing period officially opening back up tomorrow, AW might commit within the next week and a half. Nothing left to do except make a decision after next Wednesday. Visits are done and his senior year of basketball is over.
                                Originally posted by BleacherReport
                                Fred VanVleet on Shockers' 3-Pt Shooting Confidence -- ' Honestly, I just tell these guys to let their nuts hang.'

