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Any news on Orukpe?

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  • Originally posted by WuDrWu
    I am not claiming to be an expert on the LOI so you can take my opinion, based upon research, for what it's worth.

    There is no expiration on the LOI. We are obligated to provide 1 year of financial aid and the SA is obligated to complete 1 year of scholastic attendance, period. There is no start or ending date on this agreement. The SA must attend the school he signs with, first, or he either 1)asks and is granted a release by that school to go elsewhere or 2)does not sign and loses 2 years of eligibility. There is no reason or cause to sign another LOI. It would hold no assurances that the 1st one does not hold.

    In other words, do not worry. If there are concerns, they are placed elsewhere, no matter what DJA says.
    That would make some sense, but I guess my question would be in SA's like Beckham who sign with IUPUI then go to JUCO for a year, then can sign with anyone. I think that is why many associate a year as the length.


    • [quote="Downtown Shocker Brown"]
      Originally posted by WuDrWu
      I am not claiming to be an expert on the LOI so you can take my opinion, based upon research, for what it's worth.

      There is no expiration on the LOI. We are obligated to provide 1 year of financial aid and the SA is obligated to complete 1 year of scholastic attendance, period. There is no start or ending date on this agreement. The SA must attend the school he signs with, first, or he either 1)asks and is granted a release by that school to go elsewhere or 2)does not sign and loses 2 years of eligibility. There is no reason or cause to sign another LOI. It would hold no assurances that the 1st one does not hold.
      Actually the LOI does expire after a period of four years. The LOI begins on the date signed and ends after the four years. Otherwise, your statement is essentially correct. There are exceptions that if the SA attends a prep school or JC that does not participate in the LOI program AND if thereafter the initial school denies the SA application for financial aid for a subsequent semester, then the LOI is null and void.

      The LOI can be seen at the following link:
      "I not sure that I've ever been around a more competitive player or young man than Fred VanVleet. I like to win more than 99.9% of the people in this world, but he may top me." -- Gregg Marshall 12/23/13 :peaceful:
      Remember when Nancy Pelosi said about Obamacare:
      "We have to pass it, to find out what's in it".

      A physician called into a radio show and said:
      "That's the definition of a stool sample."


      • Originally posted by WuDrWu
        In other words, do not worry. If there are concerns, they are placed elsewhere, no matter what DJA says.
        Settle down, Doc.

        I wasn't trying to stir up any problems; it was an honest inquiry based on previous discussions indicating that LOIs are only good for one year. If its true that they are binding for more than one year, than I agree there would be no need for a new one.


        • Well what I know is EO is gunna kick some major a##. He is gunna be formed by HCGM into the type of player he wants. With all of that raw talent it will be amazing to watch him play and watch him progress through the yearS!! GO SHOX!!


          • In posting that EO averaged 12 ppg and 9 rpg, that pertained to the 06-07 season. Does anyone know if he played for the Ebun Comets this last season
            (07-08), and if so, what his stats were?


            • According to an article I read, he was playing for the Nigerian Junior National Team. I think I also heard he was still playing for Ebun as well.


              • Originally posted by shockerfan1
                Well what I know is EO is gunna kick some major a##. He is gunna be formed by HCGM into the type of player he wants. With all of that raw talent it will be amazing to watch him play and watch him progress through the yearS!! GO SHOX!!
                I'm going to sit back and have PRIVATE expectations. Some of you are nervous nellies. I'm willing to wait and let him get here, have Coach work with him, and we'll see where that leads. All these high expectations are giving me a headache. And I'm afraid some of you have such high hopes -- well, it's a long way down if you fall. Not saying that there is any cause for thinking EO is not as he has been described, but it would probably make Coach feel a little easier if the enthusiasm is kept under control.

                We'll see what GM has to say once EO gets here. If you will remember, Coach kept trying to caution everyone about high expectations for a really good season last year -- and he was right. If he starts with that same line where EO is concerned, maybe we best listen.


                • Originally posted by Shox21
                  Originally posted by shockerfan1
                  Well what I know is EO is gunna kick some major a##. He is gunna be formed by HCGM into the type of player he wants. With all of that raw talent it will be amazing to watch him play and watch him progress through the yearS!! GO SHOX!!
                  I'm going to sit back and have PRIVATE expectations. Some of you are nervous nellies. I'm willing to wait and let him get here, have Coach work with him, and we'll see where that leads. All these high expectations are giving me a headache. And I'm afraid some of you have such high hopes -- well, it's a long way down if you fall. Not saying that there is any cause for thinking EO is not as he has been described, but it would probably make Coach feel a little easier if the enthusiasm is kept under control.

                  We'll see what GM has to say once EO gets here. If you will remember, Coach kept trying to caution everyone about high expectations for a really good season last year -- and he was right. If he starts with that same line where EO is concerned, maybe we best listen.

                  Are you implying in some roundabout way that Coach Marshall knows more about basketball and what the expectations should be more than those people who post on Shockernet??


                  • Originally posted by DoubleJayAlum
                    Originally posted by WuDrWu
                    In other words, do not worry. If there are concerns, they are placed elsewhere, no matter what DJA says.
                    Settle down, Doc.

                    I wasn't trying to stir up any problems; it was an honest inquiry based on previous discussions indicating that LOIs are only good for one year. If its true that they are binding for more than one year, than I agree there would be no need for a new one.
                    Very settled thank you. Actually, I was attempting to be more of a smartass than anything. I know you are one of the good guys, college affiliation aside.


                    • I was just on and there was a comment that there was talk on the radio discussing the possibility that EO maybe not even be going to WSU. Any truth to those types of conversations, or is it just someone trying to get a rise out of people?

                      I'm out of state and can't hear any local broadcasts.


                      • Originally posted by Flanders
                        I was just on and there was a comment that there was talk on the radio discussing the possibility that EO maybe not even be going to WSU. Any truth to those types of conversations, or is it just someone trying to get a rise out of people?

                        I'm out of state and can't hear any local broadcasts.
                        Can you read this thread?
                        The truth will set you free. But first, it will piss you off.


                        • I think I was keeping my expectations low for the first while. From what HCGM has said in public and in private there is very good reason to have reasonable expectations. And he also has worked his butt off for a year to get this thing to happen. If EO was no good he would have been friggin left in Nigeria. There is a lot of reasons to get excited for these next seasons. That's all. Sorry for giving you a headache. Maybe if you were a little more excited you could have gone around the headache there bud.


                          • rjl,

                            Yes, I possess the ability to read. But no, I don't have time to go through 44 pages of posts.


                            • Just pick any of the past 3 or 4.


                              • Thanks, Downtown.

                                See, rjl, that wasn't so difficult was it?

