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Coy drops Basketball for Baseball

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  • #91
    Originally posted by Zardoz
    I feel bad for Johnny and the Coy family, but what Marshall is doing is most likely in keeping with the good ol boys guidelines and regulations of the NCAA. A coat cost a WSU team that was 18 and 0 in the Valley and 3 losses on the year from having any post-season. What Marshall is doing is protecting his team, you don't like it, I don't like it, but the vultures at KU and KSU and other BCS schools would see that it wouldn't result in a hand-slap penalty, like KU got when they were actually paying players, we would get the death penalty.
    Excellent point!


    • #92
      Originally posted by wushock
      In my opinion (Only mine) I think RC20 should take a hike. This is not doing us or the programs any good.
      And I think you should have kept this opinion to yourself. If this is how portions of our athletic department operates I'm embarassed. Our AD, once again, is sitting still and not doing a damn thing. You have two grown men and respected coaches who can't work out a schedule? C'mon guys!

      If anyone has the inside information that is accurate, it's RC20. Stick around RC and keep the information coming. We all need to see the cold hard truth and if it bothers the many yellow shade wearing fans on this board, then so be it. WSU athletics is not immune to controversy so accept it wushock.


      • #93
        The problem Big Brother Coy doesn't bring up, is the total cost to the basketball program in time spent recruiting Coy, practice time with coachs, and now the year lost in developing a new player. Due to the timing of his decision, we lost all of the above by letting a scholarship go vacant for a season. Marshall should be pissed. My guess is that Gene is the problem, by demanding that Coy practice during the fall which is in direct conflict with Basketball Season. Who was paying the cost of Coy? Not baseball. Basketball took the hit.


        • #94
          Re: Johnny Coy

          Originally posted by rc20
          Too bad for Johnny that he has to go 20K in debt because his college coaches couldn't communicate.
          Cry me a river, you're talking about a future pro athlete who made the decision to walk away from his scholarship opportunity.

          There are consequences for his actions.

          Do you want to take a guess at the financial loss the university is taking by having nothing to show for their recruiting investment?

          While we all want the inside info, I doubt you're doing your brother any favors by airing your laundry here.
          "Don't measure yourself by what you have accomplished, but by what you should accomplish with your ability."
          -John Wooden


          • #95
            The AD not stepping in is a sign of who runs the show there.....Krusty. The only problem with that is HCGM didn't back down because as we have seen from his dealings with Crouton and Dana Hairlip Altman, he likes a good fight. Schaus was the only AD we've had over Krusty that wasn't scared of him. Last I checked fall is a lot closer to basketball season than baseball and the AD should have seen it that way period and laid down the law. He plays baseball in the spring and summer, basketball in the fall and winter. What the hell is so hard to figure out?

            Anybody that faults your brother in this RC20 is a tool of immense proportions. There are people that get paid big money to manage these situations that have failed him.


            • #96
              Let me start by saying that 5 pages into this thread I think is to late to delete it. A lot of things have been said.

              I personally still don't know what has been done that is so bad. I only know that Marshall and Coy had a meeting and that it was decided that it would be best for Coy to drop Basketball to concentrate on Baseball. I don't see anything wrong with that.

              I have NO IDEA why anyone is dragging Paul into this discussion. He is a reporter doing his job.

              I'm thinking the same thing about Sexton. He is the A.D. not the coaches babysitter. If you have another problem with him, that's another subject altogether.

              I don't know what the coaches did and did not do or agree to, I don't think too many of the rest of you except rc20 know either.

              I will add my thoughts about the taking of the books. Love them or not, the NCAA rules are pretty clear that you can't give a Basketball scholarship and the money and books to a player who is no longer a Basketball player. That's an NCAA rule and HCGM MUST FOLLOW THE RULES. WSU can not afford to get into trouble for violating NCAA rules.


              • #97
                Re: Delete the entire post

                Originally posted by rc20
                I say delete the entire thread. Don't mention the situation again and I will be extremely happy. When people continue to post both positively and negatively about the situation I will continue to post. I have no allegience to Marshall after the way he treated Johnny. I say delete the thread and ban anyone from the site who mentions this topic.

                Johnny hopes to play pro baseball someday and his reputation is on the line. If a scout or anyone read the earlier negative stuff about Johnny without anyone setting the record straight I feel it could hurt him. It could be a friend of a scout who tells a scout. If someone googled his name this stuff would probably come up. Please just delete the post and we will all be happy!
                Anyone who thinks rc brings an impartial, balanced view of what happened or is happening need look no further than this post.

                There is a lot of blame to go around, and each coach bears as much as Johnny does. Blaming Coach Marshall for all that has happened is plain ludacris.

                Johnny played ball over the summer. It is now time for basketball, for him to fulfill his commitment to the university for the education it was giving Johnny for his playing basketball. When he dropped basketball that agreement became void. Quit your job rc and see if you contiunue to get paid. Get to keep your school provided laptop. You and I both know it wouldn't happen.

                Keep blaming Coach Marshall for Johnny's decision, for him going $20k in debt(which tens of thousands of students do every year). Eventually Johnny will have to accept the consequences of his actions.

                And so will Coach Marshall and Coach Stephenson.


                • #98


                  • #99
                    If Johnny keeps pumping this information to his brother then it is time that he moves on. If he keeps this up all he will do is cause trouble for the University. If he tells you something brother keep it to yourself please


                    • Upon reading RC20's comments about Coach Marshall taking Johnny's books, while on first reading that seems bad, the real question is, "was it the correct decision under NCAA guidelines?"

                      From what I have read, it appears as though once Johnny made his decision to vacate his basketball scholarship, WSU was required under NCAA rules to recover the books. If they had let him retain possession, they would have been providing a non-scholarship athlete with an "impermissible benefit," which is a major violation under NCAA rules. In other words, Marshall had no other choice.

                      The NCAA is very strict on providing books to someone other than a scholarship student-athlete. Significant penalties have been levied against other schools providing such "impermissible benefits." WSU could not afford to go with a "gray area" interpretation of the rules, no matter Johnny's situation. Once Johnny made his decision, the NCAA rules dictated the course of action for WSU and Marshall.

                      Personally, I wish something could have been worked out for Johnny. It is an unfortunate outcome for everyone involved.


                      • Originally posted by Txlen
                        Upon reading RC20's comments about Coach Marshall taking Johnny's books, while on first reading that seems bad, the real question is, "was it the correct decision under NCAA guidelines?"

                        From what I have read, it appears as though once Johnny made his decision to vacate his basketball scholarship, WSU was required under NCAA rules to recover the books. If they had let him retain possession, they would have been providing a non-scholarship athlete with an "impermissible benefit," which is a major violation under NCAA rules. In other words, Marshall had no other choice.

                        The NCAA is very strict on providing books to someone other than a scholarship student-athlete. Significant penalties have been levied against other schools providing such "impermissible benefits." WSU could not afford to go with a "gray area" interpretation of the rules, no matter Johnny's situation. Once Johnny made his decision, the NCAA rules dictated the course of action for WSU and Marshall.

                        Personally, I wish something could have been worked out for Johnny. It is an unfortunate outcome for everyone involved.
                        Bingo. And once again we are only getting 1 side of the story. If Marshall took his books I doubt it was out of spite. I'm sure it would be a breech of NCAA rules. Anyway, this is still a one-sided show right now that is almost impossible to place blame. I guess maybe the AD, but that is about as far as it can go....maybe.
                        "He called me around noon and was thrilled," Brandt said. "He said he was going to be a Shocker forever." -- RIP Guy, you WILL indeed be a Shocker forever!


                        • Re: Delete the entire post

                          Originally posted by Downtown Shocker Brown
                          Johnny played ball over the summer. It is now time for basketball, for him to fulfill his commitment to the university for the education it was giving Johnny for his playing basketball. When he dropped basketball that agreement became void. Quit your job rc and see if you contiunue to get paid. Get to keep your school provided laptop. You and I both know it wouldn't happen.
                          How can he focus on basketball when Gene is requiring him to come to fall practice? How is it Coy's fault that Gene is telling him one thing and Marshall is telling him another? What the hell is he supposed to do? The lack of communication between the coaches and just in general is where the blame should lie.

                          It seems if anyone is impartial here, it's you. You're the one who seems closed to the facts and wants things to be one-sided in here.

                          In regards to the books, it would most likely be an NCAA violation so taking them away was of no choice to Marshall. So please rc, try and understand this as not being a slap in the face to Johnny, but Marshall protecting the program from the NCAA.

                          You gotta wonder how a lot of this stuff would have went down if Schaus was still in charge..
                          Deuces Valley.
                          ... No really, deuces.
                          "Enjoy the ride."

                          - a smart man


                          • Well said Fever, our new AD is over his head. I sure do miss Jim Shaus.


                            • Nobody is taking away J.Coy's books. The university will just be placing the cost of the textbooks on his tuition bill, just like other student at WSU.


                              • To me, if Johnny is on a basketball scholarship, then he should treat basketball as his 1st priority. Then anything else is 2nd
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