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Coy drops Basketball for Baseball

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    You stated at some point a Head Coach 'earned' the right to use his 'ships as he sees fit, so maybe you should re-read your convoluted drivel...'take a backseat to Gene'.

    You are dead wrong about the value of this scholarship to the basketball program right now. It has to be 100x easier to recruit a kid for the Nov. signing period when you actually have one that is available and not spoken for, don't you think.

    This isn't a charity for Gene, although he was never been embarrassed to take any and all freebies whether there offered or not.


    • Originally posted by shocktown

      You stated at some point a Head Coach 'earned' the right to use his 'ships as he sees fit, so maybe you should re-read your convoluted drivel...'take a backseat to Gene'.

      You are dead wrong about the value of this scholarship to the basketball program right now. It has to be 100x easier to recruit a kid for the Nov. signing period when you actually have one that is available and not spoken for, don't you think.

      This isn't a charity for Gene, although he was never been embarrassed to take any and all freebies whether there offered or not.
      shocktown - I didn't mean to say HCGM couldn't use his scholarships the way he wanted, I meant HCGM still should probably talk to the AD before going down this path (again, if these reports are true).

      HCGM would have a scholarship for the Nov. signing period either way. I think you just confirmed you are anti baseball and anti Gene so there is probably no point in a logical discussion with you. This didn't need to turn out to be basketball vs. baseball is all I am saying and you just proved my point that it has. Thank you.


      • Originally posted by shockfan89_
        Shox21 - I don't know anymore than anyone else. I am just basing it off of the information provided. But, that is my entire point, the AD should have gotten involved and settled it for the betterment of WSU regardless of what the cause is. I didn't say it was all HCGM's fault and am pretty sure it is not. Taking away his scholarship only hurts Coy and does not help the basketball team unless someone else is going to use that scholarship THIS semester. It seems like HCGM is wanting to punish Coy otherwise why not let him keep the scholarship and play basketball but let baseball take priority?
        I don't see it that way. It would really disappoint me if Marshall turns out to be that petty. But why should he allow a kid to play basketball that (1) is already behind on conditioning because of playing summer baseball and not being here for the weight room, etc., and (2) isn't finding the time to practice with his basketball group. Marshall is not going to let someone out on the floor that either isn't in shape and because of that could get hurt or, worse yet, hurt someone else, and that doesn't know the plays. And why should the basketball program be charged with the expense of someone warming the bench that is NEVER going to contribute. I'm sorry that Coy is paying the price for this but it was his decision. Unless the university intervenes and makes an exception, it's probably going to remain this way. I feel for the kid but we all have to live with decisions and choices we have made, some of which come at a very early age.


        • Originally posted by shockfan89_
          Originally posted by shocktown

          You stated at some point a Head Coach 'earned' the right to use his 'ships as he sees fit, so maybe you should re-read your convoluted drivel...'take a backseat to Gene'.

          You are dead wrong about the value of this scholarship to the basketball program right now. It has to be 100x easier to recruit a kid for the Nov. signing period when you actually have one that is available and not spoken for, don't you think.

          This isn't a charity for Gene, although he was never been embarrassed to take any and all freebies whether there offered or not.
          I don't need re-read anything. Maybe you should? HCGM would have a scholarship for the Nov. signing period either way. I think you just confirmed you are anti baseball and anti Gene so there is probably no point in a logical discussion with you. This didn't need to turn out to be basketball vs. baseball is all I am saying and you just proved my point that it has. Thank you.
          How so on the scholly, the only one previously available is spoken for (EO).

          Thank you for getting to my point, you can insult HCGM by stating he has to go thru the AD and somehow 'EARN' the right to run his program his way. While implying some other coaches have earned the right to apparently do as they please.

          BTW,I spend a little time in the AA Club and I'm not typically anti baseball, you just struck a nerve cause GS has had a few 'moments' that have not put WSU in the best light.


          • Originally posted by Shox21
            Originally posted by shockfan89_
            Shox21 - I don't know anymore than anyone else. I am just basing it off of the information provided. But, that is my entire point, the AD should have gotten involved and settled it for the betterment of WSU regardless of what the cause is. I didn't say it was all HCGM's fault and am pretty sure it is not. Taking away his scholarship only hurts Coy and does not help the basketball team unless someone else is going to use that scholarship THIS semester. It seems like HCGM is wanting to punish Coy otherwise why not let him keep the scholarship and play basketball but let baseball take priority?
            I don't see it that way. It would really disappoint me if Marshall turns out to be that petty. But why should he allow a kid to play basketball that (1) is already behind on conditioning because of playing summer baseball and not being here for the weight room, etc., and (2) isn't finding the time to practice with his basketball group. Marshall is not going to let someone out on the floor that either isn't in shape and because of that could get hurt or, worse yet, hurt someone else, and that doesn't know the plays. And why should the basketball program be charged with the expense of someone warming the bench that is NEVER going to contribute. I'm sorry that Coy is paying the price for this but it was his decision. Unless the university intervenes and makes an exception, it's probably going to remain this way. I feel for the kid but we all have to live with decisions and choices we have made, some of which come at a very early age.
            Shox21 - Thank you for a logical discussion and I agree with you on the surface. My point is the way this was handled it appear that HCGM has no other reason for taking away the scholarship than to punish Coy? Can you think of a valid reason (at this point in time) to not let Coy use the scholarship for this semester whether or not he ever contributes anything to basketball or not? Why is everyone so concerned with whether this is a basketball scholarship or whether basketball gets charged with this expense or not?


            • Originally posted by shocktown
              Thank you for getting to my point, you can insult HCGM by stating he has to go thru the AD and somehow 'EARN' the right to run his program his way. While implying some other coaches have earned the right to apparently do as they please.

              BTW,I spend a little time in the AA Club and I'm not typically anti baseball, you just struck a nerve cause GS has had a few 'moments' that have not put WSU in the best light.
              Understood, but obviously this was handled poorly by someone or everyone and could have used the AD involvement in my opinion. That was my main point!


              • Originally posted by shockfan89_
                Originally posted by shocktown
                Thank you for getting to my point, you can insult HCGM by stating he has to go thru the AD and somehow 'EARN' the right to run his program his way. While implying some other coaches have earned the right to apparently do as they please.

                BTW,I spend a little time in the AA Club and I'm not typically anti baseball, you just struck a nerve cause GS has had a few 'moments' that have not put WSU in the best light.
                Understood, but obviously this was handled poorly by someone or everyone and could have used the AD involvement in my opinion. That was my main point!

                At this point though the cows out of the barn and I don't see any going back.

                Sometimes we just have to live with our decisions, all should just learn from it and move on.

                Enjoy Labor Day!


                • Re: Delete the entire post

                  Originally posted by ShockerFever
                  You gotta wonder how a lot of this stuff would have went down if Schaus was still in charge..
                  We'll probably never know the full truth of this story but one thing I'm assured of - FADJS would have never let such tawdry affairs outside the inner-sanctum. That man was simply a PR genius. Under his watch Gregg could have mooned Mean Gene and challenged him to a fist fight and we'd never hear a word about it. Hopefully the novice will take with him a valuable lesson and next time say to himself, "What would FADJS do?"


                  • Re: Delete the entire post

                    Originally posted by BostonWu
                    Originally posted by ShockerFever
                    You gotta wonder how a lot of this stuff would have went down if Schaus was still in charge..
                    We'll probably never know the full truth of this story but one thing I'm assured of - FADJS would have never let such tawdry affairs outside the inner-sanctum. That man was simply a PR genius. Under his watch Gregg could have mooned Mean Gene and challenged him to a fist fight and we'd never hear a word about it. Hopefully the novice will take with him a valuable lesson and next time say to himself, "What would FADJS do?"
                    :good: :good: :good:


                    • It probably ended the way it should. Some people got a little upset (and I think that it was understandable if you put yourself in their shoes) but in the long run, Coy is playing baseball which is what he wanted most or at least was his highest priority. Basketball will survive and I hope he has a great year or years for Shocker baseball.


                      • Originally posted by tropicalshox
                        Dan probably hit it on the nose. A reason given at ASU for his redshirt was because he didn't come to school in basketball shape due to playing baseball. That was probably the case again this year.

                        The baseball practices are voluntary. I believe that is a MUST be voluntary or it is a NCAA violation. It's basketball season prep time. He belonged on the floor for individual sessions with everyone else at the designated time. And to keep up with his teammates, in the weight room. Stop blaming the coaches and the AD. It sure looks like Johnny didn't want to devote his efforts to basketball when it was due, or perhaps past due.

                        Not being on the team, he doesn't deserve a full ride basketball scholarship. On the book issue, we darn well have to make sure there is no possibility of a violation. It's too bad he didn't foresee his devotion to baseball so he could of received a partial scholarship like the rest of the baseball players.
                        Of all the conjecture in the last few pages of this thread, I think Tropicalshox's post is the most relevant.

                        It's obvious that baseball was Coy's true love because that's the sport he chose to play in college. It's what he's projected to be the best at. It's evidently what he wants to do in the future.

                        More power to him.

                        Only drawback for him is that he'll now have to get a student loan (or pay out of pocket, if so capable) to pay for college this year, just like everybodyelse.
                        The truth will set you free. But first, it will piss you off.


                        • Originally posted by shockfan89_
                          Shox21 - Thank you for a logical discussion and I agree with you on the surface. My point is the way this was handled it appear that HCGM has no other reason for taking away the scholarship than to punish Coy? Can you think of a valid reason (at this point in time) to not let Coy use the scholarship for this semester whether or not he ever contributes anything to basketball or not? Why is everyone so concerned with whether this is a basketball scholarship or whether basketball gets charged with this expense or not?
                          I respectfully disagree that Marshall had no other reason for taking away the scholarship than to punish JC. Marshall didn't so much take the scholarship away as Coy gave it up. It was a basketball scholarship and JC would have used it to practice with the baseball team. I would think this has to be an NCAA rule. I cannot believe the NCAA would allow a student on a sports scholarship to quit that sport in order play another sport and still retain the scholarship, even for a short time. Anyone wonder how many nannoseconds it would take our two northern BCS teams to yell -- and rightfully so. I cannot image the mess it would make of the NCAA rules once the BCS schools started doing this to get extra mileage and extra players on the court for a semester or two. Why not take a tennis scholarship and let the student instead of playing tennis, play golf or bowl or god forbid, play basketball.

                          Anyone wonder what Gene would have said if the tables had been turned and Coy had a baseball scholarship but once here decided he would rather golf? I don't wonder at all.

                          Somehow it just doesn't seem likely the NCAA is going to allow a student to use a scholarship in one sport whiich now he has decided not to play in order to participate in another sport, even if it is for a short time.


                          • To me that would make all the difference in the world. I know a student can quit a sport and retain their scholarship for the rest of the year but I don't have any idea how that would work if they are playing another sport where they are not receiving a scholarship. My guess is that it would be ok for one semester or one year but it would not be renewed. Who knows? It could easily be a loop hole for schools to use scholarships for other sports. But that doesn't explain physically removing the books from the player, if that indeed happened.

                            I thought it was also interesting that Gene and JT were "banned" from the meeting? Who banned them? Why? Wouldn't this be an ideal setting to get everyone involved and try to work something out between all the relevant parties or at least have everyone telling the same story as to why it happened? Why was it an assistant AD?

                            Your point is well taken on if this happened to Gene. I will promise you he wouldn't be happy (who would) I don't think anyone faults HCGM for being upset about it but I guess I was trying to look at it from a larger perspective and say if we are going to be down one scholarship in basketball no matter what happens, why not let Coy use it for the semester or the year if it doesn't violate any NCAA rules? Hell Nebraska can be up one in basketball because they can't count, why can't we be up one in a sport because a player changed his mind?


                            • Just as in the case a few years ago when J. Young was released from the team, his remaining scholarship was given to one of the non-scholarship players for the remainder of that year. Hopefully, GM & Mr. Sexton will be doing the same this year, i.e., allowing one or two of the non-schollie basketball players to have or share Coy's scholarship money for the remainder of the year.


                              • There is no way the NCAA would allow Coy to remain on scholarship in this situation.
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