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Coy drops Basketball for Baseball

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  • #46
    Originally posted by Downtown Shocker Brown
    Originally posted by ShockerFever
    I'm a little upset of the timing of this as a couple others have mentioned. Weren't there agreements made? Wasn't anything planned out? When Coy committed here nearly a year ago, wasn't it apparent then to both coaches that he was going to compete in 2 sports?

    This is purely speculation, but IMO, I'm guessing Gene didn't like him missing out on fall practices when the time actually came. Why this wasn't thought out ahead of time I have no clue.

    What it does leave is a pretty crappy situation for one sport. Who knows how good he was at basketball? We didn't even get a chance to see him play so who knows how big or little of a loss he is. Regardless, it is one less scholly we have for the season and that BITES.

    I'm kinda PO'ed right now with the coach(s). This shouldn't have happened the way it did.
    :ohno: :banghead:
    Uh oh.. I pissed off Mr. Downtown.

    Thanks for explaining yourself with the use of two emoticons.
    Deuces Valley.
    ... No really, deuces.
    "Enjoy the ride."

    - a smart man


    • #47
      After gaining the 2 scholarships last spring, I believe Coach Marshall said something to the effect of "Now I have a team that I don't have to push to compete".

      There are kids out there that will bust their butt 24/7 and those kids will find a home at Wichita State.
      "Don't measure yourself by what you have accomplished, but by what you should accomplish with your ability."
      -John Wooden


      • #48
        ShockFever - I'm in your court on this one. The coaches knew this situation would be a tough one for Coy. Any changes in practice schedules or demands should be handled between the two sport's staffs (the more experienced and mature adults) before the young student athlete has stress dealing with it. The timing of this stinks! I think the lack of communication between the two sport's staffs and from them to Johnny has cost at least the basketball program a player (Coy or someone else in his place) for the year, some schollie money for one or more current baseball players, and/or the Coy's $s if no baseball schollie money is made available.


        • #49
          Taking out a loan

          As far as I know Johnny will have to take out a student loan for this year and pay out of state tuition. He'll also probably have to move out of his apartment because he can't afford the rent. Johnny is also hurt a lot by this as well.


          • #50
            I thought this might happebn during his career here but I didn't think it would happen this quickly. Johnny's future is in baseball as far as making it on a professional level. In basketball he was going to be a good college player but never a pro. Now he can focus where most of his potential is. Good for him for making that decision. The timing isn't great but don't think it's entirely one person's fault. Just a consequence of the situation.


            • #51
              If the account made by rc20 is accurate, and it certainly seems very credible to me then I don't see Johnny as the bad guy at all in this. If he was in fact promised the things rc20 describes than that is what should have be worked out between the coaches.

              HCGM comes across as the villian in rc20's version of events. Unfortunately, we have not nor do I expect that we will hear HCGM's side of the story.

              It just seems that there wasn't much of an effort to try and work things out, although I guess we don't know that for sure. I am a little disappointed in how this was handled, but admit I don't know all the facts.



              • #52
                Don't worry 72. You aren't the only one that doesn't know all of the facts but that hasn't stopped anyone before from anonymously stating an opinion. GM won't tell his side because he can't tell his side. He has a confidential relationship unlike Coy's brother.


                • #53
                  Just my opinion but the people who don't know should stop trying to find out everything and the people who do should shut up and talk to the person they have a problem with. Some things should remain private.


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by 1972Shocker
                    HCGM comes across as the villian in rc20's version of events. Unfortunately, we have not nor do I expect that we will hear HCGM's side of the story.
                    Take what you know of HCGM and apply it to this situation.

                    How do you think he took having a player not be able to give 100% to the team?

                    How do you think he took having to work around practice schedules for 1 player?

                    Sometimes it's unappetizing to watch sausage being made, but the results are often extremely tasty.
                    "Don't measure yourself by what you have accomplished, but by what you should accomplish with your ability."
                    -John Wooden


                    • #55
                      No doubt we are missing some key pieces to this puzzle and it is probably best that we just accept the situation for what it is -- a young man has decided to concentrate on one sport -- and let it go at that.

                      I certainly don't see it as a real big blow to the Men's Basketball program. I'm still expecting a much better year from the Shocks with a very good chance for them to surprise on the upside.


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by 1972Shocker
                        No doubt we are missing some key pieces to this puzzle and it is probably best that we just accept the situation for what it is -- a young man has decided to concentrate on one sport -- and let it go at that.

                        I like this a lot. Lock it up.


                        • #57
                          People are talking about how Marshall could be to fault here but everybody needs to realize what he gave up in this. it was a BASKETBALL scholly and coy did miss all summer playing baseball, missing valuable teamwork with the basketball. Therefore you can't blame Marshall for this. Coy made his decision and has to live with it, if that moving out of apartment so be it. I am not mad at coy at all for this, yes was bad timing but thats life, his future looks to be in baseball. With that said good luck Coy. Oh and i don't post a lot on here because i stay reserved, but i do know what i am saying. nobody take that the wrong way but i am huge shocker fan and i will post from time to time. go shockers :goshocks: :posterwu:


                          • #58
                            you people need to get a grip

                            -JC was only eligible for second semester in basketball

                            -JC has a career ahead of him in baseball not basketball

                            -Now Marshall has two schollies for next year

                            -No immediate impact to the basketball team (I don't doubt he was good but with the late start and limited practice I would think he wasn't expected to produce a lot this year)

                            -Who cares if he only plays one year and bolts for the draft. If he plays to his potential this spring then he should be drafted high enough to sign. Thats a win win for the baseball team and JC.

                            Just my opinion but some of you people are making too big a deal out of this.


                            • #59
                              Paul Miller tried to start his career as a 2 sport athlete. That didn't last long either.


                              • #60

                                "You Just Want to Slap The #### Outta Some People"

