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Coy drops Basketball for Baseball

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  • Setting the record straight

    First of all, Marshall took Johnny's books. He has no books. He has to hope that the bookstore has his books on Tuesday or he has to continue his classes with no books.

    Second, the fall baseball practices are as a team.. All 30 players at once. The basketball practices are individuals until Oct. 17th or so. Marshall is only allowed to have 2 hours of practice with the small groups a week. That is about 4 -- 30 minute sessions a week. He could of made Johnny's group work out at 6 AM or 10 PM and it would not have interferred with baseball. Scheduling a practice for 3 or 4 players (Johnny's basketball group) is a lot easier than scheduling a practice around a 30 man practice like the baseball team has. Once the first official basketball team practice came, it was supposed to be no more baseball. Once again, someone not knowing the information and me having to make the coaching staffs even worse. Let's stop making assumptions and think the worst and we can all end this thread.


    • Re: Delete the entire post

      Originally posted by ShockerFever
      Originally posted by Downtown Shocker Brown
      Johnny played ball over the summer. It is now time for basketball, for him to fulfill his commitment to the university for the education it was giving Johnny for his playing basketball. When he dropped basketball that agreement became void. Quit your job rc and see if you contiunue to get paid. Get to keep your school provided laptop. You and I both know it wouldn't happen.
      How can he focus on basketball when Gene is requiring him to come to fall practice? How is it Coy's fault that Gene is telling him one thing and Marshall is telling him another? What the hell is he supposed to do? The lack of communication between the coaches and just in general is where the blame should lie.

      It seems if anyone is impartial here, it's you. You're the one who seems closed to the facts and wants things to be one-sided in here.

      In regards to the books, it would most likely be an NCAA violation so taking them away was of no choice to Marshall. So please rc, try and understand this as not being a slap in the face to Johnny, but Marshall protecting the program from the NCAA.

      You gotta wonder how a lot of this stuff would have went down if Schaus was still in charge..
      I'm one sided. You are correct. I am on the side that it was a bad situation from the start. I'm on the side that ALL 3 have equal fault in how things turned out. You will not, and have not seen me say its solely any one persons fault. I agree that the coaches especially should have communicated with each other about schedules.

      But I take exception to letting JC off like he is also not at fault in any way shape or form. That is where I differ from most on here apparently.

      To quote myself loosely from earlier, "there is plenty of blame and it is divided evenly among all 3."


      • and this is why, players or their families should not read shockernet
        Follow me on twitter:


        • Please Please RC button up and quit reporting on this site


          • The situation is what it is. Marshall is not one to "explain" or "defend" his actions. Only those closely involved know what agreements were made as to what Coy could do this summer and what was agreed to about practice sessions between the two programs. I find it a little harsh that if, as reported by big brother, Coy's text books were taken from him. If this did in fact happen, I can only belive Marshall did not have a choice in the matter because of the NCAA rules. I would be surprised to find that Marshall was being vindictive toward Coy by this action.

            No amount of "discussion" here is going to solve anything because ONLY ONE SIDE OF THIS MESS HAS BEEN PRESENTED, and frankly there are three sides to this. Coy's side is presented by his brother (no bias here :roll: ) -- both Marshall and Stephenson have refrained from comment. Maybe all of us should follow suit.

            Coy, Stephenson and the baseball team seem to have come out on top here - Marshall and the basketball team not so much. However, what I don't want to see is WSU getting a lot of bad publicity out of this. That does not bode well for either program. Life goes on. We will survive. I wish Coy all the luck in the future on his baseball career and I will be cheering for the team. And I, like many of you, feel there are really good things in store for the basketball team. But no one wants this kind of cloud hanging over either program.


            • If there were conflicting schedules basketball should be the priority since it was paying for his education. If Gene didn't like it he could talk to Gregg and see if anything could be worked out. If not, then he'd just have to deal with it.

              I agree it's a crappy situation all around and the blame doesn't fall on just one side. Everyone played some part in this but the ultimate decision came down to Coy and what he wanted to do. As soon as he decided to give up basketball and his scholarship for the year he lost his free ride and I don't feel sorry for him having to go in debt like many other college students because of the lack of scholarship. He knew that was going to happen before he quite. And if he didn't know he didn't think things through as well as he should have.
              Infinity Art Glass - Fantastic local artist and Shocker fan
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              Carpenter Place - A blessing to many young girls/women
              ICT S.O.S - Great local cause fighting against human trafficking
              Wartick Insurance Agency - Saved me money with more coverage.
              Save Shocker Sports - A rallying cry


              • Re: Setting the record straight

                Originally posted by rc20
                First of all, Marshall took Johnny's books. He has no books. He has to hope that the bookstore has his books on Tuesday or he has to continue his classes with no books.

                Second, the fall baseball practices are as a team.. All 30 players at once. The basketball practices are individuals until Oct. 17th or so. Marshall is only allowed to have 2 hours of practice with the small groups a week. That is about 4 -- 30 minute sessions a week. He could of made Johnny's group work out at 6 AM or 10 PM and it would not have interferred with baseball. Scheduling a practice for 3 or 4 players (Johnny's basketball group) is a lot easier than scheduling a practice around a 30 man practice like the baseball team has. Once the first official basketball team practice came, it was supposed to be no more baseball. Once again, someone not knowing the information and me having to make the coaching staffs even worse. Let's stop making assumptions and think the worst and we can all end this thread.

                Bottom line is that he was on BASKETBALL scholarship and he played baseball all summer.

                If there was a conflict then basketball should have gotten preference over baseball.


                • Man you people know it all don't you?

                  -AD sucks

                  -Coaches fault

                  -Coy's fault

                  -Priorities not in place

                  -Bro shouldn't be posting

                  Dang, some of you need to get off shockernet and head to washington with all this knowledge. It could be used to a greater good there :roll:

                  Anybody like lukewarm anything? Thats what your going to get with a two sport player in college. Not enough time to go around. This situation is probably going to benefit EVERYBODY in the long run. Quit your Whinning sit back and enjoy the fact that Coy will be deditcated to baseball fulltime, his brother is nice enough to post on here. Marshall has two scholarships for 2010 now. Oh and Lay off ES, Good lord.....

                  It blows my mind what apparently deeply troubles some of you people.


                  • For those of you still whining that basketball comes first due to his scholarship, then tell that to Gene. And then to that to Marshall and ask him if he talked with Gene about it.

                    I'm still trying to understand Coy's role in taking the blame.
                    Deuces Valley.
                    ... No really, deuces.
                    "Enjoy the ride."

                    - a smart man


                    • Originally posted by SubGod22
                      If there were conflicting schedules basketball should be the priority since it was paying for his education..
                      I agree with this only if, in all situations, that is what both coaches (with the ADs knowledge) agreed to. If the agreement was that basketball doesn't take priority until full team practices start, then...

                      If Gene didn't like it he could talk to Gregg and see if anything could be worked out. If not, then he'd just have to deal with it.
                      Well, not exactly. If this particular situation had not already been addressed, that decision should be the AD's. Then, both coaches just have to deal with it.

                      I agree it's a crappy situation all around and the blame doesn't fall on just one side. Everyone played some part in this but the ultimate decision came down to Coy and what he wanted to do.
                      Are you sure this is what he wanted to do? He may have felt that having to deal with two coaches egos and being the messenger from one coach to another was more than he could handle. If this is the situation, someone in the ADs office should have been the go between to deal with Gene and Gregg, not a kid also having to deal with college classes on top of two sports.

                      As soon as he decided to give up basketball and his scholarship for the year he lost his free ride and I don't feel sorry for him having to go in debt like many other college students because of the lack of scholarship. He knew that was going to happen before he quite. And if he didn't know he didn't think things through as well as he should have.
                      If either of the coaches made sure he understood this before he made his decision, you're correct. If neither did, particularly HCGM, then one should have counseled Johnny asking if he wanted to talk to his family first and sleep on it overnight. Then, if there was any conflict in where he should be practicing when, both coaches should have set down with the AD and work it out before JC made his final decision.


                      • I am grateful that Johnny picked Wichita State. I don't think Shockernetters are unjustified in being in a bit of an uproar about this as we have been very excited about what Johnny can do in both sports. Since he can't swing it because our coaches do what they have to do then I am glad he will be on the baseball team. Someone said it well we aren't required to find blame here. Let's support Johnny, our coaches and our AD and move on. I watch enough crazy BS infighting in Politics. I don't want it with my beloved Shockers.


                        • Has anyone here stopped to think that we're talking about a 20 year old kid? Let's say for the sake of argument he did make a bad choice in terms of what sport to choose, etc. Would he be the first 20 year old to make a bad call on a tough decision? Does there really need to be this level of derision on a message board that his family clearly reads?

                          When he made the decision to transfer here and everyone was clamoring that a "2 sport star" was on his way, every one of you should have known this was coming. Take this back to the days of Bo Jackson and the fact that every year there was a fight over where his "priorities" should lie. Same thing with Deion Sanders. If his baseball team was winning, he would stay with baseball. If not, it was on to football. Two sport attempts are doomed from the get-go every time.

                          I don't know much about him, but Coy seems like a very talented kid that was happy to be at WSU. Considering the way he appears to have been scrutinized at school and on the message boards, perhaps we should be glad he didn't just drop out altogether.


                          • Originally posted by shockerfan
                            Originally posted by Txlen
                            Upon reading RC20's comments about Coach Marshall taking Johnny's books, while on first reading that seems bad, the real question is, "was it the correct decision under NCAA guidelines?"

                            From what I have read, it appears as though once Johnny made his decision to vacate his basketball scholarship, WSU was required under NCAA rules to recover the books. If they had let him retain possession, they would have been providing a non-scholarship athlete with an "impermissible benefit," which is a major violation under NCAA rules. In other words, Marshall had no other choice.

                            The NCAA is very strict on providing books to someone other than a scholarship student-athlete. Significant penalties have been levied against other schools providing such "impermissible benefits." WSU could not afford to go with a "gray area" interpretation of the rules, no matter Johnny's situation. Once Johnny made his decision, the NCAA rules dictated the course of action for WSU and Marshall.

                            Personally, I wish something could have been worked out for Johnny. It is an unfortunate outcome for everyone involved.
                            Bingo. And once again we are only getting 1 side of the story. If Marshall took his books I doubt it was out of spite. I'm sure it would be a breech of NCAA rules. Anyway, this is still a one-sided show right now that is almost impossible to place blame. I guess maybe the AD, but that is about as far as it can go....maybe.
                            Even if he has quit the basketball team, why can't he keep the scholarship for at least the fall semester? That doesn't violate any NCAA rules, would allow Coy to keep his books and doesn't really harm anyone. It seems pretty unlikely that the basketball team could replace his scholly until the semester at the earliest anyway. The only way NCAA rules factor in to the conversation is if the coach decides to rip away the scholarship. Coy would hardly be the first athlete to ever drop a sport once a semester has commenced...


                            • DJA - I believe the problem lies in the fact he also plays baseball. He may not be able to have a basketball schollie, drop the sport, but continue during that semester to practice baseball when there are no baseball schollies available.


                              • This book/school/scholarship/fees issue is a baseball program problem and is no longer a basketball issue. It is not the fault of HCGM or even anyone in the athletic department if Coy and/or his advisors did not think this thing through.

                                Good luck in the spring Johnny I'll be cheering for you.

                                Go Shocks!!!!
                                “Losers Average Losers.” ― Paul Tudor Jones

